Looks like the chemo man cometh!

BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
edited April 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a routine consultation with the rads onco today and wasn't expecting my Oncotype score back until the 19th, when we were to meet with the MO. I got the wind knocked out of me when we learned the pathology was back already, they had conferred and he gave me the news. My score was in the solid intermediate range, though I am going to have to call the MO to get the number. He will be having me do chemo (4 cycles of Taxotere and Cytoxin). I will probably start around the end of this month. I'll admit, I am a bit scared and would appreciate any advice and wisdom you have, and of course prayers from those of you who pray.




  • em h
    em h Member Posts: 23
    all my best
    I just finished 5 rounds of Taxotere/Adriamycin/Cytoxan.

    Tell your oncologist about every side effect. They NEED to know. Do not be polite or shy.

    Make sure that Emend is part of your infusion routine. Some insurance carriers won't cover it. It is a pre-nausea anti-nausea drug and it works.

    Move. Keep moving, resting is not restful. Stretch, walk.

    Hygiene. Watch out for germs. Be careful what you eat, keep it plain. (For instance no moldy cheeses, careful of cream sauces, and wash wash wash your vegetables.)

    Hydrate. Try to find something to drink that tastes good. I drank lemon water until the taste turned on me, then I drank water with a splash of grape juice. The chemo drugs will make you retain an enormous amount of water. They will give you steroids to counter-act this. The steroids can make you sleepless and edgy. When the steroids wear off you can become depressed. Be aware.

    If you get mouth sores, ask your doctor about Caphosol. It's a new drug and it works.

    I craved fruit, I think because it never lost its taste. Cold mandarin oranges tasted the best. (Don't eat berries as you'll never get them washed well enough.) Eat a banana once a day for potassium.

    Don't buy food in bulk. What tastes good on Monday will taste bad on Wednesday.

    Movies made me queasy to watch, my eyesight got blurry so reading was hard. Jigsaw puzzles kept me sane.

    When you are done with chemo you'll need to replace lots of nutrients-
    CoQ-10 (for your heart)
    B complex with Folic acid
    Fractionated citrus pectin

    I'm also taking Culturelle probiotic to try to get my GI tract back to normal.

    Some people claim that icing your hands and feet while getting the infusions can save your fingernails and toenails. I didn't do that. Now, almost two months after my last infusion my toenails are falling off. If I had to do it again, I'd give that a try.

    In the middle of my chemo treatments I thought I'd never see the spring, but here it is. I am sorry you have to go through this, but you will make it.

    Best of luck to you Nancy.
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    em h said:

    all my best
    I just finished 5 rounds of Taxotere/Adriamycin/Cytoxan.

    Tell your oncologist about every side effect. They NEED to know. Do not be polite or shy.

    Make sure that Emend is part of your infusion routine. Some insurance carriers won't cover it. It is a pre-nausea anti-nausea drug and it works.

    Move. Keep moving, resting is not restful. Stretch, walk.

    Hygiene. Watch out for germs. Be careful what you eat, keep it plain. (For instance no moldy cheeses, careful of cream sauces, and wash wash wash your vegetables.)

    Hydrate. Try to find something to drink that tastes good. I drank lemon water until the taste turned on me, then I drank water with a splash of grape juice. The chemo drugs will make you retain an enormous amount of water. They will give you steroids to counter-act this. The steroids can make you sleepless and edgy. When the steroids wear off you can become depressed. Be aware.

    If you get mouth sores, ask your doctor about Caphosol. It's a new drug and it works.

    I craved fruit, I think because it never lost its taste. Cold mandarin oranges tasted the best. (Don't eat berries as you'll never get them washed well enough.) Eat a banana once a day for potassium.

    Don't buy food in bulk. What tastes good on Monday will taste bad on Wednesday.

    Movies made me queasy to watch, my eyesight got blurry so reading was hard. Jigsaw puzzles kept me sane.

    When you are done with chemo you'll need to replace lots of nutrients-
    CoQ-10 (for your heart)
    B complex with Folic acid
    Fractionated citrus pectin

    I'm also taking Culturelle probiotic to try to get my GI tract back to normal.

    Some people claim that icing your hands and feet while getting the infusions can save your fingernails and toenails. I didn't do that. Now, almost two months after my last infusion my toenails are falling off. If I had to do it again, I'd give that a try.

    In the middle of my chemo treatments I thought I'd never see the spring, but here it is. I am sorry you have to go through this, but you will make it.

    Best of luck to you Nancy.

    That is a wealth of great
    That is a wealth of great information! Thank you so much! I am going to try icing my feet and hands as you suggested and let you know if it works.

