Blood from nipples
I just got news from a young friend who had a lab test done on the bloody fluid coming from her nipple. They can tell from the fluid that it is cancer. We are panic stricken waiting for more info. Can anyone tell me anything about this sort of breast cancer?
Cost of drugs
How are all of you handling the cost of these cancer drugs? I rememer the cost whenmy son was sick and I took a second mortgage to help with things. My insulin co-pay alone is $30. each time I get it filled. I never dreamed there would e so many couragious and wonderful women here to offer prayers and help. Thank you…
I know I've seen it just can't remember what post
For scarfs hats etc...hopefully inexpensive! What are some of the sites you all used? I had my first of 8 chemo rounds yesterday so the hunt is really on now for head coverage!!
An article on AI's
.AIs= Super Menopause 11/16/2010 (7:39:31am)Tags: AIs aromatase inhibitors hot flashes arthritis menopauseComments: (0) It's happened again. Now there is a study that validates what so many of us have known: that taking AIs can produce a "super menopause"--meaning that the symptoms of a natural process may be highly…
Anyone on Arimidex and Zoloft?
Anyone on Arimidex and the anti-depressant Zoloft? I'm on both and hoping the Zoloft is not one of the anti-depressants you shouldn't take with Arimidex. I think it's okay and I think I went over this with my onc. Hugs, Renee
ONcologist appt today
For some reason in my head I thought once I hit this point (almost 2 yrs post surgery) I thought instead of every 3mths I could go to see her ONCE a year. When I said I won't see you for a year I got an ODD look. I was told No now you can come every 4mths instead of 3... WAS it a dream? I was all excited knowing I was…
Wondering about MRIs
Of all our sisters and brothers with recurrences, how many had MRI's as a regular scan? My oncol. and surgeon tell me that having the MRI could open me up to more biopsies as it shows everything. I have very dense tissue and my lump (2+cm)was felt first but not seen on the mamogram. It did show up on the ultrasound. I am…
Pre-Tied Scarves
www.4women.com Gorgeous pre-tied scarves calle Beaubeau's....on sale now for $25.00
good news and a little sad.
I saw my Radiation Oncologist on Wednesday for a follow up visit 3 weeks post rads. I really like him so when he said 'I don't have a reason to see you again', I felt 'aaaagh, but I want to see you again and discuss photography and shaminism and have a good laugh'. Anyway he did say that I was doing better than most people…
I was just at my local walgreens and I was admiring the Pashmina scarves that are on sale at 2 $10.00.....well the saleswoman came over and when I told her I would be bald soon she shared with me that these scarves will be buy one get one free the week of Thanksgiving. Save where we can and they are so soft and many…
anyone lose weight on tamoxifen?
I have probably lost 10 lbs. I have not changed anything of my eating habits. My Doc. said to expect weight gain. I am waiting.
Just a quick note to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! My husband and I are heading off on vacation to enjoy the holidays with family so I may be away from the boards for a time. Take care everyone and enjoy your time with your loved ones. RE
Just wondering does it ever end? (some venting)
A year ago while in the middle of treatments I often said, "I'll be glad when this is all over with." Now I'm wondering is it ever over with? Seems like there is always one more test, one more procedure, one more "we need to be 100% sure" according to the next doctor you are sent to see. I had mammo/ultrasound in Oct. PET…
An Inspiriation
I think this is one of the neatest things I have ever read. To the women I'm sending this to: Thank you for being you. The Clock God doesn't give you the people you want; He gives you the people you NEED... to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be. I LOVE…
nipples and antidepressants on Tamoxifen
Hello everone, it has been so long since I have been here. Hello to old friends and new. I found this discussion board so helpful during diagnosis, surgeries and chemo. I am looking for some more answers if anyone can help. 1. I had double mastectomy and implants. I am not sure if I want nipples. I know of 2 people who got…
Been dealing with birth, death and illness this past week.
