surgery tomorrow 10/2

helen e
helen e Member Posts: 223
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have my lumpetomy tomorrow. I don't know what I feel right now. I want to get it done and over with but I'm afraid of all that is to happen after the surgery. I know for sure that I will have 6 weeks of radiation and am unsure of chemo yet. They caught it early and it is only about 2 cm so I have to wait until after the surgery and sentinal node biopsy. Can anyone tell me how long it took for them to go back to work? I teach in a middle school and with all the cases of swine flu going around (not to mention all the other germs that are normally there) I am worried about catching something.


  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497

    Just wanted to wish "Good Luck" with you surgery tomorrow. I'm sure your doc knows what he is doing for you. Everyones treatment plan is so different.For me I have been out of work since June. I work in a large retail store and even though my job doesn't involve the customers, my doctor wanted me to go on leave because of the large numbers of people in the store. And my fellow co-workers are always using my office whenever they can. so I guess that decision would be up to you and your doc. Hugs, Diane
  • Fran1947
    Fran1947 Member Posts: 72
    Surgery tomorrow
    Hi Helen,

    I went back to work the next day after both my excisional biopsy (a lumpectomy before they know whether it is CA or not), then after a second surgery to get better margins and do the sentinal node biopsy. That was in 2002.

    I was extremely fortunate in that I never had any pain whatsoever. I bought a small fanny pack to put the bulb at the end of the drain in, so that it was supported and wouldn't pull.

    I know everyone is different and has different health concerns, so it would be good to talk to the surgeon - or his nurse. Nurses are very knowlegeable and frequently more helpful than the actual doctors.

    If you do end up having chemo, then the work environment would have a bigger impact.

    Meanwhile know that we're all thinking good thoughts for you.


  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    Back to work
    I had my lumpectomy on a Friday and was back to work the following Monday. Remember to take the time you need. Everyone handles pain differently and only you know your own body. I think I was more sore (and swollen) a few days after the surgery as my body was trying to heal itself.

    My suggestion would be to get some sanitizing wipes or spray for your classroom, some hand sanitizer (I got a huge bottle for my house and a smaller one for my office at work) and make sure there are plenty of kleenex available in the room so kids will be less likely to sneeze into their hands or into the air. If you have a sink in your classroom send kids there often to wash up if you notice them coughing or sneezing. You may want to get a box of rubber gloves and then wipe common surfaces down at the end of the day so you know they are clean.

    I hope this helps. Good luck tomorrow and take care of yourself!
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    I had my lumpectomy and
    I had my lumpectomy and sentinal node biopsy on July 30th. I actually felt fine in only a few days. It was a thursday and by Friday I did what I normally did went out to eat with my husband. I could take the outer bandage off friday afternoon and take a shower. Three weeks later we went to Disney World. Does that give you an idea? Are they going to do an oncotype dx on your tumor? That will tell you if you chemo is really necessary or not if your sentinal node is clear. Are you ER-positive? how about HER2? I was HER2 negative.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Best wishes for surgery tomorrow...
    Hope it goes well for you, with the best possible outcome.

    As others have already explained, returning to work should really be discussed with your own doctor. Everyone is different. And, of course, much will depend on your post-surgery treatment(s).
  • karen0423
    karen0423 Member Posts: 67
    Best of luck tomorrow, I had
    Best of luck tomorrow, I had a mastectomy back in 2002, so I was out for a few weeks. Like others have mentioned your dr. will give you a good idea of when you can get back to work. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    Back to work
    I had a bilateral on 9/10 and went back to work this past Monday 9/28. I also work in a school as a counselor. As others have said, everyone is different in recovery. I had very little pain (I didn't have reconstruction) so the surgeon actually cleared me for work on 9/21 but I still had one drain so waited until it was out. Today is the first I've really felt tired and did go home right after school was out.
    I too am concerned about the germs and am waiting to see what my oncologist says on 10/12. I have to have 4 TX in 12 weeks. I know that I am not going to school the day they do the flu shots and nasal sprays. My office is just 2 doors away from the health room and I'm not taking any chances. Since I see kids in my office, I can be more careful about who comes in. I plan on having facemasks on and constant germex for me and the kids and wiping the table down. I even thought about an air purifier for my office as well.
    By the time you read this, your surgery will be over. You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Lola
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Wishing you an easy surgery tomorrow. Post and let us know how you are doing when you can. Pammy