Who Is Getting A Flu Shot????

susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am going to get just a regular flu shot, but, my oncologist did not want me to get the H1N1

flu shot. I wondered what everyone else was doing about getting the flu shots. And, what

is your oncologist suggesting for you? Thanks!

♠♣ Susie ♠♣


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    My oncologist is also
    My oncologist is also suggesting that I get a flu shot. I have never gotten one before and I don't believe I will this year either. I will most definately NOT get the H1N1. That was thrown together too quickly and I'm not comfortable with the testing. Just my opinion.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    No H1N1
    My rads oncologist gave me the flu shot, but, not the H1N1. He and my oncologist said no to it, at least for now.

    Kylez ♥
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    I am no longer in treatment,
    I am no longer in treatment, but even during chemo I did get a flu shot. I am also planning on getting the H1N1 when it becomes available. I understand that at some are afraid to take the shot as they hear it is made with live virus...the innoculation is NOT made from the live virus, only the nasal spray is, and, according to the CDC, the virus is incredibly dilute so as to be almost non-existant. Of course, it is still up to the individual and their Dr! I am not recommending it for anyone other than myself! All I know is, history has taught us that the Spanish flu after WW1 killed MORE people than the war did~ and it is predicted that this flu will be similar in scope~ and some think even more so with international travel being so immediate!

    It isn't an easy decision, to be sure!

  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    chenheart said:

    I am no longer in treatment,
    I am no longer in treatment, but even during chemo I did get a flu shot. I am also planning on getting the H1N1 when it becomes available. I understand that at some are afraid to take the shot as they hear it is made with live virus...the innoculation is NOT made from the live virus, only the nasal spray is, and, according to the CDC, the virus is incredibly dilute so as to be almost non-existant. Of course, it is still up to the individual and their Dr! I am not recommending it for anyone other than myself! All I know is, history has taught us that the Spanish flu after WW1 killed MORE people than the war did~ and it is predicted that this flu will be similar in scope~ and some think even more so with international travel being so immediate!

    It isn't an easy decision, to be sure!


    While at my Oncologist's office they had a note posted that read something like .. If your on chemo and someone you know is getting the H1N1 shot to stay away from them for about 21 days since it's a live nasal virius spray, and not to go near where they are giving the vaccine. becasue of it being airborn spray.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Calleen said:

    While at my Oncologist's office they had a note posted that read something like .. If your on chemo and someone you know is getting the H1N1 shot to stay away from them for about 21 days since it's a live nasal virius spray, and not to go near where they are giving the vaccine. becasue of it being airborn spray.

    My oncologist gave me the
    My oncologist gave me the flu shot, but, didn't want to give me the H1N1 shot, which is fine with me. I wasn't going to get it anyway. It was just too rushed and according to the reports, the ones in the US that have gotten the H1N1 flu so far, have gotten over it very quickly and it wasn't that bad. I hope that holds true.

  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Already got mine
    They were doing flu shots at work last week, so I got mine for $5. I haven't asked about H1N1 yet, but if I do consider getting it, it won't be until after my surgery on the 12th.
    Unless my Dr. strongly recommends it, I think I'll pass, although I did just hear from an HR associate in my area that they had an employee die from H1N1 just last week. Of course, I don't know what that individual's health was like before he got the flu, either.
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    Got my reg flu shot at PCP
    Got my reg flu shot at PCP on last day of rads. I am not on chemo, so I plan to get the H1N1 also. I believe that my onc. is not recommending one for his chemo patitents.
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member

    My oncologist gave me the
    My oncologist gave me the flu shot, but, didn't want to give me the H1N1 shot, which is fine with me. I wasn't going to get it anyway. It was just too rushed and according to the reports, the ones in the US that have gotten the H1N1 flu so far, have gotten over it very quickly and it wasn't that bad. I hope that holds true.


