A quote to share
I saw this quote this morning and thought I would share it: Good friends are like angels, you don't have to see them to know they are there. This is how I feel about all of my sisters here. Hugs, Georgia
Look out Sisters....we are being Spammed again! GRRRRRRRR
Heads up~ and I have already flagged a post. I wondered why a post of mine from March regarding Fess Parker was bumped up. No good reason at all. You will notice xxchenjiang or some such name. How dare the name CHEN be used in any incarnation, huh????? So, if you notice this name, it isn't a response~ it is dreaded Spam.…
Chemo and Eating Healthy (Seriously??)
How can one possibly eat healthy as recommended? The only thing I can taste is really salty foods. I've been eating lots of chips. I may not die of cancer but I sure will die of a stroke! This is ridiculous! I eat constantly in the hopes I'll find something I can taste. Some days I can taste food better than others. But…
Question on antidepressants
So many of us are taking something - Just got Effexor, and I'm a bit afraid of how I'll feel. If I'll have side effects, should I drive, how long before it 'kicks in', etc. What is your experience? Sue
hand carry ultrasound results??
It seems like bad news approaching --- I had to hand deliver my films to the oncologist even though he didn't order it, and I had no appt.
5 down and 1 more to go!!
Well, today is chemo number 5 and even though chemo shuts me down for a few days, I feel great because I am so close to the end!! I will also be having my surgery consult today for my lumpectomy. The way I see it, things are looking up!! I guess you could consider this one of those really good parts of chemotherapy :>)
Today is Debbie1162's Birthday!
Nipple x 3
Hi All, Sorry I've been MIA...well Lefty didn't take again. She fell over flat just like last time. Bummer. Bad Nip! Bad Nip! I'm going to try it again in January but if that one doesn't take I may start discusstions about a skin graft instead. I have a feeling the muscle spasms I'm continuing to have on the left side due…
First day of partial breast radiation
complete. I went to meet with the RO today for a simulation and was supposed to start radiation on Monday. After a CT and a couple of Xrays were taken the RO came in and told me the mammosite looked great and asked if I was available to start treatment today since I'd have to come back later in the afternoon. I was…
Holding my breath, waiting for my sister's news.
Due to my dx, a lump & a bump in one breast and a discharge in the other....She had a mammo and ultrasound. Because she is uninsured, it went through a local program. ACS contacted her - she needs an MRI. She has an appt with a social worker. I'm scared to death. Se has applied for Medicaid in the past, but makes something…
two weeks of radiation down! four and a half weeks to go!!
so today was frank sinatra friday in my radiation room! brought one of my favorite cd of his songs - it was hard not to jump off the table and dance!!! this week i baked an apple pie for my rads team. my signature on my pies is that instead of slits in the crust, i actually make a smiley face. and today was a good day for…
Well sisters....I have read much about what surgery is like and tubes and whatall you have when you wake up so was wondering if there were any special fitted type gowns for this...? I'm not sure what to look for but I'm sure it has to be easy for the nurses taking care of you and to get in and out of when you are home....…
How long do sides hurt
I had a double masectomy on Feb 15 this year. I had the 4 tubes from my side out this past Tuesday . and wow my sides still are sore but I don't think it's from the tube removal ,its like I now have breast on my sides and they are sore.Did any of you have this?
Case Management Program
Friday received a call from my insurance company. A Nurse who said she was with their new program "Case Management" and acted as a facilitator/advocate for patients with Breast Cancer. She asked what I felt were some "invasive" questions concerning my treatment, the drugs, etc. Told her had no questions didn't need…
I wish Heaven had a phone, so I could hear your voice again. I thought of you today, but that was nothing new. I thought about you yesterday & days before that too. I think of you in silence & often speak your name. All I have are memories & your pictures in [frames].
Would you do it again?
