June 11th Niagara Falls area reunion
Well, it's not really a reunion, because most of us have never met. But, a few of us are planning to get together for either dinner or a late lunch. I'm thinking that a late lunch might be better, so if you want to make it a day trip, you could. Also, it could be a great time to get away for the weekend and do some…
Rads Mapping Appointment Today
Well, in a couple of hours I'll be meeting with the radiation oncologist to have our mapping visit. She said it will include the CT scan, measurements and tatooing!!! Looks like rads may start next week. Any advise from the experts here? I am looking at 30 treatments and I am 4 weeks post-chemo. Bonnie
aloe ?
Hi, I'm new here . I was diagnosed with DCIS about 7 weeks ago. I have already had 2 surgeries and have started my radiation treatments. I've been using that greasy lotion they tell you to but only at night since it is too yucky to actually put clothes on with. I see that many of you use the aloe. Where can I find this and…
How do you feel on the first day of treatment?
My first day of chemo is coming up soon (T/C) and I was wondering if you notice any difference in the way you feel that day? I have heard others say 3 days later is the worst then it gets better. I have heard about the pain after Neulasta, but no one has said how they feel on the first day of treatment. Comments or advice?…
OT - Recipe swap from last fall? winter?
I can't remember who posted the Stuffed Peper Soup, But thank you, thank you, thank you! As you may or may not know, it's snowing here again today - no accumulation, but - sheesh! Snow! Again! So I made the soup, and oh my goodness - yum! Maybe we should start another with warmer weather in mind. Sue
Yes, high blood pressure is better than cancer, but...
So, as of last week, it’s official –- my oncologist and primary care physician agree that I have high blood pressure, and have to go on medication. And all my friends and co-workers keep saying 1) Everybody has high blood pressure, it’s no big deal, and 2) You just take a pill every day, and you’re fine, no problem. Well,…
sharp shooting pains
I have 6 more Rad. treatments to go and can't wait. One of the on going side affects is sharp shooting pains mostly near the incision area. It feels like an electrical zap. Has anyone experienced this and when does it end?????????
I can't shake this feeling of doom
It has been a year since diagnosed with stage2b breast cancer and went through all my treatments and everything seems good. I should be happy, right. I was briefly but I am back to crying all the time. I can;t seem to function.I need to go to school and I can't seem to get myself to stop crying to get there. Why is this…
silver lining!
somCancer History Linked to Reduced Alzheimer's Risk Susan Jeffrey April 21, 2011 (Honolulu, Hawaii) — A new analysis of data from the Framingham Heart Study suggests that survivors of cancer, particularly nonskin cancers, appear to have a reduced risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD). The relationship persisted when the…
Update on BJmom1 As the World Turn Again
Hello Everybody, It been while since I gave the lates update. Just a refresher in April 09, I was diagnosis with met to the bones. Then in Feb 2010 I had my gall bladder remove. Which I thought will make feel better. But I had this cough that I could not get rid of since Decemeber thought it was my asthma and allerge…
just home from hospital
I was admitted to the hospial on Monday. I had an MRI done on Friday and they found a tumor on my brain, about 2 inches, so they admitted me on Monday morning and i got home last nite. I seem to be functioning ok today, and i am not in much pain. some head ache pain but it is bearable and my brain seems to be functioning…
Does Edema get worse with each treatment?
My edema reaction gets worse with each treatment. At first it was just my face. Then, my legs. This 3rd treatment, my face, legs, and arms were swollen. Simultaneously, my urination started later and later with each treatment. I am worried that my tongue will swell in my 4th. Did anyone else have this progression? If so,…
Trip to MO today....
Had my MRI and Pet Scan. Saw the results online, but had to wait until today for MO's interpretation. He was very pleased with the results. I am not dancing with NED, but before starting chemo, I had bone mets in almost all of my bones. The pet scan shows that there are only 6 tumors left that are metabolic. And out of…
We went on a little get away...
It's been a hard few weeks. Everyone in the house got sick...I had a cold, my husband has ear stuff, and both kids got strep throat. Last week my son was on spring break, this week my daughter is on spring break, Saturday was our anniversary, and Sunday of course was Easter. So even though none of us was at a hundred…
Prayers for Texasgirl please
Dawne is having her bilateral this morning. Please keep the prayers coming. I just heard from her husband and surgery started about 20 minutes ago. I will keep you posted. Her husband will let me know when surgery is over. Thank you all for the prayers. God Bless (((hugs))) Janice
How often should I have a mamogram?
