Radiation after chemo?
Morning all :) I have a quick question I'd like to ask. How long after you finished chemo did you start radiation? I didn't have radiation, but my mom has 2 Taxotere treatments to go & then she's done with chemo, but since she had a lumpectomy she will be having radiation also, and was asking me how long after chemo she'll…
how pumpkin pie is really made
just posted a pix to my expressions page.......it was too funny not to share with you all. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and enjoy your pies :-)
Chemo while making Heavenly Hash with the nurses..who da thought, ya'll!!
I went for my second of twelve Taxol treatments yesterday. After my A/C brake, I had been "missing" a dear man that I met on my first day of chemo in Sept. I was so scared that day, I wanted my husband just to turn around and go home. We shared the same chemo "day" so we talked often. Last week I asked about him again and…
I sent the ornament.
Hope the recipient likes it. Was trying to find something that can be displayed all year around. BTW my ornament from last year has been adorning my dresser all year, it is too special to put away! There are photos of it on here. My grandson loved it, too.
Bone Cancer Mets from Breast Cancer
I was diagnosed with breast cancer 7 years ago and it has come back, mets to my bones. I have numerous spots on my ribs and a large tumor close to my spine at the back of my neck but they have slowed it down with radiation. I am taking a monthly hormone shot. My doctor said that people can live many years with bone…
What's the ornament exchange?
Just reading some posts about ornaments being exchanged. Is it too late? Where can I get info? Thankx Alison
Next chemo Taxol - can't wait for it to be all over!
I have four more treatments left and next Wednesday I begin Taxol. The last chemo treatments really hit me hard and I have been struggling (exhausted and not wanting to eat or can't eat) Does anyone know if taxol will be easier or just different side effects?
Donna's a Rad Grad!!!!
Just in time for Thanksgiving!!! They even gave her a diploma!!! I put a copy of it on my expressions page. Diagnosis April 1st; lumpectomy; AC-T chemo; 21 rounds of radiation. Next comes five years of tamoxifen (just because even though she is triple negative, there is a little bit positive). Hugs to all; and a Happy…
Happy Thanksgiving
To all my seasoned pink sisters and to the new ones just starting or currently in treatment, I wish you all a blessed and happy holiday. To those who have an appetite to eat this holiday , Enjoy. To those who have no appetite I promise you it will come back. Enjoy what you can, and if that means just resting by all means…
Another Armidex side effect
I went to my internist last week and had my annual exam. I got a call from his nurse yesterday informing me that I will be started on Zocor for high cholesterol. I was shocked since I had my cholesterol checked a little over one month ago. I have never had high cholesterol and my good cholesteral that my doc said he would…
Turkey Take Out!!!
Finished my 4 rounds of A/C 4 weeks ago and just started my first week of my Taxol on Thurs. Started with leg, back and now all over pain! Please tell me I won't be like this for 12 weeks and I have to order my Thanksgiving dinner from the local supermarket!!!!
Chemo #3
Next Tuesday, Nov. 30th is my #3 Chemo treatment. Feeling good this week. Only doing one thing each day, going slow; slow and careful, stopping when needed to rest. Some days can't do anything so taking advantage of these good days. Dread the side effects but am happy to be on #3. My fingernails seem to be turning purple…
If given the choice... chemo or no??
Ok friends, weeks ago, after reviewing my ONCO (22 to 14 to 9) with my nurse, she gave me the choice of whether or not to face chemo tx's. She also gave me two different regimens to choose from. I jumped in head first and said hell ya I'm going to do everything I can to fight what we can't see right? Well, now that I've…
2010 Can't Get Over Soon Enough!
What a year! I can't wait for it to be over. I went to a urologist today, because my last few urine samples have had small amounts of blood in them. I have to have another ultrasound next week. Then on December 20 I have to have cystoscopy. They wanted to do it on December 1st, but that is my exchange surgery. Hard to…
Good News - Finished Radiation Treatments
Yesterday was my last of 33 treatments. I am so glad it is finally over. I will still have to use the creams for some time since my skin did burn and I have some open areas, but its good to me done with this phase! Like everyone has said, I don't know what to expect next. I have an appointment with my medical oncologist on…
Side affects from Chemo drugs
Does anyone know of Herceptin the chemo drug? It affected my lungs and would like to know if anyone was on it and did it affect your lungs.
My ornaments are ADORABLE!!
Thank you so much for my beautiful gourd ornaments. They are adorable! I am going to use them for decorating in the fall as well as for the holidays! You are awesome! Anna
50 warm fuzzies
I have now made 50 blankets! Yay! I gave 20 to the Infusion Center at the hospital today. They were very appreciative and will begin to give them out in December. If they start to go too quickly, I will make more. It has been a lot of fun.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I haven't been here as much as I would like to be, but life has a way of happening, doesn't it? I am a primary caregiver of an elderly parent, and between taking care of her and subbing part time, my time is at a premium! Anyway, I think if all if you and want to wish all my sistahs a very Happy and safe Thanksgiving!…
HaHa, Ha?
Three young male dogs were strutting down the street when they saw a lovely Poodle. The three quickly ran to her, all trying to impress her, asking her out. She said,"Boys! Please! The first one who can intelligently use the words 'Liver' and 'Cheese' in a sentence will be my date. The striking black Lab said "I love liver…
Happy Thanksgiving
Hoping that all of you have the best turkey day ever! Thanksgiving hugs, Leeza
The Happiest of Holidays to you all.
The Happiest of Holidays to you all. Hugs Donna
I am wishing everyone a happy thanksgiving
My onco is going to wait to see if I worsen with the second one of taxol. I told her benadryl is not helping. I dont like taxol and it does not like me. It seems that my hair is trying to grow back in. I hope it stays. I took the look good feel good class was not for me I just not the makeup girl. Up side everyone in the…
Getting my last chemo as we speak!
My journey started in May at 36 with triple negative stage 1. After lumpectomy, genetic testing, chemo - A/C and exempra, a night in the hospital for chest pains and a birthday I celebrate my last chemo today! I still have eight weeks of rads but I am happy today! Lots to be thankful for!
finally...some good news!!
So, I found out today, the chemo is working and the tumor in my liver and spine are shrinking. Finally, after 6 freaking months the chemo is working!!! I am still very tired, and I have been having some chest pain. But they did find a problem (of course, didn't think it was that easy) there is some fluid build up, so have…
taken to court...don't they know you can't get blood from a turnip??
I'm being sued by my dentist's office! I have to go to small claims court in a week and a half. I'm behind a total of 3 payments, and the total amount I owe them is less than $1,000. The thing that really gets me is, I never got anything from them before I got the summons. A bill collector called me after my 2nd payment…
I'm mailing my ornament today! Who will be the secret recipient? Is it you, or you? You'll just have to wait a few days. Happy Thanksgiving one and all!!
Happy Thanksgiving To My Sisters In Pink!
Wishing all of you a blessed day! I plan on eating too much and falling into a food coma. How about you? LOL Big hugs, Megan
Gobble, gobble...thanksgiving...free range and no hormones...just like me!
Thanksgiving has taken on a renewed meaning for me this year. I wanted to thank all the ladies and the few gentlemen too for the collective wisdom that is preserved here. This site is so much richer and ultimately valuable by the contributions and shared insights of all that visit. When I was first diagnosed I googled…
Another sleepless night....
Any idea how the long steroids stick with you? Third night in arow that I can't sleep.... I'm taking 16mg. of dexamethason total each day- the day before, day of and day after treatment. The last two nights I got about three hours sleep each night, tonight is looking like the same. I really like my sleep, but it sure…