port today

laurissa Member Posts: 773
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I did not expect such pain. I've never been shot or stabbed, but I bet it's similar to the pain I'm feeling. I didn't think the scar would be as long as it is with a small one above it. It is easing up a bit. It's been in for about 10 hours now. Did anyone else feel this much pain? I'm on percoset. I guess having a strange object in your body takes time to adjust. Also my lymph nodes in armpit started hurting again. They didn't hurt for days, then started again making me think they're spreading, so scary. Did anyone else do this? Some days hurt and some days not? I'll have to miss work for a few more days. Seeing onc on Wed. about pet scan. Good night all.


  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    I don't remember so much
    I don't remember so much pain, or my lymph nodes firing up after the port was put in. You might want to give your surgeon a call. You want to rule out infection, or some other complication. I'm sending you healing thoughts! xoxoxox Lynn
  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415
    lynn1950 said:

    I don't remember so much
    I don't remember so much pain, or my lymph nodes firing up after the port was put in. You might want to give your surgeon a call. You want to rule out infection, or some other complication. I'm sending you healing thoughts! xoxoxox Lynn

    Hope you feel better
    I don't remember feeling pain either..it was really easy and I did not need any of the pain killers prescribed. Maybe call you Dr's office and just check in and also remember that each procedure is so differeny for eveyone. Take care.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Just had my port put in last Monday. I am still sore. It seems to be mostly in the area around the incision in my neck. My surgeon used stitches & glue-I sometimes forget it's there & I will make a sudden move or stretch the wrong way and it bothers me. (I can't even enjoy my sons occasional neck or shoulder rubs!) The first couple of days I was itchy. The nurse said to either take Benadryl or get the spray. I used the spray,worked wonders! Look out for redness or rash-like bumps. I only took the pain meds the first couple of days. Don't know on the Lymphnodes. I do have the same problem with my tumor though. Some days it hurts,others it don't...docs don't have an answer to that one. I was told cancer doesn't hurt-NOT true! Again,they don't know why some have pain & some don't. Call the surgeon if you have any concerns at all. Let us know how the Petscan goes.
    Hope you feel better real soon!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Let me first say, I am so
    Let me first say, I am so glad you have never been shot or stabbed! :-) I was very sore after my port; it took longer than expected to put it in, and when I came out of the anesthesia,my neck was distended and I looked as if I had swallowed a football! The surgical RN was concerned, bless her heart, and wouldn't let me go home until the surgeon saw me. My surgeon didn't seem overly concerned, and suggested I put ice-packs on my throat...which I did.
    I do remember being "aware" of my port, and I was always looking at the tube under my skin running down my neck. No one else seemed to notice it, but it seemed so obvious to me.
    After a week or so, I wasn't bothered at the surgery site; so I agree with others who have suggested you call your Dr to rule out any infection. But of course, the port is a foreign object in our bodies, and we don't have a lot of skin /fat around our collarbones, so it may well be just from that! I always say Better Safe Than Sorry! Call your Dr! I had mine on Speed-Dial~ seriously! I figured so much unexpected stuff was happening to me, I was gonna call! They were always gracious, and never made me feel foolish. Even when I was calling at 3AM to say I was constipated!

    Let us know what your Dr says...and of course we all hope you are feeling better SOON!

  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    chenheart said:

    Let me first say, I am so
    Let me first say, I am so glad you have never been shot or stabbed! :-) I was very sore after my port; it took longer than expected to put it in, and when I came out of the anesthesia,my neck was distended and I looked as if I had swallowed a football! The surgical RN was concerned, bless her heart, and wouldn't let me go home until the surgeon saw me. My surgeon didn't seem overly concerned, and suggested I put ice-packs on my throat...which I did.
    I do remember being "aware" of my port, and I was always looking at the tube under my skin running down my neck. No one else seemed to notice it, but it seemed so obvious to me.
    After a week or so, I wasn't bothered at the surgery site; so I agree with others who have suggested you call your Dr to rule out any infection. But of course, the port is a foreign object in our bodies, and we don't have a lot of skin /fat around our collarbones, so it may well be just from that! I always say Better Safe Than Sorry! Call your Dr! I had mine on Speed-Dial~ seriously! I figured so much unexpected stuff was happening to me, I was gonna call! They were always gracious, and never made me feel foolish. Even when I was calling at 3AM to say I was constipated!

