Caring Bridge - a time saver

skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
SInce I referenced my Caring Bridge website on another topic and some people were unfamiliar with the site I thought I would share the info.

If you go to you can create a website to share information with friends and family. It beats trying to call or email lots of people who keep saying "keep me posted", they can just access your website and read your journal entries. They can also post messages in a guest book that you can read when you go back to your site. It was a wonderful help to me 'cause with chemo brain I couldn't always remember who I called etc. It is a free service. All you have to do is let the folks you want to know what your site name is.


  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    Thank you for the great
    Thank you for the great idea!

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Excellent resource, skipper
    I also had a CaringBridge site, and also highly recommend it.

    I'll also add 2 features that I thought were helpful were:

    1) It's extremely easy to set up -- you don't have to know ANYTHING about creating websites, and they have lots of designs to choose from. I had fun changing my design every month with just one click of a button to fit the season, holiday, etc.

    2) Your friends and family can sign up to have the site send them an email every time you post something new -- my (very) lazy friends really liked this, so they didn't even have to make the effort to go check it.

    (On the other hand, there's an elderly lady at my church who starts her day every morning by firing up her computer, getting her cup of coffee, and checking her bank balance online....She said she added checking my CaringBridge site to her daily morning routine -- I was flattered to be put right up there with coffee and her bank balance!)

    :-) Traci