Just Diagnosed
I have just been diagnosed with having breast cancer and am scheduled for surgery Tuesday...I am frightened and do not know what to expect...any feedback would be appreciated. Angie
I had a few lymph nodes taken out of my right side when I had my breast surgery. I still sweat, but on the right side, there is never any odor and on the left side it is typical. Is this normal???
Dancing with NED
I can finally say it I an dancing with NED after 11 months of treatment. Momo and ultra sound were almost pain less. Thanks for all your help. Cancer sucks! Good Luck to everyone of you.
looking for support during my treatments/emotional low!
Looking to speak with ladies who are undergoing treatment for BC. I am 39 yrs old and was diagnosed on 5/3/10 with stage 2 ductal carcinoma. I've had 4 rounds of agressive chemo. so far (AC) and will be starting weekly sessions of Taxol/Herceptin on Monday. Been sick alot but have had some good days too. Hoping to hear…
The cat thinks my drain tubes are toys!!
The cat sleeps with me and this mornin i woke up to her playin with my tubes and she actually bitting them....I started to freak out cuz i dont know how harmful it is to her and what happens if theres a hole in it! Kinda GROOSE too. Now i have to keep her away from me till they come out and its really hard to do cuz she is…
Arimidex and Brusing
Hi all...I haven't been on the boards for awhile, but have a question. Ever since I started taking Arimidex, it seems like i bruise easily. It seems like i read a post here before that another lovely lady had the same side effect. It isn't listed as a possible side effect....but we all know how that goes. :) Can anyone add…
First thank you ladys and a few hubbys out there for all your thoughts and prayers. My surgery went well and im just chillin waitin for all the funky drug effects to wear down, and also tryin to relax and not get alot of movement cuz i want these drains out ASAP...and we all know the less you move around the faster they…
Update on my reoccurance and vacation
I saw the many posts under my original post and a new on started. I cannot believe the responses and caring! Thank you all very much. I was away on vacation for 3 days, then chemo yesterday and i came home and went to bed, it is very draining. My mini vacation was wonderful, did not win any money at the casino. And i was a…
OK God, you owe me this
I have been a big girl. Only cried twice, 6 minutes at dx and an hour or so at severe back pain from neupogen shots. I think you at least owe me one or two of the following: take away 1 chin, one belly roll and/or a couple wrinkles. Is that too much to ask? Cindy
Hi to you all! Today is the anniversary of my left breast mastectomy last year! I had a lumpectomy before that too. I also completed chemo, rads & am home recovering from a bilateral mastectomy with DIEP flap reconstruction on June 14th. I am so grateful to you all for your kind words during the past year from hell. As I…
I did it!
Hi guys, Just read all of your posts wishing me luck and all your hugs and love and good thoughts. Thanks it really means a lot. I came home around lunch time today. I made it through the mastectomies and reconstruction. I am stiff and sore but at least up and about. Yesterday after I came out of surgery they tried to feed…
Home from Biopsy
I had to have biopsies done on my cervix and uterus today, due to an abnormal pap! The gyn didn't say anything other than there was scar tissue and a thickening of the linning. They took 4 biopsies of my cervix and 2 of my uterus. It is painful, still 4 hours later. Nothing I can't get through but it is not very…
Wierdest movie I've seen...but it speaks to my fears....
'Meet Joe Black'. BIG names in it....Anthony Hopkins, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie.... Brad plays death. But in an interesting way...coming to collect Anthony Hopkins, but taking a 'vacation' in a mortal body... It spoke to me about my fears of reoccurance, and passing, walking with me everyday... Twisted movie, but well…
Has anybody had implants after radiation. I was under the impression that when all of this was over, I could choose implants as an option. The surgeon who is doing my mastectomy at the end of August told me he didn't think the plastic surgeon would do implants after my radiation was over. This whole thing has been such an…
Please celebrate with me
My Dear Sisters, Great news - I got a new job. Getting a new job is very important to me, because my occupation is much more than a way of making money, it is a passion of my life. I am very happy about getting this job and I would like to share my good news with you. For those who have not been following my journey, I…
Saw the orthopedic specialist
Hi all I saw the orthopedic specialist yesterday, he said that the pictures did not really show enough and that the bone scan will give them a better idea, he did say that the lesion was not very defined, and that there was not much they could do until I saw my oncono. He did say that it could be a stress injury in the…
Today is my one year cancerversary!!!!
