how to decide...

kms3566 Member Posts: 57
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I finished 6 rounds of TAC on 6/23, and have 9 more rounds of radiation to go. my hair is SLOWLY starting to come back, however I hate the gray color! I met with a PS yesterday and another next week. I had a double mastectomy Jan 29th. I am really looking forward to the 'new boob' part and somewhat the end of this horrible journey.

My question is, how did you decide which route to go with reconstruction? I know some had immediate reconstruction, which I wish I would or could of, but anyway, not the case and trying to decide what to do, expanders and implants, flap type?????

Any info would be great. This has been my 1st post in quite some time, but I have still been checking in a reading about all the amazing sisters in pink out there!


  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Hi KMS, glad you're back.
    It's best to talk to your Plastic Surgeon about the different options. I say this because not all people are candidates for certain procedures. I had the DEIP surgery and I'm happy with the results. The first week after surgery was rough and it certainly takes time to recuperate since not only does it affect your chest but your abdominal area as well.

    Best thing is questions, questions, and more questions! Go with whatever you feel comfortable with after you've done your research.

    Praying all goes well,

  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    I really cannot add to what
    I really cannot add to what sea said. Meet with your plastic surgeon and you'll know about your options. My only option was TE's and implants because I didn't have the body fat for the other procedures.

    I'm very happy with the results. See what the doc says and then do what you feel is right for you.

    Best of luck,