    I will get the regular flu
    I will get the regular flu shot and the pneumonia shot next month at the community program the hospital I am getting my Radiation from. They have been doing it for free as a community program for several years now.
  • rainbow4
    rainbow4 Member Posts: 137
    flu shots
    I checked with my onco; she strongly suggested I get the seasonal flu shot (which I did - have gotten it the last several years) and also to get the H1N1 vaccine, not the Flumist -when it was available. I did not have chemo; don't know if that makes a difference in her recommendations. My PCP said he'd give me the H1N1 after the priority people received theirs. I just miss the "adults under 64 with chronic illness" category.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    rainbow4 said:

    flu shots
    I checked with my onco; she strongly suggested I get the seasonal flu shot (which I did - have gotten it the last several years) and also to get the H1N1 vaccine, not the Flumist -when it was available. I did not have chemo; don't know if that makes a difference in her recommendations. My PCP said he'd give me the H1N1 after the priority people received theirs. I just miss the "adults under 64 with chronic illness" category.

    Got One
    Ok, my oncologist gave me the seasonal flu shot, but, not the H1N1 flu shot. He felt it wasn't tested enough and just didn't want to chance it with any of his patients. I am confident that he is doing the right thing for me. I think some oncologist's are giving it and some aren't. They differ on the H1N1 shot, just as they do with other areas of our bc treatments.

    ♥ Noel
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    My onocologist told me to get both shots. The insurance I have just made the seasonal one available this week. Then I was told to wait at least 3 weeks and then get the H1N1. I guess I'll do what he says, although it sounds like most of you have been told not to get it.
  • Deb1969
    Deb1969 Member Posts: 165

    My onocologist told me to get both shots. The insurance I have just made the seasonal one available this week. Then I was told to wait at least 3 weeks and then get the H1N1. I guess I'll do what he says, although it sounds like most of you have been told not to get it.

    I just had my second cycle
    I just had my second cycle of AC today, my onc recommend the flu shot before I started chemo, but she didnt want me to get the H1N1.
  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    I WILL
    get the flu shot but not the H1N1. Hugs to you Diane
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    chickad52 said:

    I WILL
    get the flu shot but not the H1N1. Hugs to you Diane

    I Will not
    I will not be getting the flu shot or the H1N1 shot per my oncologist.
    She said that my WBC are way up there and there is no reason to get either one of them. I have never had the flu or the flu shot. I never got a cold last year when Jake had several.

  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    I already got the regular
    I already got the regular flu shot and had no problems. I plan to get the other one too.I finished chemo last month and I'm getting ready to start rads so I guess I'll check with the rad. onc to be sure.
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    Before you start chemo
    My onc told me to do the flu shot no later than one week before chemo. You need to give your body time to adjust before putting all the chemo meds into it. I did the regular flu shot, not the H1N1. I hope that helps.
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    I Will not
    I will not be getting the flu shot or the H1N1 shot per my oncologist.
    She said that my WBC are way up there and there is no reason to get either one of them. I have never had the flu or the flu shot. I never got a cold last year when Jake had several.


    Flu Shot?
    Flu Shot has NEVAHHHHHHHH been mentioned by oncodoc, or any other doc. I have heard some horror stories about it so I will not be seeking it. I last has the Flu when I was 9.

    My Mum and my Niece in England BOTH got the dreaded Pig Flu, it lasted a week, was mild and they both recovered quickly..........

    Up to you..........hugs jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    pitt said:

    Before you start chemo
    My onc told me to do the flu shot no later than one week before chemo. You need to give your body time to adjust before putting all the chemo meds into it. I did the regular flu shot, not the H1N1. I hope that helps.

    I am getting the regular flu shot
    My oncologist said he didn't want to give me the H1N1 flu shot, but, that he would give me the regular flu shot. He said since my immune system is down from rads that I would benefit now from just the regular flu shot. I trust him so that is what I will do.

    Sue :)
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    My onc gave me the regular flu shot before my chemno started. It's the first time I've ever received a flu shot. No H1N1 shot because I'm in treatment.
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    natly15 said:

    My onc gave me the regular flu shot before my chemno started. It's the first time I've ever received a flu shot. No H1N1 shot because I'm in treatment.

    Never had one, don't think I will now.
    None of my docs has suggested a flu shot. I had the flu in Feb. when I had my biopsy so I had to wear a mask. I'm really sick of this whole thing. None of us knows from day to day what they will come up with about anything we are doing. They used to use leaches to cure diseases! My chiropractor says the HINI shot has high levels of mercury. If I only ate what I was told was safe I would die of starvation. Do what feels right. I never had a flu shot before and lived through it so my decision is no.

    Is anyone else sick of all the conflicting information?