It has been a very long year for me but I made it. Hugs to all and thanks for your support. Donna
Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer at 32
Please share your experiences with me on surgery, treatment,emotions, and self-worth. Thank you.
Need opions
I kind of posted this question in another post, but just half hearted. I've had clean scans and mammo. Unoffical report on mammo. My EX-cancer was IDC stage 3c, HER posi,ER and PR posi with 18/20 nodes posi. The good boob has microcalcifications. spelling?lol Seems to long. Radiologist says unchanged from last years mammo.…
There's a tool box in my chest
So I wake up this morning, need I say the painkillers had worn off, and to my surprise what do I find but a tool box in my chest!! Am a turning into the woman of a handy man's dream? Ladies, who just had their mastectomy take it from me keep taking those painkillers. And save yourself the above mentioned life changing…
You Can't Make This Stuff Up
My in-laws came for a visit yesterday; the second visit since Donna's diagnosis in April. They got to my house in the afternoon while I was at work, and I didn't hear this story until about 11:00 last night after they left, but here it goes: My mother-in-law walks up to the door, looks at Donna in her wig and says "Oh no,…
My Margins Are Not Clear...
I just am going crazy, uuuggghhh... got my pathology report back from my June 30, 2010 lumpectomy...Found out my margins are not clear... Additionally, out of 13 lymph nodes 11 were positive...Medical oncologist wants me to start chemotherapy before another lumpectomy or mastectomy... I am 37 and I am going crazy... I am…
My photo has been flagged!!!!
I cant believe this! I posted a photo on the expressions board yesterday of how my Tissue Expanders look now i have had my final fill. I am wearing a vest top so i am not naked!!!! And someone has gone and flagged it!! I am very upset that someone would do this. It was purely to show women who are going through the same…
EYE CANDY .. I will go out and pay money to watch a movie starring
Nicholas Cage or John Trovalta -- I don't know what it is about these 2 wonderful and talented actors .. I enjoy the roles they've acted in .. and continue to see their wild, or wackie movies.
Should I call the doctor??
I had my first Chemo On July 2nd, July 7th I started my regularly scheduled monthly period. Usually they last 7 days but I am still on it! Its not heavy but deffintly there. That only puts me at 10 days but didn't know if that is something to cause alarm or not?
Keeping the faith
Well last week was good news. All scans clear!!!!! Today was boob-a-gram day and looks like the good boob is behaving. Our hosp lets you know within minutes what the results are. Radiologist said no changes from last mammo. Will see my surgeon on the 23rd to back this up. I was wondering though. I had calcifications that…
Starting to eat right...again
I've been reading alot about Raw Foods Diet, I'm trying to stay away from meat, dairy, sugar, bread. Lost 6 pounds the last 3 days. Drinking alot of V8 until I get a juicer. Its very hard for me to eat right, especially when there's a Golden Corral a short drive away. Oh, their carrot cake and bread pudding is so good. I…
Still waiting to heal
Left breast healed from surgery (5/26)but the right breast has a small scap hanging on. It is the one spot where the incision kinda gapped a bit. How long did it take your incision to heal?
PARP inhibitors and triple negative disease?
Have I missed the boards on these? The last snippet of information I have been able to locate on the internet is a year old. Oh and in case anyone cares...I drive less than 5 minutes for treatment, dislike Nicholas Cage but love Russell Crowe, and miss underwire. Just looking for something relevant and less than a year old…
Horoscopes! Entertaining, but rarely accurate, until today...
I am not a believer in psychic things, including horoscopes. If you are a believer, I am also fine with that! Today, however, the horoscope called my name, and I was urged ( by Siobhan!) to share it here on the boards! So I am . Many of you know that I am a long time member of this CSN family~ since April of 2003 and that…