
Marsha Mulvey
Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
After a very long hot summmer in 2010, our country had a difficult winter too. Now the central and southern US are being attacked by vicious spring storms. Just wanted to check in with everyone to see that you're OK. There are terrible fires in Texas and N.M. too, due to drought conditions. Hope this finds everyone safe and well.


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Ground's not frozen!
    At least the ground's not frozen any more but there was a good 3" on it the morning - most has melted today. Only about 1/2" of ice in my 'pond' (a 55 gallon stock rank) that I put some new goldfish in the other day. We're supposed to get 6" snow tonight. That's just So Dak

  • gagee
    gagee Member Posts: 332
    We are fortunate in Calif.
    We are fortunate in Calif. got some much needed rain and then 90º one or two days and back down to 63º. Maybe a couple more days of drizzle or rain. Summer comes to soon for me. Hot days.

    My prayers and thoughts are with all in the areas of destruction.

  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    Hope everyone here on our
    Hope everyone here on our board along with your loved ones is safe!

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    gagee said:

    We are fortunate in Calif.
    We are fortunate in Calif. got some much needed rain and then 90º one or two days and back down to 63º. Maybe a couple more days of drizzle or rain. Summer comes to soon for me. Hot days.

    My prayers and thoughts are with all in the areas of destruction.


    Hubby was stationed at NWC
    Hubby was stationed at NWC China Lake (Ridgecrest/InyoKern) for 3+ years. When we left Whidbey Island (in May) with the first load of the horses it was in the 40's - got to the Base and it was over 100 in late May. Yeah BIG shock for them.

    Give me warm (hot)!

    It's snowing here now and expected to get 6" by morn. This is SOUTH Dakota! LOL

    OOPS - just saw we're under a Winter Storm Warning.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    gagee said:

    We are fortunate in Calif.
    We are fortunate in Calif. got some much needed rain and then 90º one or two days and back down to 63º. Maybe a couple more days of drizzle or rain. Summer comes to soon for me. Hot days.

    My prayers and thoughts are with all in the areas of destruction.


    Lovely Gagee Diana, I
    Lovely Gagee Diana, I would do anything about now for your 90 degree weather, especially after another full day of sleety rain. I have a feeling that we are going to miss spring and go right to summer..... remember how excited I was when it was in the 50's there in January?
    I think it is worse now because my head gets cold!

    It was cold and rainy in Utah again today!
    Hope everyone gets better weather. You are right, there have been some pretty nasty storms throughout the south east and I hope everyone is safe.
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138

    Hope everyone here on our
    Hope everyone here on our board along with your loved ones is safe!


    Awful storms
    The storms have been awful in the east and elsewhere. We are very dry here in my part of Texas. I am not that close to the fires but we did get a lot of smoke and ash last Friday from them. Prayers for some rain and safety for all of you. God Bless
    (((hugs))) Janice
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Awful storms
    The storms have been awful in the east and elsewhere. We are very dry here in my part of Texas. I am not that close to the fires but we did get a lot of smoke and ash last Friday from them. Prayers for some rain and safety for all of you. God Bless
    (((hugs))) Janice

    I saw the wildfires in Texas
    I saw the wildfires in Texas Janice and they look horrible. Glad you are safe. Hoping that everyone's weather will be better, so, we can all enjoy a nice Spring.
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    susie09 said:

    I saw the wildfires in Texas
    I saw the wildfires in Texas Janice and they look horrible. Glad you are safe. Hoping that everyone's weather will be better, so, we can all enjoy a nice Spring.

    Camul Right we are going to miss spring and go right to summer.My husband and I talk about that.We are having alot of rain, sleet, cold temps.One day somewhat warm the next 5 days are rain or cold.And it is Mid April.It is depressing.Very.Flooding will be hitting soon f this rain doesn't stop.I wanted to get out today but to depressing.

    I was reading alot about the tornados all around us.It is shocking and tragic 240 tornados hit those areas.I have a friend and classmate in Georgia and a friend in Raleigh and haven't heard from either one.I did e-mail my NC friend.No word yet.Not like her.She might not be at work(where she e-mails me alot)

    I haven't kept up on the wildfires but that is also very tragic.Those fires go on for days and weeks.Very hard to control. So many homes lost.

    Today it has been raining non stop for over 13 hours in OH.Alot of dangerous lightning and some high winds at times.And tomorrow supposed to be the same.Temps supposedly higher today and tomorrow than on Thursday.So as the days go on it will be colder temps.There is a light at the end of the tunnel.Just don't know when.I am still wearing my winter coat.

    Lynn Smith
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    We have had un-Springlike weather,
    But thankfully we are safe. I have hoped and prayed that you all are safe. My hubby's oldest daughter is in North Texas, we are calling her in about half hour to check up on them.

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    We have had un-Springlike weather,
    But thankfully we are safe. I have hoped and prayed that you all are safe. My hubby's oldest daughter is in North Texas, we are calling her in about half hour to check up on them.

  • kim mom of three
    kim mom of three Member Posts: 26
    sbmly53 said:

    We have had un-Springlike weather,
    But thankfully we are safe. I have hoped and prayed that you all are safe. My hubby's oldest daughter is in North Texas, we are calling her in about half hour to check up on them.


    Wintery mix in
    Wintery mix in Wisconsin....rain, hail, snow....YUK!!
  • kim mom of three
    kim mom of three Member Posts: 26
    sbmly53 said:

    We have had un-Springlike weather,
    But thankfully we are safe. I have hoped and prayed that you all are safe. My hubby's oldest daughter is in North Texas, we are calling her in about half hour to check up on them.


    Wintery mix in
    Wintery mix in Wisconsin....rain, hail, snow....YUK!!
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    Wintery mix in
    Wintery mix in Wisconsin....rain, hail, snow....YUK!!

    Alot since my last post
    We've had alot more rain,lightning and flooding since my last post. I don't remember ponds flooding.They seem to make it BUT ponds are flooded everywhere.People's yards too(ours included).But we don't have 1/2 the standing water as some people have.Their yards look like ponds but aren't. The rivers are overflowing but not to the road but on land. If it gets to the road people are hurting.The river is higher than I've ever seen. I don't like crossing bridges when the water is that high.With th rough water/currents etc I fear the bridge wont be able to take it.

    We still have more storms coming tonight(may be serious) and temps tomorrow night will be 35 overnight.UNREAL for such a low temp this time of year.I am just sick sick sick of it.OH and the temps will be dropping the next few days.Today was 60 but the rest of the week 50.So no relief of rain. Also no sunshine for days.

    Everyone Stay safe and dry

    Lynn Smith