Have to wait all weekend for bone results.
My MRI bone results were laying on the nurse's desk and she couldn't tell me what they were because the doctor was not in the office today. I have a great surgeon who calls when results come in, but this oncologist doesn't do that. I went for my chemo class today and asked the nurse if my results came in, she said yes,…
Blood draw and rad onc today
I had my final blood draw from my port today. It comes ont Oct. 14th! I also got my "tattoos" today but no simulation, unless I am missing something. They marked me with a sharpie and put me in the CT scan machine then did the tattoos. That was it. I go back on Oct.9 so they can check and make sure its a go.(is that the…
I got my oncotype results back today!!!
My tumor scored a perfect "10"!!! I have been such an emotional baby all morning!!! I have an appointment next week with a new oncologist so hopefully he is someone I can be comfortable with!!!... I was wondering if anyone else had a tumor my size with no lymph node involvement??? mine was 2.3cm.. staged at 2A
please exsplain dancing with Ned
Hi,I think Ned is imaginary when feeling better.but not sure.I know I am not the only one not sure who dancing with Ned is.Thanks everyone.(Pat).
Need advice on shaving head.....to the scalp! Urgent..
I buzzed my hair last friday but now the short ones are really coming out and I need to razor it...how did you ladies do that? Shaving cream? Does it hurt? My aunt is going to do it...
Femara + Radiation
hi everyone, anyone do rads and take femara at the same time?
I do not need "Good Luck" or sympathy from anyone please, that does not help me, Please help me wit
I am not here for anyone to feel sorry for me or to wish me good luck because that is the last thing I want. My husband discovered my lump on Thursday, September 3rd. I have been diagnosed with Grade II, Stage III. I have had a modified radical masectomy on the right side on Thursday, September 24th. I have been told that…
wig question
How many of you prefer wigs or just hats and scarves? Do you have problems keeping the wig on your head? Are there products to wear under it to keep it from slipping? I'm afraid I'll get out in the wind and there it goes. I've also never worn hats and scarves, not even a ball cap. My wigs arrived yesterday and they look…
I had blood work done today 10 days after first chemo
The Dr. says that my white counts are two low and i will have to get a shot the next day after treatment next time.is this pretty normal?I know I been pretty tired.id like to hear from some of you that have had this come up.And I didn,t ask the name of the shot.Thanks everyone.(Pat).
Fiesta For The Cure tonight
I was asked to submit my "story" for a ribbon cutting ceremony and they decided to use it. Beginning tonight my story along with others will be posted in On The Border restaurant in Ahwatukee Az. They are hosting a fundraiser for the Komen Foundation which will last all month. They will be serving free appetizers and…
11 rad treaments down, and I'm really tired
Hi all, so sory I haven't benn posting alot lately, but I wanted to let you all know how I've been doing with rad's. So far I'm okay just exceptionally tired, I've only had 11 treatments so far but I get a booster with each treatment, so I guess that has something to do with it. I'm also still working about 32 hours a…
port today
I did not expect such pain. I've never been shot or stabbed, but I bet it's similar to the pain I'm feeling. I didn't think the scar would be as long as it is with a small one above it. It is easing up a bit. It's been in for about 10 hours now. Did anyone else feel this much pain? I'm on percoset. I guess having a strange…
surgery tomorrow 10/2
I have my lumpetomy tomorrow. I don't know what I feel right now. I want to get it done and over with but I'm afraid of all that is to happen after the surgery. I know for sure that I will have 6 weeks of radiation and am unsure of chemo yet. They caught it early and it is only about 2 cm so I have to wait until after the…
oncologist results tomorrow
Tomorrow at 10:30 I'll know what my pet scan showed and the chemo plan I'll be on. My husband is worse than I am, he's always thinking the worst and that's no help for me. So, I've been trying to make him feel better all day. Trying to be positive. I also feel guilty calling off work tomorrow morning. Say a prayer things…
Need Suggestions For Party
I am going to have a celebration after the Komen walk on the 11th and need some ideas. It is to thank everyone for participating and donating. I was thinking of a pink theme or a race theme. My sister wants to make a 1/2 way cake for me. She said she would put a finish line at one end and write something like "half way…
Can chemo be given without having surgery to the breast?
