I was thinking of all of you at the Relay last night.....

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
As some of you may recall, I am on mega- drowsy and jittery making meds for this stupid hives situation~ and I still have 2 days of meds to go! That rather curtailed my Relay For Life activities! I am usually the one staying the entire 24 hours, being delirious and sore by the next morning~ but of course, so happy I made it for another Relay!

I didn't get to stay as long as I normally do, but Reggie and I and his youngest ( 18 yr old) daughter stayed for a few hours. I got there early enough to make luminarias; I now go armed with my own markers, punches, stickers, etc to not have to wait in line for just the right colors, etc! I purchase the un-marked luminarias, and retreat to my deck chair, and color away! :-) Anyway, I want you to know, that aside from chanting your names as I walked the laps...I thought of all of you as I made luminarias. I bought 6 of them, and made one for my actual family~ many who I have lost to the Beast, as well as many who have triumphed! The other 5 luminarias? I hope you approve....

CSN Kindred Spirits!
Caregivers Around The World~ I Love You!
Those Who Fight
Those Who Fought



  • dmc_emmy
    dmc_emmy Member Posts: 549
    Way to go Claudia!
    With meds and all you still made it to Relay! You're amazing! As for the luminarias, I approve :). You did well my friend.
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Oh Claudia!
    You are in fact a "dearheart"! Thank you so much for thinking of us all!


  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    thank you thank you thank you
    Even feeling woozy and "off" , you are still the warrior woman!

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Woozy Relay
    Claudia, You are more than 50 ft. tall! Lynn
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    I can't even make it around the block!! Way to go Caudia. Thanks for thinking of us!! :) Pammy
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Thank you...I think that pretty much covers us all!! of course I more than approve! I am touched and inspired by what you did and do for us always.
    hugs, jackie
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Okay Claudia.. where do I
    Okay Claudia.. where do I get some... you know that pep and vigor... all that energy that even when your feeling unlike a million bucks you still get out there and rev v v v up that engine... Thank you for thinking of all of us ... you are truly an inspiration!

    By the way... when you figure out a way to bottle it... not only do we all want some.. but you'll make a fortune...lol


  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    taleena said:

    Okay Claudia.. where do I
    Okay Claudia.. where do I get some... you know that pep and vigor... all that energy that even when your feeling unlike a million bucks you still get out there and rev v v v up that engine... Thank you for thinking of all of us ... you are truly an inspiration!

    By the way... when you figure out a way to bottle it... not only do we all want some.. but you'll make a fortune...lol



    Oh Claudia, who would have
    Oh Claudia, who would have even THOUGHT you would miss the Relay For Life.....not me. You are truly an inspiration for all of us who strive to reach the same plateau, step for step. I can just imagine what your luminaries looked like, and know that they were a hit. Glad you had a good time, which is what Relay is all about. This ia an event that lets you be surrounded by those in the fight, those who fought hard, and those who support us all. Glad you were able to attend to spite your meds. Hugs.

  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Thank you Claudia, what a
    Thank you Claudia, what a beautiful gesture and thank you for being at the relay. Just remember the candles you light are for you too, I hope you don't forget that.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member

    Thank you Claudia, what a
    Thank you Claudia, what a beautiful gesture and thank you for being at the relay. Just remember the candles you light are for you too, I hope you don't forget that.


    How funny Jan~ I absolutely did forget the candles are for me as well! The thing I love most about the luminarias? That volunteers stay awake ALL NIGHT LONG making sure that no one's flame is ever extinguished. Isn't that the most beautiful thing, ever?? On so many levels it is exquisitly true for all of us~

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Dear Kindred Spirit...
    Sincere and heartfelt thanks for ALL you did yesterday at The Relay, for ALL of us, in spite of the meds. You are, as ever and always, a true and cherished inspiration.

    Your luminarias are especially touching. Thank you, again.

    Kind regards, 12/25
  • phillis313
    phillis313 Member Posts: 16

    Dear Kindred Spirit...
    Sincere and heartfelt thanks for ALL you did yesterday at The Relay, for ALL of us, in spite of the meds. You are, as ever and always, a true and cherished inspiration.

    Your luminarias are especially touching. Thank you, again.

