Pain at port site after several months

withabby52 Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was looking around out here to see if I could find anyone else who experienced this because, of course, it is a Saturday night at 11:20 - not a convenient time to call a doc or nurse. I had my port removed several months ago. It was not a horrible experience; local and a great nurse who kept me occupied while I squeezed the life out of her hand! I don't remember it hurting for more then a day or so but once in a while I do get pain/soreness on the side where the port was. (right side). Today, the area is tender and there is what feels like sore muscles in the site area, upper chest muscle , clavicle and shoulder and the breast. I do some times wake up and find myself sleeping on my right side and wonder if that could have aggravated something. I actually have an appointment with my oncologist on Monday but am wondering if anyone else has had this happen. I am trying to go with the "slept funny on my right side" theory to keep myself from feeling to scared. Anybody?


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    I felt my port (soreness, discomfort) several months after it was removed. During that time I never slept on my port side. My doctors were surprised and did not believed me, however told me that it was scar tissue. I used "scar-away" silicone strips and lidocaine patch. I am feeling almost nothing after 12 months. Talk to your doc to rule out blood clot.
  • withabby52
    withabby52 Member Posts: 6

    I felt my port (soreness, discomfort) several months after it was removed. During that time I never slept on my port side. My doctors were surprised and did not believed me, however told me that it was scar tissue. I used "scar-away" silicone strips and lidocaine patch. I am feeling almost nothing after 12 months. Talk to your doc to rule out blood clot.

    Thanks for your comments. I will talk to the oncologist on Monday and take it from there. I try to stay off that side, but it doesn't always work. Thanks again.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    I had my port removed this
    I had my port removed this past September. I feel some tenderness if I press down on the area, but I am not in any pain. It doesn't hurt to call the doctor to ask about it. You shouldn't be in pain. Best of luck to you.