good report about incision scar
Turns out the "lump" is really a final part of healing that my surgeon equated to a "shelf" of the tissues from each side coming together. It will always be there, but he suggested plastic surgery for the scar......I will think about it. Thank you for all of your prayers. After that I went for an oral surgery consult,…
Did you know that NED has a first cousin???? He is dancing with me!!!!
For our new ones here, we often refer to "dancing with NED" which means celebrating that there is No Evidence of Disease. We obviously love NED and share him happily and willingly with all of the Kindred Spirits. That having been said...I am not quite dancing with NED, but I had an awesome,faith-building, happy, reason to…
The Biggest Loser
The Biggest Loser tomorrow night (Tuesday, November 23) will join forces with the Ford Warriors in Pink. They will show that battle that takes inner strength, determination and commitment to beat breast cancer. I'm looking forward to watching it.
Good Onc. visit today!
I had a check up with the Onc. today and all was well. I go back in 3 months for mammogram. God Bless (((Hugs))) Janice
Does anyone know anything about this new drug, Faslodex? I read a little on the internet that it might be superior to AIs in preventing recurrence? Ohilly
WOW...I received my ornament
and it's so perfect! YOU are such a special lady and we are truly linked in so many ways. I can't believe how many things we have in common! You're letter was so beautiful and touched my heart. It just so happened that today, my daughter came home from college and we had planned to decorate our tree. I went to the mail box…
Curious if anyone used the FMLA..? I thought i posted and can't see it..so if repeat sorry.. I did not use it..but just wondering if helpful/ works like it is suppose to!
I am speechless ... Just received my box of goodies .. from my Secret Santa .. Oh My .. How Excite
Well .. I am smiling from ear to ear, cuz my secret Santa (Cypress Cynthia) knows me soooo well. I can not believe my good fortune .. My ornament is from the NFL - Team Spirit - Hand Painted Glass Mascot with New Orleans Saints Football -- How spot on - and precise this gift is .. I adore it! Thank you for the time and…
Femara Eye Problems
Hello, I've been on femara for 13 months now. I have the usual muscle aches, nausea, fatigue that are femara side effects but in the last few months have had problems with my eyes. Blurred vision, burning sensation, etc which is truly upsetting me since I now cannot read my beloved books, work on my pc, etc. Well, I…
I received so much more than an ornament!
OK, so I get the box, and I think this is kinda big and heavy for an ornament...what pretty paper...surprised the post office didn't mess it up...I carefully opened it...and out poured so much love and care! With the love and care were several ornaments, each of them truly beautiful. My favorites are the feather painted by…
Got ornament today
Thank you for the ornaments Blownaway60. I can't wait to put them on my tree. Have a happy thanksgiving and christmas.
Has anyone used FMLA *I think same from state to state! Just curious...I did not really need it...just wondering if it benefit to anyone..
It's in the mail!!!!
Pardon my excitement, but I am the queen of procrastination and to have mailed my ornament before Thanksgiving -- well, it's just so unlike me. So, my special person, when you get your package from sunny California, open it!! For one thing, it needs water. Yes, I sent you a hamster!! Happy Thanksgiving to all -- I carry…
Another wonderful new experience today...breast MRI....and I broke the computer...ROFL!
So, THIS is an interesting test...lol!!! Especially for me, who can't raise my arms above my head for very long because of a 'frozen' shoulder... And then, after many minutes of banging...silence....then the voice of the tech comes on and says "Now I need to reboot the computer, it has developed a glitch...just lie still…
A New Snag in My New "Normal" - SHINGLES!
I wound up in the ER twice last week because of severe upper back pain coming around to my chest wall. After EKG and CT, nothing was found and I was sent home on pain meds. One day later I broke out in a rash and went to my primary, and was told I had SHINGLES! I didn't realize how painful this can be but now I know. I'm…
Today is Skeezie's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JUDY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hoping your day is filled with all the things you love most and wishing you many more candles to come! ♥ Cat
Anyone have a reaction to Zofran?