In December 2007 I had a lumpectomy for DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ). No lymph nodes were involved. After surgery I had 45 radiation treatments, no chemotherapy. I took Tamoxifen for about 6 months and then stopped. I have been getting bilateral diagnostic mamograms every 6 months and see my oncologist every 6 months…
Tamoxifen and Migraines
I was put on Tamox. in January and besides hot flashes have had no problems until this summer. I have had migraines for almost 30 years and take medicine for them. This summer they just got so bad and so often that I called my onc. 9 days straight with no end in sight. I went off the Tamoxifen for about 4 days. When they…
Vitamin Supplements After Treatment?
What vitamins are you ladies taking since finishing treatments? I haven't really had a whole discussion with my onco. about this and she really only mentioned taking vitamin D. I haven'e been able to take my multivitamin while I was in treatment (chemo/rads) and was wondering if I could go back to them. I would like to…
Your signs and symptoms
Hey everyone! Ive been going to the DRs for scans since I found a lump in my neck May 2010. All my scans came back pretty clear. I had Hodgkins disease when I was 13, I am now 30. My last scan in December came back clear, and my follow up scan in March 2011 showed a growth in my armpit lymph nodes. Enough of a growth to…
Start chemo next Friday!
We saw the MO today and I learned I will be starting chemo next Friday (4/29 - T/C). On one hand I am relieved to be starting so I can get this behind me. I was diagnosed in mid January so it seems like everything has taken so long. On the other hand, I am pretty nervous about the whole thing. DH will be with me on…
What's the weather like in your area? Seems crazy everywhere!
It seems like April showers for so many areas needs to stop. So many storms, wildfires, snow and floods. So, what's your weather like?
Quietly Reflective....
Hello, my Kindred Spirits! Though I have been remiss in wishing you a Happy Birthday, commenting on your vacation plans,hair growth ( or lack thereof) treatment plans and ESPECIALLY in welcoming the new ones to the club they never wanted to join~ it certainly isn't because I am ignoring any of you! I still come to CSN…
I was surprised at what my MO said!
Yesterday DH and I talked with my MO about my upcoming T/C, which I start this coming Friday. He is well respected in the community and has been a MO here for many years. He has an excellent bedside manner. However I have read on the internet, in books and have heard from a couple of others that it is important to take the…
AC or TAXOL? Which one was easier to tolerate?
Sisters -- I am getting ACT for my chemo and I was wondering which drug had the least side effects(and I hope they were both OK for you). Did you have a more confortable time with AC of Taxol? What was your exp? Bessings for you ALL.
Radiation Help Please
Last week I finished my chemo. All of you were right the worst was the unknown. After the 1st one lol I said yes they were right it is very do able. Now I am facing another unknown & need your help again pleaseeeeeeee? Will I get a treatment that day? What will my first meeting with the radiation people be like what to…
still get sore throats and UTIs !!
Amazing, but with all we deal with I feel grateful to have a bacterial infection in my throat and a urinary tract infection going into kidneys --both at the same time. It really is one's perspective, because I thank God they are not talking about a cancer.
Los Angeles lecture
I woke up at 4:30 today and could not go back to sleep, I came here. To my surprise I found that Somehow my previous post was deleted. I believe knowledge is power. Let's try again EVOLVING INSIGHTS INTO THE RATIONAL TREATMENT OF BREAST CANCER 2011 - TUESDAY MAY 10, 2011 7:00 PM - 9:00PM FREE public lecture Sara Hurvitz,…
My father left this world, I will miss him
My dad passed away April 13. He was a wonderful guy. All loved him. I will miss him so much. As he lay in the hospital bed during his last days, he wanted to make sure that we all would be ok. The end of his life, and he was concerned more about us than himself. The last words he said to me were, "thank you for taking care…
Lawn Mowing = Good Therapy for Lymphedema
YUP - that's what I was told yesterday at PT. Yesterday morning, I had an appt. with PT as I had realized that my ROM in wrist especially and shoulder has decreased a bit. Got a couple different exercises to do but basically was told that it's the lymphedema probably. We were talking about all the stuff I do with the…
When you said your feet hurt, what part of your foot hurt...top, side, bottom ???
On a previous posting, some of you said that your feet hurt. I am curious as to what part of the foot hurts. Was it the sole of your foot? Was it the ankle? Was it the top of your foot? Was it your heel? Was it the whole foot? Did it feel tingling? Or, did it just hurt? Reason for my question is that my right heel and…