  • sunshine0406
    sunshine0406 Member Posts: 65
    So sorry
    I am so sorry. I think em h has a great deal of good info. I did not have taxotere (I had a reaction) or Cytoxin. I just thought I would add I drank coconut water with a splash of v8 fruit fusion juice (because I don't like the taste of the coconut water) to stay hydrated. My infusion nurse said they used it as a iv fluid and it helps. It can be hard to find, and you want the water not the milk (there is a difference). I found it at whole foods and my Safeway got a huge shipment in (my mom asked why they had so much the guy just said "one day it just showed up") I took that as I sign that I needed this as my Safeway is in a very small town. I hope this helps and I will be praying for you!
    P.S. the other thing I try to do is keep a journal. It helps to get my thoughts, fears and emotions out and helps to manage the stress I have.
  • Hippiechick58
    Hippiechick58 Member Posts: 320

    So sorry
    I am so sorry. I think em h has a great deal of good info. I did not have taxotere (I had a reaction) or Cytoxin. I just thought I would add I drank coconut water with a splash of v8 fruit fusion juice (because I don't like the taste of the coconut water) to stay hydrated. My infusion nurse said they used it as a iv fluid and it helps. It can be hard to find, and you want the water not the milk (there is a difference). I found it at whole foods and my Safeway got a huge shipment in (my mom asked why they had so much the guy just said "one day it just showed up") I took that as I sign that I needed this as my Safeway is in a very small town. I hope this helps and I will be praying for you!
    P.S. the other thing I try to do is keep a journal. It helps to get my thoughts, fears and emotions out and helps to manage the stress I have.

    Sorry to hear that you need
    Sorry to hear that you need chemo! I had 4 rounds of A/C and 4 rounds of Taxol. Each round was followed by an injection of Neulasta, which put me to bed for 3-4 days! What I can tell you from experience is to take ALL the anti-nausea drugs they give you. I got Compazine, Emend, and Zofran. I took all three and never vomited. Still had a bit of nausea but nothing like I would have had if I hadn't taken all my meds. Also, try to eat several small meals throughout the day. This will lessen the nausea. Make sure you hydrate. I can't stress this enough! I had to go to the clinic many times for hydration and this was something I definitely did not need! I wish you luck and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Be Well,
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Nancy,
    I had four rounds of taxotere and cytoxin too. My side effects were minimal and it was very doable for me. The had to take steroids the day before, the day of, and the day after my treatments. So those days I was on a steroid high. Two days after that was my "crash" day. I learned after the first time not to plan anything except staying in bed or laying on the couch that entire day!

    I would usually be constipated the first day or so after treatment, then had diarreah for a few days.

    The most important thing I think is to hydrate yourself starting a few days before and continue a few days after. Good luck and let us know how you make out.

  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I had the same regimen
    and was very lucky to have few bad side effects. I was able to work through most of my treatment, and only took a few days off for each one. My treatments were on Wednesdays, with a Neulasta shot on Thursday. I would feel pretty good Thursday and Friday, with Saturday and Sunday after treatment being the worst days. By Monday I was able to go to work again, but I work in an office so my work isn't physically demanding.

    As others have said, drinking water is the best advice and will help to flush the toxins out of your system more quickly. And right up there with best advice is to make sure that you can contact your MO anytime (day or night) to ask questions if something happens that you worry about. Since everyone is so different it's usually best to check with your doctor just to make sure it's nothing to worry about. Some women weren't given a number to contact their doctor after hours and would suffer all night or sometimes all weekend - DON'T DO THAT!

    The most annoying SE for me was the mouth taste, which would last for about a week or so after each treatment. Even water tasted yucky for me, and the only things that tasted normal were meats and vegetables. I would crave breads but when I ate them they just didn't taste right. Biotene mouth rinse will help this effect if you get it, or you can try rinsing with salt/baking soda in warm water.

    I would also recommend stocking up on something to help with diarrhea and constipation. You may get 1 or the other, or both. I found that eating Activia yogurt helped me to regulate this issue (I mostly had the constipation).

    Talk to your doctor about the ice packs. I was considering wearing an ice pack to minimize hair loss and talked to my MO about it. She said she wouldn't recommend it as the way it works is to stop the drugs from getting to that part of your body. I decided that I wanted the chemo to reach every place it could and just dealt with the hair loss. My fingernails did get ugly, but never fell off. Unfortunately they still haven't totally recovered a year later, but they look OK. Just aren't as strong as they used to be.

    I'm sorry that you didn't get to skip the chemo, but I know you can make it through this - you have a great attitude and of course you have us!

    Take care,
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    What can I say except, you
    What can I say except, you all are a bunch of caring, kind, encouraging, helpful and supportive women! Thank you sooooooooooooooo much!

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    That is a wealth of great
    That is a wealth of great information! Thank you so much! I am going to try icing my feet and hands as you suggested and let you know if it works.


    I am sorry Nancy that you
    I am sorry Nancy that you have to go thru chemo. I am sending you good luck and lots of positive thoughts.

    Hugs, Angie
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    What can I say except, you
    What can I say except, you all are a bunch of caring, kind, encouraging, helpful and supportive women! Thank you sooooooooooooooo much!


    Nancy .. the only thing I would add ...
    while you have strength, and not fighting a cold, or flu - due to ever changing WBC "White Blood Cell .. counts ..

    Please spring clean your home -- wash bedding, clean under those beds (get family and friends to help, if possible) ..