My granddaughter was born on Thursday, Nov 4 and my dad died Sunday, Nov 7 from a heart attack. He was 84 and lived a full life. However my father's wife was not going to do anything but have him cremated. My sisters and I wrote an obiturary and had a memorial service for him on Friday, Nov 12. The chaplain of the VFW did…
Need Prayers
A girlfriend of my niece, a girl who was in her bridal party is in the hospital. She is 28 years old and has had a stroke. She had trained for and ran the NYC Marathon last Sunday and on on Thursday her cartoid artery burst and a blood clot lodged in her brain stem. She was in a medically induced coma but fought it and…
Nov. 17th--One Year Since Diagnosis!
Wow--what a year. So glad we don't know the future. I would have said, "no way, I can't do it, get me a gun, please!" But, after being diagnosed with Stage 3, grade 3 IDC with 10+ lymph nodes, 2 surgeries (lumpectomy, re-excision, axillary node dissection), 6 rounds of TAC, and 33 rads--I'm still standing tall. I feel…
Prayers Please
Hello sisters, My mother is going in for a bone scan tomorrow and a pet scan next wednsday! She is a survivor of Bc for 22 years, and two years ago the cancer came back in the plura of her lungs and she has been managing it with different meds, however lately she has had pain in her back and is feeling more tired than…
mastectomy incision scar
I had posted my concern earlier, and today I saw my doctor. Part of my incision has inflamation after 2 years, and a very tender "????" directly under it that is different, in the center. So, Monday morning I will have the ultrasound. It could be other things, but we need to rule out (hopefully) a recurrence.
Today is Shortscake Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SHORTSCAKE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May all your dreams & wishes come true throughout the year! Girl Power-We miss you terribly! Where are you? How are you? Please check-in with your Sisters/Brothers if you see this! ♥ Cat
Nasty Set Back
After my first chemo ( which I got through with flying colors) I got sick rash mouth sores,vomiting. Come to find out I took the med as written on the bottle only problem is the drug store left out 2 little words "as needed" I took 22 pills I did not need I was doing fine till then. Grrrrrrrrr
Anyone have a suggestion as to which kind of cap to wear when exercising at the gym? This is new to me, been bald for only a few weeks. Would like to get back to my exercise routine but what to wear on my head? Exercise helps to keep me positive.
Ornament Exchange - let's keep this going throughout the year
Hi, I posted this onto another post and wanted to repost to get more opinions. What does every one think about keeping this as a year round event? For example, not to send a gift every time, however, send our CSN sister cards or little things throughout the year just to let them know we are thinking about them. Just an…
Post cancer blues?
It has been a year since my last treatment. I have been desperately unhappy. I feel like I need a greater purpose to my life. There is so much hurt out there. When someone disregards my feelings, I have a melt down.
from rad. to e-coli
I don't know what to expect anymore.... Never even thought about cancer until doc said i had it . Been so ill after rad. and they blamed on the rad (33). Now I found out some how I have e-coli. They did a swab under the fold near the breast and under the breast. That is where it was. So it probably isn't that I had eaten.…
the cancer aftermath
I am really having a difficult time right now. I am one year out of chemo this month. I had a huge surgery after chemo (tram flap), last December, and have had severe neck pain ever since. I was told its a type of arthritis. I'm 51 now, and thought I'd eventually get my old "stuff" back, but it's not happening. I see my…
CA 27.29- What is considered clinically free of disease on this test?
I had this test done before surgery about two months ago ( result was 42.7 U/mL)and had it done yesterday, got my result this afternoon and the result is 16.3 U/mL. I know that anything below 38 is good, but I wanna know if I am considered clinically free of disease.
those who don't get yearly tests
Are there many of you who have friends/ family who don't go for regular OB/gyn visits? My close friend was with me through my surgery etc...and knows I caught mine early-yet hasn't been to doctor in years. I have been bugging her endlessly and she made an appt. When I say if I waited it could have been so bad...so even if…
Numbness and sensative finger tips
My last Chemo was Oct 1st and since then my finger tips are numb, tingling and very sensative. Moreso in one hand than the other. Just a little scratch and it really hurts. It seems to be worse then it was several weeks ago. Is this normal? and if it is how long will it last? Thank you :) Kelly