hair comming out.
I was told by my Dr. that my hair would be out by my second chemo.So I knew it was comming.My next appointment is next Weds.When I combed my hair yesterday I seen some loose hairs.Today like hairs laying loose on my head.I would take my hand through it and bunches of hair was in my hand.I cryed some more.Went for a drive…
3rd chemo tomorrow
i was so scared , when i was going to start. you all were so kind and guided me thru, plus the strength of god. so far its been not bad (touch wood )lost my hair,,thats chalanging to the mind and soul.but it will grow back.on this journey i have met some amazing people , and learned alot mentaly and spiritual too. you hear…
First chemo
I got my first chemo treatment today, it been about 6 hours and I already feel sick to my stomach and very tired. Have others felt this way? I thought it wouldnt start to kick in until next day. Any ticks you may have done to help you feel good? Please help!
Life Changes
Since being diagnosed with breast cancer this past summer, I want to make major changes in my life. Luckily, after the surgery I didn't need chemo so I'm feeling better everyday and want to live a better life than I had before. I want a job where I help people. I want more friends. I want a smaller house. I've pushed for…
Nails & Taxotere
Hi,I am new here but feel like I know everyone, I have been reading for a while. I am 5 weeks out from Chemo and my fingernails have started with these black spots and now are lifting off the nail beds. Has anyone ever experienced this and if so, what was the treatment?
Francelux free scarf
I have went to this web sight before.How do you order your free scarf.I hear they are really pretty.Thanks for your help.(Pat).
"Living Proof" - Lifetime Movie
Just a reminder that the movie Living Proof is airing on Lifetime tonight at 8:00. This movie is about the breast cancer drug Herceptin and it shows the clinical trials that were done to get it approved. I rented it a few weeks ago and it is a very good movie. We discussed it on the boards several weeks ago but wanted to…
Thank you for this sisterhood of healing
I can't express how much I appreciate ALL of you. I've only been on this website a short time, but time I've definitley needed. You women are so caring and so loving. I truly appreciate all this support and information. This is a tough walk, and it appears that the tough are walking it.
Will menopause start while on chemo?
I'm 49 pre-menopausal with regular periods. My chemo drugs are Cytoxan and Taxotere. 6 rounds every 3 weeks. Do these put me in menopause now? I dread getting hot flashes, never had them.
depressed and tired
had my bilateral mastectomy on 9/28 and sailed through the rest of the week but for whatever reasons this week not so good - very depressed and cry at the drop of a hat - have no desire to go to work or to even get dressed. I tried this morning to get dressed, nothing looked right, all of a sudden got so sad plus I'm very…
What does it all mean so far ?
Hi everyone, I had my lumpsectomy on Sept. 24 , was stage 1 but because the tumor was 2.1 cm it was considered stage 2 because of size. I went for my follow up with my surgeon Sept. 30th all is ok so far, My test results came back as ER positive 83% and PR positive 30 % and Her 2 Neu was negative not sure what all that…
10,000 ! ! !
Has anyone else noticed that we are about 50 posts away from having 10,000 posts on this message board!?!? What incredible support! Jeanne
PeggyPeggy - Where Are You?
Peggy, I haven't seen you posting in awhile and I know that you are about at the same place that I am with rads. So, please post and let us know that you are doing ok if you can. I think we finish about the same time. I finish next Monday! Hope to see you posting soon! Sue :)
OK, is drinking alcohol pretty much TABOO after cancer diagnosis??
I am finished with surgery, but next comes chemo..but not for a couple weeks. I keep hearing everyone say that alcohol increases your cancer risk and also recurrence..wow! I guess I didn't realize that. I guess that I enjoy a couple cocktails now and again. I certainly don't want to increase my risk of recurrence by doing…
Better Than the Flu Shot, evidently!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Better than a Flu Shot! Miss Beatrice, The church organist, Was in her eighties And had never been married. She was admired for her sweetness And kindness to all. One afternoon the pastor Came to call on her and she showed him into her quaint…
Who Is Getting A Flu Shot????