    Kind regards, 12/25

    I went to my first relay last week. It was truly inspiring to see the many luminaries. You are such an inspiration Claudia! I hope to continue each year....I got tired after 4 miles...I don't know if I could stay up all night and do it!
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    I went to my first relay last week. It was truly inspiring to see the many luminaries. You are such an inspiration Claudia! I hope to continue each year....I got tired after 4 miles...I don't know if I could stay up all night and do it!

    Thats so cool
    That the light never gets extiguished! I do wish i had your energy. Hoping it will come soon.
    My daughter-in-law, Angie, heads up the Relay for life in Bowman ND and i was doing radiation at the time of this..but she brought me a medal and a survivor shirt, and i gave her the promise I WOULD be walking in this next year with my 2 sweet grandaughters. Can't Wait!!!
    love, jackie
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    rjjj said:

    Thats so cool
    That the light never gets extiguished! I do wish i had your energy. Hoping it will come soon.
    My daughter-in-law, Angie, heads up the Relay for life in Bowman ND and i was doing radiation at the time of this..but she brought me a medal and a survivor shirt, and i gave her the promise I WOULD be walking in this next year with my 2 sweet grandaughters. Can't Wait!!!
    love, jackie

    One More Thing ( for now, anyway!)
    Not that you will need this next year, but one of the other nice things at the Relay I attend is that there is a tent with rocking chairs in it~ as we all know, fatigue and other physical maladies may indeed prevent us from walking, but those whose hearts and spirit WANT to walk, can "Rock The Laps"...how cool is that?

    And one more thng about luminarias~ I am not saying this is an only in California phenomonon, though it certainly seems to be, not surprisingly. There is an entire section at the Relay dedicated to PETS we have lost to the Beast! With all of the animal lovers and nurturers on these boards, I feel certain you all heartily approve of recognizing these family members as well. Kindred Spirits are Kindred Spirits no matter how we look at it....

    Hugs, Meows, Barks, etc
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    chenheart said:

    One More Thing ( for now, anyway!)
    Not that you will need this next year, but one of the other nice things at the Relay I attend is that there is a tent with rocking chairs in it~ as we all know, fatigue and other physical maladies may indeed prevent us from walking, but those whose hearts and spirit WANT to walk, can "Rock The Laps"...how cool is that?

    And one more thng about luminarias~ I am not saying this is an only in California phenomonon, though it certainly seems to be, not surprisingly. There is an entire section at the Relay dedicated to PETS we have lost to the Beast! With all of the animal lovers and nurturers on these boards, I feel certain you all heartily approve of recognizing these family members as well. Kindred Spirits are Kindred Spirits no matter how we look at it....

    Hugs, Meows, Barks, etc

    Claudia ... you are AMAZING!
    In spite of the meds ... being jittery etc ... you did it.

    And ... I must admit ... when I read what you wrote on the luminarias ... my eyes teared up. What a wonderful gift you gave all of us here ... who think the world of you.

    Thank you so much for thinking of us. And ... if you have any pictures ... please share them.

  • bfbear
    bfbear Member Posts: 380
    tgf said:

    Claudia ... you are AMAZING!
    In spite of the meds ... being jittery etc ... you did it.

    And ... I must admit ... when I read what you wrote on the luminarias ... my eyes teared up. What a wonderful gift you gave all of us here ... who think the world of you.

    Thank you so much for thinking of us. And ... if you have any pictures ... please share them.


    My turn Friday night
    Hi Claudia,

    Thanks for your inspiration. I will make a lumineria (I've already decorated about 50 for the general group) for My CSN Buddies. Are there any special decorations any of you want to request???

    I am actually captaining a team, the BrEaST FRIENDS, and right now we are #1 as a team in fundraising and I am the #1 individual fundraiser (she said with a bit too much pride in her voice...sorry).

    Wish me luck Friday night. I don't know that I'll make it all the way through the night, but if I don't I'll be up early in the morning.

    I'll be thinking of ALL of you, and Claudia, yours will be the biggest voice in my head ("Come on, just one more lap!!).

    I love you guys! Don't know how I would have made it this far without you.

    Love and hugs,
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    bfbear said:

    My turn Friday night
    Hi Claudia,

    Thanks for your inspiration. I will make a lumineria (I've already decorated about 50 for the general group) for My CSN Buddies. Are there any special decorations any of you want to request???

