So I bought my ornament....
When is everyone who's participating in the ornament exchange going to send theirs out? Patti
My sister's lumpectomy
is tomorrow morning. Our surgeon will remove the cancerous area and insert device for radiation so that she'll only go for 5 days 2x/day instead of 6 weeks like she did 9 years ago. Please keep her in your prayers that all is successful. Char
Exchange surgery scheduled for Monday, 11/15
Needless to say, I am very excited to get these expanders out. Talk about no way to get comfortable as far as sleeping goes. Neither my surgeon nor I anticipate any problems but you never know. Keep me in your thoughts Monday as I go for my exchange surgery at 1:00. It's done on an outpatient basis, so I will be home late…
last day treatment depression
Hi All....Thanks for answering my questions about radiation burn. I appreciate all the comments! New question...My last day of treatment is tomorrow and I'm feeling a little depressed. I know I should be really happy because I have been looking forward to this day for months, but a part of me isn't. Has anyone else…
Picc or port?
I have recently had a picc put in my arm. However, when the nurse was changing the dressing and flushing it, she asked why I had a picc instead of a port. I only have 2 more chemo treatments but I will have 11 more treatments of one of the chemo drugs after that, ending at the end of July! Should I insist on having a port…
A question about chemo
I have a question. I have read that some people only get one drug for chemo. I get Carboplatin, Trastuzumab (Herceptin) and Docetaxel (Taxotere) one after the other each time I go in for chemo. I am wondering if this is "normal" or if other people out there get multiple drugs each time they go in for chemo...
Sore feet...help
I am a newbie to this site. My dx was Stage 1B invasive ductal carcinoma, high grade, triple negative. After a stereotactic biopsy, I've had 2 lumpectomies (in order to get clean margins) the second was on 8/5/10. I've had 3 of 6 chemo treatments (T-C followed up by a nulasta shot). I will also have 33 radiation treatments…
Final implants after tissue expanders
Hi, I had a nipple sparing mastectomy in July 2010 and just had my tissue expanders exchanged for high profile silicone implants 2 days ago on November 9th. I had to get a skin graph for one of my nipples because the pathology report in July showed less than a 2mm margin. I havent been able to see that breast yet but the…
Should I have my port removed?
I was just reading through the "Picc or port" thread & it got me to thinking. My Onc told me, when he made the remission statement to me, that I could have my port removed in a month if I wanted to. He said I could have my plastic surgeon remove it at my exchange surgery. I'm planning on having it removed. It's unsightly,…
Mouth Rinse with Baking Soda and Salt
Really, the title should be "Miracle Mouth Cure! Just send $9.99, Operators Are Standing By to Take Your Call!" LOL! But, that would defeat the purpose of making a separate post...and the purpose is to make it easier when folks search for thrush prevention. Here's the recipe (pretend to be a Baldwin Sister when you make…
Well enough to get 'normal' sick....lol!
So, I have been down for the count for the last 4 days from bronchitis. YIKES!!! I feel like every time I cough, I'm bring up a lung!!!! For me, I've been lucky to be healthy (well all the small stuff...lol...not the big stuff like cancer) for all of my life, and so this has got me down on the couch! I went to the doctor…
can i get radiation poisoning from having had 33 treatments
I finished the treatment and have been so sick. No chemo only rad. Extremely tired, chills,sleep all the time, aches, no ENERGY
Fortune Cookie
I had Chinese food at the mall while shopping with Katherine today. My fortune was, "Keep on charging the enemy so long as there is life." It gave me goosebumps! I am putting it up on my fridge to remind me to keep fighting, no matter what! Keep on fighting fellow warriors!
Mother has lytic lesions on bone-need info
Mom had BC 8 and half years ago. We just found out that it has metatasied to two of her ribs. She has a CAT scan set for Friday and then back to meet with oncologist. What do I need to know so that I can have a productive discussion with him. What kind of prognosis should I expect.
I am a 25 year old daughter of a strong woman who is currently battling staqe 4 breast cancer which has metastasized to her bones and liver. She was diagnosed two years ago and during the last two years her marriage of 32 years has fallen apart. We found out my dad was cheating on her and basically sucking her dry…
Anyone taking Toremifene ?