I am going to get just a regular flu shot, but, my oncologist did not want me to get the H1N1 flu shot. I wondered what everyone else was doing about getting the flu shots. And, what is your oncologist suggesting for you? Thanks! ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
did CSN change the website?
Now when I go to view the discussion board I can't read it unless I sign in. Did they change it or am I delusional. Wait, maybe I don't want to know.
First cycle Chemo Girls - Laurissa, Marilyn, Natly, Pitt and Pat
Congrats on your first chemo treatment... I'm finishing my 2nd round TCH, Herc & Herc - 3 week treatment plan -- total of 18 weeks...or 6 cycles. I've been lurking here on the boards the past week and not posting as often as I would like to offer support and encouragement. So out with it... I've been suffering from chemo…
Class Action Conclusions...
Down south, Bubba called his attorney and asked, "Is it true theys suin them cigarette companies fer causin people to git cancer ?" "Yes, Bubba, sure is true," responded the lawyer. "And now someone is suin them fast food restaurants Fer makin them fat an cloggin their arteries with all them burgers an fries, is that true,…
First chemo
I start my first round of chemo tomorrow I will have Adrimicin and cytoxen. Just wondering if anyone has done or took anything special to help them get through these treatments, would appreciate any feedback. Thanks Marcia
Hair is shaved,I feel liberated.Yes.
Hi everyone.First I would like to thank everyone of you wonderful people for reading and replying to my post about me being so upset about my hair.Well as some of you know,the last few days,my hair was starting to come out.Monday was a little when i took my hand through it.Tues.when I combed it was in hand fulls.Today it…
Chemo made me Jewish!
So I was in the locker room at the gym this morning, on my way out, so I had my little bucket hat on. And a woman whom I've never seen before walked in, stood right in front of me, and said, "Are you Orthodox, or just hiding your hair?" I looked her dead in the face, and said, "No, I'm doing chemo." And she replied, "Oh,…
Joke for Wednesday
A minister decided that a visual would help with his sermon one Sunday. He got 4 worms and had 4 jars. He put one worm in each jar. The first jar had alcohol in it, the second had cigarette smoke, the third had chocolate syrup and the fourth had good clean soil. He showed them to his congregation at the beginning of his…
Health Care Blues
Thought I'd let my doctor check me, 'Cause I didn't feel quite right. All those aches and pains annoyed me. And I couldn't sleep at night. He could find no real disorder But he wouldn't let it rest. What with Medicare and Blue Cross, We would do a couple tests. To the hospital he sent me Though I didn't feel that bad. He…
Breathing a sigh of relief!
I've been waiting on results from a CT-scan. They said I would know yesterday, but there was no word. Cathy, I think it was you, who said that I needed to call the radiology dept. Well, to make a long story short, my doctor's office called the radiology dept. and I finally received an 'all clear' from my doctor. You all…
free hats from heavenlyhats came
I just received 5 hats from heavenly hats. One is a red angora bucket hat and 4 other ski caps, one of them is angora. These hats are made by Kangol, very expensive and brand new. I'm pleased with them. I also went to Franceluxe.com and ordered a free silk headwrap scarf, these are $72 scarves, beautiful. I can't wait to…
Any grant money available anywhere?
Hello.I was diagnosed with breast cancer 6.75 years ago or so,had 4 surgeries, reconstruction too.Anyway,make a long story short.....I need deposit money to get out into my own small place to recover from an abusive relationship.I have been trying to get out but with lack of funds and living on disability it is not enough…
Who Here Is On Tamoxifen And How Are You Doing On It?
Wondering how many here are on it and if you are experiencing any side effects. If so, what are they? And, will you continue with tamoxifen? Thanks!
Has anyone had to see a different oncologist in the middle of treatment?
My original oncologist left the cancer center to go to hospice. So I had to see a different one the last couple of times. I felt sort of abandoned. Like I wanted him to take me all the way through this thing. The new doctor is putting me on a different drug than what the old one had talked about. He mentioned Arimidex. She…
A very old man is tanking down the motorway at 100 mph when his mobile phone rings, it's his wife : "I just heard on the news that there is a car going in the wrong direction on the motorway, I just thought I'd warn you, be careful"... The old man replies : "One?.....It's ALL OF THEM!"