    I am actually captaining a team, the BrEaST FRIENDS, and right now we are #1 as a team in fundraising and I am the #1 individual fundraiser (she said with a bit too much pride in her voice...sorry).

    Wish me luck Friday night. I don't know that I'll make it all the way through the night, but if I don't I'll be up early in the morning.

    I'll be thinking of ALL of you, and Claudia, yours will be the biggest voice in my head ("Come on, just one more lap!!).

    I love you guys! Don't know how I would have made it this far without you.

    Love and hugs,

    Awwwww...Bless your heart! You cannot have too much pride in your voice when championing something as wonderful as Wiping Out Cancer ! I know you are an amazing captain!

    You might employ my little trick...I picture all of the names here on the boards, and chant them while I walk~ that way all of you walk with me and for me, and I with and for you! When I get stumped I simply chant CSN, CSN! The energy I get from that is truly inspiring~ it keeps me focused, and keeps all of you even more real.

    Thank you for your kind words, and especially your hard work~ my work is made easier than most as my legs are 40' long~ it isn't much of a "stretch" to do the laps! :-)

    Have fun on Friday~ I will be cheering you on!!!! I love the name of your team, by the way! One of the ones I loved at my Relay was "The Young and The Rest Of Us!" I wish I had thought of that! Our team is the "Chumash Cancer Conquerors" ~ Reggie is an elder in the Chumash Indian Tribe. Not very inventive, but it fits who we are!

  • bfbear
    bfbear Member Posts: 380
    chenheart said:

    Awwwww...Bless your heart! You cannot have too much pride in your voice when championing something as wonderful as Wiping Out Cancer ! I know you are an amazing captain!

    You might employ my little trick...I picture all of the names here on the boards, and chant them while I walk~ that way all of you walk with me and for me, and I with and for you! When I get stumped I simply chant CSN, CSN! The energy I get from that is truly inspiring~ it keeps me focused, and keeps all of you even more real.

    Thank you for your kind words, and especially your hard work~ my work is made easier than most as my legs are 40' long~ it isn't much of a "stretch" to do the laps! :-)

    Have fun on Friday~ I will be cheering you on!!!! I love the name of your team, by the way! One of the ones I loved at my Relay was "The Young and The Rest Of Us!" I wish I had thought of that! Our team is the "Chumash Cancer Conquerors" ~ Reggie is an elder in the Chumash Indian Tribe. Not very inventive, but it fits who we are!


    Thanks Chenheart!!!

    Thanks for the advice. I will chant all my CSN friends' names as I walk, and CSN when I get loopy. But I'll be walking a LOT longer...I just measured, and my legs are only 32"! I'm a shrimp!!

    And I like the Chumash reference. As you said, it's you! Where is the Chumash tribe from? Near here, there is the Confederated Flathead Salish-Kootenai tribes' reservation. Much of the local land is under tribal jurisdiction, as is about half of Flathead Lake.

    Anyway, thanks for the tips and if you think of anything else, let me know!! You're my hero!

  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    What Cat and Lynn Said
    Dear 50-Foot Woman, you continue to amaze me: woozy and all, you are still the Warrior. I want to be like Mike, but you are.

    Your admiring sister,
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    bfbear said:

    My turn Friday night
    Hi Claudia,

    Thanks for your inspiration. I will make a lumineria (I've already decorated about 50 for the general group) for My CSN Buddies. Are there any special decorations any of you want to request???

    I am actually captaining a team, the BrEaST FRIENDS, and right now we are #1 as a team in fundraising and I am the #1 individual fundraiser (she said with a bit too much pride in her voice...sorry).

    Wish me luck Friday night. I don't know that I'll make it all the way through the night, but if I don't I'll be up early in the morning.

    I'll be thinking of ALL of you, and Claudia, yours will be the biggest voice in my head ("Come on, just one more lap!!).

    I love you guys! Don't know how I would have made it this far without you.

    Love and hugs,

    Wow, the number one team, and the biggest individual fundraiser. Debibear, I am so proud of you, and grateful. Of course, I send you good luck and will be thinking of you Friday night. Thank you for thinking of us.

    p.s. Hope your arms have strengthened so that you can go kayaking soon!