I have recently been diagnosed with Stage 2 ductal carcinoma. I discovered a small hard lump under my arm and had it removed. It came back positive and that is how I was diagnosed. I have since had two biopsies on the breast to pinpoint the area it is coming from and schduled to have a lumpectomy with lymph node removal.…
Leaving on a jet plane
Hello all my sweet sisters in Pink! I have missed you all. I have been busy working 12 hour days, I am on my feet for the whole time (I am a CNA) and it is wearing me out, although it is a good tired, knowing i have accomplished something at the end of the day. Instead of the tired from chemo. My hair is growing back and I…
How do you deal with all the fears?
Went to my PCP yesterday for a totally unrelated BC issue. He ordered a chest X-ray. Received a phone call this afternoon saying that there is a 'vague shadow' in my left lung. He ordered blood tests and a CT-scan. Was dx with DCIS in my left breast six weeks ago. Since then have had more tests than I've had in my entire…
I had blood work done today 10 days after first chemo
The Dr. says that my white counts are two low and i will have to get a shot the next day after treatment next time.is this pretty normal?I know I been pretty tired.id like to hear from some of you that have had this come up.And I didn,t ask the name of the shot.Thanks everyone.(Pat).
I had blood work done today 10 days after first chemo
The Dr. says that my white counts are two low and i will have to get a shot the next day after treatment next time.is this pretty normal?I know I been pretty tired.id like to hear from some of you that have had this come up.And I didn,t ask the name of the shot.Thanks everyone.(Pat).
I had blood work done today 10 days after first chemo
The Dr. says that my white counts are two low and i will have to get a shot the next day after treatment next time.is this pretty normal?I know I been pretty tired.id like to hear from some of you that have had this come up.And I didn,t ask the name of the shot.Thanks everyone.(Pat).
I had blood work done today 10 days after first chemo
The Dr. says that my white counts are two low and i will have to get a shot the next day after treatment next time.is this pretty normal?I know I been pretty tired.id like to hear from some of you that have had this come up.And I didn,t ask the name of the shot.Thanks everyone.(Pat).
I had blood work done today 10 days after first chemo
The Dr. says that my white counts are two low and i will have to get a shot the next day after treatment next time.is this pretty normal?I know I been pretty tired.id like to hear from some of you that have had this come up.And I didn,t ask the name of the shot.Thanks everyone.(Pat).
I had blood work done today 10 days after first chemo
The Dr. says that my white counts are two low and i will have to get a shot the next day after treatment next time.is this pretty normal?I know I been pretty tired.id like to hear from some of you that have had this come up.And I didn,t ask the name of the shot.Thanks everyone.(Pat).
I had blood work done today 10 days after first chemo
The Dr. says that my white counts are two low and i will have to get a shot the next day after treatment next time.is this pretty normal?I know I been pretty tired.id like to hear from some of you that have had this come up.And I didn,t ask the name of the shot.Thanks everyone.(Pat).
A Great Big Thank you
Hi Everyone, Thank you for all of your prayers and support. My surgery on Friday went well, but the recovery is a bit slower than I anticipated. I have been having a rough time with the pain and the drain that was put in became blocked so I swelled up. For those of us who grew up in the 70's I felt like the blueberry girl…
Once again...you girls rock!
I didnt end up razoring my head...just got as close as I can with electric clippers. Started reading all your advice and decided wasnt worth the risk! Thanks for all the advice. I get better advice and info from you girls than the doctor! LOL...Hes good for the meds, but for everything else, I go here!! No, seriously.....I…
Another Whew!!!!!! No recurrence in bone
Today I saw an orthopedic surgeon regarding pain I have been having in my bicep in the left arm (the same side as my bc). This has been going on for several weeks, and my old onc had done an xray, and then an MRI, and couldn't determine if there was a problem with the bone, or with the muscle. Anyway, the Ortho looked at…
OK, now the wait
On Tuesday I had an appointment with the surgeon. I stopped by radiology to pick up the reports and x-rays and then went to the surgeon. After the surgeon finished checking out the right breast, then he moved to the left. He seemed very perplexed and when I went into the office he told me that there was some kind of…
I Flagged My Own Post As Offensive!!!!!
I flagged my own joke---on purpose! When I copied and pasted it, I didn't realize some portions of other jokes were still attached...and I was offended!! I am so sorry if anything other than the intended Supermarket Joke showed up! Greta~ I hope no ugly words were still there- sorry sorry sorry! I meant no disrespect! I…