    Let us know what your Dr says...and of course we all hope you are feeling better SOON!


    Don't forget the EMLA cream!
    Just a reminder ... now that you've got the port "installed" ... don't forget ... if you haven't already gotten a prescription for EMLA cream ... GET ONE! It's the greatest! You put it onthe port site an hour before your infusion (cover it with a bandage)... and by the time you get to your appointment the port site will be numb and you won't feel them insert the needle. Great stuff!

  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    I didn't have any pain in my port or lymph nodes, so I'm glad you'll see the doctor. Lots of hugs to you, Diane
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    chickad52 said:

    I didn't have any pain in my port or lymph nodes, so I'm glad you'll see the doctor. Lots of hugs to you, Diane

    I had discomfort
    But it wasn't bad pain. There was tenderness that lingered for quite a while, and I would awake during the night, if I laid too hard on that side. I your pain gets better fast. The things we go through...reminds me of when I would get a spanking..."this is for your own good"... yes, well it still hurts! Hugs to you. Gracie
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Feeling better
    I'm feeling much better this morning, a little stiff and sore. It looks like a golf ball under my collar bone. I thought it was to be flat and unnoticeable. I'm on antibiotics and percoset. Anxiously waiting for tomorrow morning for oncologist appointment. Thanks for replies.
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    I don't think I'll ever
    I don't think I'll ever forget any of the experiences, but I know one day they will fade into the past. My port sight was very sore for over a week. I always felt the port even after months of being in my body. Mine felt like it was sitting right on top of the muscle so though it didn't hurt per say, I was very aware that it was there. I started chemo 3 days after having the port put in so yes I was uncomfortable but it was doable. If you develop any redness or oozing call the surgeon right away. You may want to call to see if there is a topical cream you may be able to use to ease some of the pain. Try not to take too much percocet, as it is constipating and then you will be having those issues. Good luck and keep us posted. Hugs, Lili
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    laurissa said:

    Feeling better
    I'm feeling much better this morning, a little stiff and sore. It looks like a golf ball under my collar bone. I thought it was to be flat and unnoticeable. I'm on antibiotics and percoset. Anxiously waiting for tomorrow morning for oncologist appointment. Thanks for replies.

    I am glad that you are
    I am glad that you are feeling somewhat better Laurissa!

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I don't think I'll ever
    I don't think I'll ever forget any of the experiences, but I know one day they will fade into the past. My port sight was very sore for over a week. I always felt the port even after months of being in my body. Mine felt like it was sitting right on top of the muscle so though it didn't hurt per say, I was very aware that it was there. I started chemo 3 days after having the port put in so yes I was uncomfortable but it was doable. If you develop any redness or oozing call the surgeon right away. You may want to call to see if there is a topical cream you may be able to use to ease some of the pain. Try not to take too much percocet, as it is constipating and then you will be having those issues. Good luck and keep us posted. Hugs, Lili

    Port oh Port .. I experienced such pain ..
    My port is located in my upper inside right arm, as suggested by my onc. Wrong place - in my opinion. I was not given any medication for my pain, and I did not go under. One of the most painful experiences in my life.

    You may be uncomfortable for a week or so.

    Good Luck,

  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    The pain is going away but
    The pain is going away but it just feels so weird when I take a deep breath. I look mutilated, it's so ugly and gross to look at. No more low cut tops. I sure didn't expect it to be like this.
  • JGrim
    JGrim Member Posts: 36
    I don't know if you guys
    I don't know if you guys have seen my site (CancerVacation.com) but I stayed awake during my port installation and had the whole thing photographed; the photos are on my site if you're curious. There is a vast amount of muscle and bone manipulation involved with putting in a port. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't been awake and alert during the whole surgery. Even under a local anesthetic it was tremendously painful and it's really a much more invasive process than it sounds.