Why skating should be left to the kids...lol!

KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
So, figuring it is the last time we will be skating for awhile, since today starts a thaw, my dear beau and I hit the ice...

Well, I hit it a bit harder than he did...while getting onto the ice from the bank of the canal, the board I was sitting on slid...and my skates naturally slid...and I ended up on my bottom, severly jarring my right arm (you know, the 'good' arm...lol). I kept going (like all the kids do) because it was 'the last time to skate'...(nothing broken, which, considering my osteoporosis from the chemo, is nothing short of a miracle!)

So, I sit here with my wrist in ice, and my elbow in heat...and 600mg Advil on board.

Hans fared a bit better, but because he overdid, his heart gave him trouble and he had to stop....

I only have one question:

WHEN did we become old???? Huh??? We are now the 'old folks' that sit and watch the 'youngsters' skate, remembering the 'good ole times'.... ;):)

Hugs to you youngsters!!!! Kathi


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    'Old' comes on slowly when
    'Old' comes on slowly when you aren't looking and one day you realize you have become your parents! I gave up ice skating years ago. The extra pounds didn't pad me when I fell. That's when I sold my ice skates that I'd had since 8th grade in a garage sale. Some things are better left behind. We still have our memories tho.
  • Zhentup
    Zhentup Member Posts: 43
    Marcia527 said:

    'Old' comes on slowly when
    'Old' comes on slowly when you aren't looking and one day you realize you have become your parents! I gave up ice skating years ago. The extra pounds didn't pad me when I fell. That's when I sold my ice skates that I'd had since 8th grade in a garage sale. Some things are better left behind. We still have our memories tho.

    I remember skating as a kid. I didn't fear falling. About 10 years ago I tried it again-I found out just how much I fear falling now!!! I just watch the pros now-in awe!
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    'Old' comes on slowly when
    'Old' comes on slowly when you aren't looking and one day you realize you have become your parents! I gave up ice skating years ago. The extra pounds didn't pad me when I fell. That's when I sold my ice skates that I'd had since 8th grade in a garage sale. Some things are better left behind. We still have our memories tho.

    I don't know when it

    I don't know when it happened but I remember that one day I woke up and I was my mom and, by George, now I have awoken and I am my grandma. Whoa, who did that to me? My mind says twenty something but my body shrieks 61. I try to go somewhere in the middle. We could you and Hans walkers for skating. It might catch on. All the fifty pluses could put on their skate, grab their ice walkers and go. LOL. Seriously I am glad that you did not do any bad damage to the arm and that Hans is okay. For Den and I, we have found that we can still walk around Yosemite, but not as far, as fast or as often. But that's okay, we do a leisurely stroll and stay on paths and gauge how far we can go before we turn around and head back. We'll pick one stop like the meadow or Glacier Point and do that for the day instead of walking and taking pictures everywhere. It works. Maybe for you it will be to put on the skates and do one quick circle and then sit and watch and cuddle with Hans.
  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    Old is really devious!
    Old is a really devious condition! You don't notice it sneaking up on you, you don't realize it's happening, then suddenly --KABAM!-- you discover it's already happened!

    I can't keep up with my kids on a hike anymore! My belly--that I swore would be flat forever when I was twenty-something--is NOT flat! AAAAAAGHGGHGH!

    I'm remembering the thread Chen posted about one's thighs, arms, belly, etc., being stolen in the night . . .

    Hope you enjoyed that "last skate", as it may really be your last from the sounds of things! Also hope you heal quickly!

    Hugs, Sandy