Good Morning to you all.I've had a Lumpectomy and 33 Rads for IDC, IIA and now been informed by my Onc. that I'm not able to take Tamoxifen, results from the CYP2D6 test. So he is recommending Toremifene(Fareston). My question is has anyone taken this med? I'm just really confused as to which route to take after reading…
48 hrs since diagnosed
OMG....I'm scared...no idea how long I have had this...it's big and was told for years it was just a cyst..I watched my son die of Melanoma 5 1/2 yrs ago...took 93 days...if it has made it to stage 4 is there hope or do I start planning the end? I see a Breast Cancer Specialist the 22nd ..I have had mammogram, ultrasound…
Drains &*%$#
I am suppose to get my drain out next Tues. The Dr said it has to be 30 cc's or less for two consecutive days to take it out. I only have one more day to hit that mark. I don't think I'm going to make it! I am still around 200 per day!! This means I will have to keep this damn thing for another week.. &%$#@! Has anyone…
My volunteer work for ACS
As I have previously posted, I have volunteered for the Look Good Feel Better program. I had my first day on Monday. All I was required to do was to set up. I however be staying each time to assist if needed and possibly clean up afterwards. The facility at the Mayo clinic is just beautiful. I had never been there before…
Hair care products 2-
Yes, I'm back on the hair thing...I posted a similiar topic at the end of April before I had even finished chemo...now I'm 6 months out with short wavy/curly hair. I use Shea Moisture from Target because it's organic. It costs $9.99 for a 12 oz. bottle. It's ok, I get a lot of compliments...I wanna know what other good…
Happy News!!!!
I'm a grandmother again! My grandaughter was born today at 12:46 p.m. I got to take all the pictures of the birth! Londyn Elizabeth is 21 inches long and weighed 8 lbs, 6 ozs. My daughter did great! I have a 10 year old grandson and now a beautiful grandaughter! I'm so very lucky. A year ago I wondered if I would see any…
If Anyone needs a free wig and things
I would tell them to go to thier local american cancer office. I got a very nice wig and bra with the prosetic( spelling off) . They are very kind. Now when I go on interviews I be looking more normal.
My picture changed!
Yesterday, I decided to post some pictures of my hair journey on my Expressions page. I just posted a response on another thread and I see my picture with the post changed to one of the ones I posted. Not sure how that happened or if I even want it to, but this is my last day with hair before my friend buzzed it for me . .…
New cancer drug has great potential for bone mets
I know this is long but it is great news! ~~Connie~~ Novel Cancer Drug Has Potential, University of Arizona Study Reports Monthly injections of the drug in breast cancer patients whose disease had spread to the bone helped reduce pain and prevent complications with less toxicity than current treatments. By Sara Hammond,…
First Round Of Chemo
Well ladies you were right, I did not get sick. Had the chemo on Wed. & even went out to eat after. Now I know it may not stay this easy but I have to hope. They had a little trouble will getting into my port, Said it was not anchored as well as most. They tried 4 times before they got it. I love that Elma I never felt a…
Mammograms and Implants... what to do???
What is your take on Mammograms after reconstruction with implants? I keep getting conflicting information from my docs. What are your Doctors saying??
How many rads did you have ?
I am in the process of completing chemo (3 more Taxol to go), then surgery and then rads. How long (how many weeks?) between surgery and rads and then how many rads? I know we are all different but just wondering what everyone has to say. THANX ahead of time.
Radiation cancellations getting old
I started radation November 1. My protocol is a total of 21 treatments, 16 full breast, 5 boosters. Right after I started I realized that Thanksgiving is this month and is a holiday for the university hospital where I receive treatments (both Thursday and Friday). I asked the radiation oncologist about this and was assured…
Good Thoughts for Chenheart on Monday 11.15
Chenheart is precious to these boards and has in one way or another been a source of encouragement to all of us. I'm sorry I can't remember the exact WHAT but she is having scans on Monday, 11.15. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) she is having scans to determine if her current treatment is working to fight the recurrence.…
What next????
Last December, (before I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February) I was having severe pains in my lower left stomach. My doctor said it was probably a kidney infection or an maybe a kidney stone. She gave me an antibiotic. When I went for my pre-op before my lumpectomy, she had me re-do the urine test again. I also…