    Purchase birthday gifts for children or family member -- wrap and put away, cuz there will be times during your chemo therapy that you may not have energy or stamina to leave your home. ..

    Call on family members and friends to bring over a casserole for your family on chemo days..

    If possible .. freeze soups, broths, casseroles, spaghetti sauces .. for easy making of dinners -- pack your freezer, now.

    Stock pile frozen lemonade, cranberry, apple, and grape juices. Lipton ice tea packets, are also a good buy. Hydration is needed to purify our system, and water is a GREAT source -- however, After a while, plain water ---just does not cut it..anymore.

    Also, contact www.cleaningforareason.org -- free house cleaning for cancer patients ..

    Strength and Courage,

    Vicki Sam
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    sorry you got the news you need chemo. I had 6 rounds of Taxotere/Cytoxan. My onc had me taking 2 Dexamethasone 2x the day before chemo and 2 the 2 days following chemo. I also got the Neulasta shot the day after chemo. The first chemo session was a long one. I had a purple power port which made for easy access. I was given an anti nausea med, Benadryl, fluids and then the 2 drugs. All went very well for me. I drank a lot of water! My side effects were minimal. My hair fell out around day 14 after 1st chemo. I used Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash. I also used plastic silverware so I never had a metal taste in my mouth. I hope all goes well for you. Post after you've had your 1st and ask any questions. We're here for support!
    {{hugs}} Char
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    Sorry to hear that you need
    Sorry to hear that you need chemo! I had 4 rounds of A/C and 4 rounds of Taxol. Each round was followed by an injection of Neulasta, which put me to bed for 3-4 days! What I can tell you from experience is to take ALL the anti-nausea drugs they give you. I got Compazine, Emend, and Zofran. I took all three and never vomited. Still had a bit of nausea but nothing like I would have had if I hadn't taken all my meds. Also, try to eat several small meals throughout the day. This will lessen the nausea. Make sure you hydrate. I can't stress this enough! I had to go to the clinic many times for hydration and this was something I definitely did not need! I wish you luck and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Be Well,

    Sorry to read that you will
    Sorry to read that you will be taking chemo. I didn't take chemo, so, I can't help you too much with any knowledge of it.

    But, I am wishing you the best of luck.

    Hugs, Debby
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    cahjah75 said:

    sorry you got the news you need chemo. I had 6 rounds of Taxotere/Cytoxan. My onc had me taking 2 Dexamethasone 2x the day before chemo and 2 the 2 days following chemo. I also got the Neulasta shot the day after chemo. The first chemo session was a long one. I had a purple power port which made for easy access. I was given an anti nausea med, Benadryl, fluids and then the 2 drugs. All went very well for me. I drank a lot of water! My side effects were minimal. My hair fell out around day 14 after 1st chemo. I used Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash. I also used plastic silverware so I never had a metal taste in my mouth. I hope all goes well for you. Post after you've had your 1st and ask any questions. We're here for support!
    {{hugs}} Char

    You all are wonderful!
    and Vicki Sam, that was an amazing and very helpful list!

  • Katmy
    Katmy Member Posts: 93
    Someone mentioned a port.
    Someone mentioned a port. Good idea. On Tax/Cytox, I have had to go in for fluids. It would be a lot of pokes without the port. At one point, they put a needle in and I got to keep it in for 5 days, thank goodness. The port has been wonderful.

    Scroll back and read the comments on Taxotere and Cytoxin. I found them helpful.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    What can I say except, you
    What can I say except, you all are a bunch of caring, kind, encouraging, helpful and supportive women! Thank you sooooooooooooooo much!


    Want to wish you good luck
    Want to wish you good luck Nancy.

    Hugs, Lex
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    You all are wonderful!
    and Vicki Sam, that was an amazing and very helpful list!


    So sorry too that you have
    So sorry too that you have to do chemo. Good luck!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    What can I say except, you
    What can I say except, you all are a bunch of caring, kind, encouraging, helpful and supportive women! Thank you sooooooooooooooo much!


    Drink LOTS of water!

    Drink LOTS of water!

    Praying for you,

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I am so sorry that you have
    I am so sorry that you have to have chemo. I will be there for every treatment--don't doubt it. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how you are doing.
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358

    I am so sorry that you have
    I am so sorry that you have to have chemo. I will be there for every treatment--don't doubt it. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how you are doing.

    Thank you sooooooooo much my
    Thank you sooooooooo much my new friends!

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Thank you sooooooooo much my
    Thank you sooooooooo much my new friends!


    This place is always open
    This place is always open Nancy! And, your pink sisters are here for you.

    Sue :)
  • Reneesusanne
    Reneesusanne Member Posts: 4
    Same regime
    I just finished my third round of taxotere and cytoxin. The first round was the difficult since I really had no idea which side effects would surface. The joint pain was terrible round one, the fatique reared itself the second round and I do not know what will hit me the third time. However, I have one more to go and will be ever so grateful that I can survive this. As long as I know what to expect, I feel more prepared to handle the side effects. The steroids wake me up quite early although I am fatigued.
    Preparing for what is ahead has helped me. Good luck with your journey. It certainly is interesting!