I don't know my diagnosis yet but I am considering at age 58 and what my life is like that maybe I may not want to play God and just live out what time I have left. Are there any of you that have thought, just maybe after all you have had to go through that you may not have done it had you known? Would it be so wrong to…
Like morning sickness?
First chemo was Thursday and haven't really had any issues other than off and on nausea. Nothing bad but some food smells don't go over so great. Never had morning sickness but this is how I'd imagine it...I know this is only the first one but I hope it's all that happens!
Received my ornament
from the wonderful person who said don't open it until the holidays!!! So yes, I am waiting. When we get our tree up I will put it under it until Christmas and then post again. Many many thanks to my Secret Santa!
Ideopathic Uticaria?
August 25 is my 1 year anniversary of my last chemo! Woo Hoo!!! I finished Herceptin in August. Since then I have fought itchy skin off and on. I never know when it will hit or what part of my body (mainly arms, legs, neck, sometimes tummy). It gets unbearable. The docs have prescribed Vistaril (an antihistamine) but I am…
Pain at port site after several months
Hello, I was looking around out here to see if I could find anyone else who experienced this because, of course, it is a Saturday night at 11:20 - not a convenient time to call a doc or nurse. I had my port removed several months ago. It was not a horrible experience; local and a great nurse who kept me occupied while I…
Im having itchy face
I just start Taxol. Yesterday was my first. Now my face and arms are itchy,I had a reaction my port was red yesterday that calm down so far. Now I am left itchy I dont like this . I just want to itch my skin. Has any one also had this reaction.
Chemo "foggy" brain
Treatments make my thinking "foggy". Hate that. Can't seem to focus or make any important decisions when feeling like this. Make a list of things that need to get done before the next treatment, do everything necessary on "good days" before. Really don't like the "spacy" feeling. Anyone else have this problem? Is this what…
Today's HAHA
I couldn't help sharing this. LITTLE GIRL ON A PLANE A Congressman was seated next to a little girl on an airplane so he turned to her and said, "Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger." The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total…
Nipple Tatooing
I live in Northeast Alabama and am trying to find someone to do 3-D nipple/areola tatooing on my "baldies" before the end of the year. Does anyone know someone who is good?
TSA: "Let me see the prosthesis."
I want as much as anybody to be safe from crazy bombers but this has to change! They get NO training on dealing with breast prostheses? ? ! ~~Connie~~ By Suzanne Choney msnbc.com msnbc.com 2010-11-19T22:31:32 A longtime Charlotte, N.C., flight attendant and cancer survivor told a local television station that she was…
It's just hair, right?
I mean, from everything I've read on here, I've been expecting to lose it, but now that it's coming out in handfuls, I'm not sure I'm ready! I have decided not to get a wig, mainly because I wear my own hair up in a ponytail most of the time, so thought it was kinda silly to get one, just to pull it up... besides, don't…
weight gain
I know this topic comes up every now and then, so I thought I would vent a little. I am 1 year past all surgeries, chemo, radiation and diep flap reconstruction. I have never had a weight problem but have gained almost 30 lbs in the last year. I am on tamoxifen . I had to get off femara due to side effects. I am really…
Survivor "Guilt"
Not sure what else to call it, so for the time being, there it is. I'm only 6.5 months post-surg (8.5 post-diagnosis), and I was lucky. I know that. Due to family history, I was sure I was BRCA+ and decided immediately I would have a bilateral mastectomy. Agonizing wait for test results, and I'm BRCA-. Total game changer.…
Has anyone taken Arimidex? My Onc just prescribed it for me today. I looked it up on the web and one sight had all these very scary patient testimonies about horrible side effects that are permanent. I trust my Onc but am frightened.
Tamoxefin Cost
I get my tamoxefin through CVS Pharmacy Health Savings Pass. It's a drug program where you get generic drugs as low as $9.99. A 90 day supply cost me $24.99. It cost $10.00 per year to join but well worth it. I also get my bladder drugs through them again 90 day supply for $9.99. Go to CVS.com for more info. Sher p.s.…