I don't think I can tolerate it. Yesterday was a HORRIBLE day. Couldn't get a hold of myself. Felt out of body! Thinking it was the nausea med??? Today I feel about 75% better.
Eyelashes and eye brows.
It'll be 2 months since last chemo. Hair lokks like a #2 buzzcut ,very baby soft hair. But the last of my eyelashes are falling out and eyebrows. Did anyone have this problem? Will they grow back? Had bc. Kit
Let's play the game again that someone else started. Chemo brain.. can't remember who. Need some fun
It goes like this: Question: Book or Kindle? you answer, and start another question. Loved it!
Ladies....when hair comes back...oh boy!
So, I have a pretty decent rug on top. Probably 1/2" all around, but it doesn't stick up in little pokes anymore. There's enough to lay flat. Good. Now, my nose hair just sprung up, and it's longer than my head hair. Arm pit hair is there too. Those 3 chin hairs have had babies. My face is fuzzy. Help....I'm turning into a…
bug bite
Around 4 weeks after chemo somekind of bug bit me underneath my arm pit. I freaked out cahnged sheets, vacummed room from top to bottom Thought it bedbugs. Even bought a new mattress Nothing anywhere in house Nothing in kids rooms. Well the bites are not healing. Is it because Chemo destrowed white boold cells to heal cuts…
I should have done this immediately upon diagnosis. I just figured I was the one who was going to beat it with overkill! This is for a consultation, so I have to think of a bunch of question.... any advice?
Loosing my hair!
I just started loosing my hair yesterday, how appropriate for Halloween. Even though I was told I would loose my hair, I prayed everyday that somehow I would be that one peson who wouldn't! Well I know better as I am a nurse and use to take care of oncology patients. I found myself shaking yesterday morning as I saw the…
First Mom then Dad
First Mom fell a week ago Sunday and when they exrayed her they found Bone Mets on two of her ribs. Then Daddy collasped on her Thursday and had to be life flight to the hospital. We found out he had a TIA and that the arteries in his neck were blocked 95 and 90%. He has had the artery on the left side cleaned and in a…
venting - once chemo ended support vanished
Ugh i hope i'm just going thru post surgery blues. I feel like I'm at the end of my rope! Since chemo stopped - all this support & help I had came to an abrupt stop. My husband's help around the house has gone steadily downhill during my chemo treatments. My sister in law, who offered to come over on Friday afternoons (she…
Thank you for the ornament!
Actually I don't know who I am thanking yet for it says do not open until the holidays. For someone who makes a game out of finding her Christmas gifts before the actual day this is extremely difficult (my husband does not like this game :-) - but I will do it. Thank you to my ornament angel ahead of time!
Surgery is tomorrow .................
having a 5 hour explorwtory surgery tomorrow at 1145 removing the ommaya resevor and draining the pocket of fluid ;) knee mail requested ladies will update asap
Thanks RE, Cats Toy & Bella Luna for the photos of the CSN REunion!
I looked at the pictures you took on both of your expressions pages and loved them! Everyone looks great and it was so wonderful that so many of you could meet! So, you have more on Facebook Vicki? I wish I was a member there, but, I am not. Maybe, you could post the rest on here? I bet next years REunion is already in the…
TSA are IDIOTS! (Spilled a urostomy bag)
I just saw an interview on TV with a man who was horribly abused by the TSA. He is a bladder cancer survivor and uses a uriostomy bag. He went through the radiation scanner - told them he had a medical device. He was pulled over for the groopy-feely assault. He told the man that he had the bag but the male had no clue…
Eureka! More Pics Posted of the Luncheon
RE inspired me to post some photos taken at the luncheon on my Expressions Gallery page. I figured out how to do it! Hooray for Me! Enjoy the viewing! BL PS ChenHeart... I noticed I didn't have any pics of your niece, Siobhan. I am not sure if she was away from the table when I started snapping away, sorry about that. I…