Hello everyone again, I'm sorry that I have been gone so long. I have been trying to get things in order at home and things just seem to be getting worse now that Lesley is gone. I just wanted to thank everyone for their support during the time of Lesley's last days and all the great advice and support I received. This…
Another update on Texasgirl10
I heard from Dawnes husband a couple of hours ago. Just took me a while to get on here. Crazy weather here. Dawne did get to come home around 5. The last I heard she was resting and doing well. Thanks for the prayers I know she appreciates all the prayers and good thoughts. God Bless (((hugs))) Janice
My friend has passed
One month before I was diagnosed with Stage 2a BC, a friend an co-worker was diagnosed with stage 3 stomach cancer. He was diagnosed a year ago this month. We tried to support each other since I was just one month behind him in treatment. The last time I saw him was in September when he had a "my chemo is finished" party.…
99 Year Old Woman Still Gets Yearly Mammogram and I had the honor of escorting her to the dressing r
Today one of the women that I escorted to the dressing room at Lynn Sage Breast Center for her annual mammogram follow-up was a spry 99 year old woman. She walked faster than I did and I am 70. Noticed that I said, "Walked". She did not shuffle when she walked. She looked like she was in her early 80's. Recently started…
Anyone else?
I am interested if there any others out there sick of going to doctors? For years my doctors must have thought I was wacko always something the matter with me and that was for years before actually having my stage 3 diagnosis at 36. After years of trying to regain the quality to my life I finally was able to quit going to…
Ok why can I not figure this site out??
I have been posting for about a month and I can not figure out when some one posts to my thread or if someone replies to me unless I hunt for it and open it up. Is that how it is?? I have chemo brain and cam not remember every place I post stuff and I want to go back where I have posted but can't find things, they move…
Still learning about how to use thiz site. I had a Power Port put in yesterday, is is normal to still be really Sore?
Off topic-any other campers in this group
I have been camping since a baby-I just got to thinking and one month is our first camping trip. we have 4 planned this summer. Traditions! same places I went as kid and then my kids and now my grandkids! we are back to small truck camper (Had class C for 10 yrs and down sized back to truck camper) even with our RV never…
Leuprolide's effect on chemotherapy's ability to kill cancer-cells? References to research greatly
Hi everyone! Today I must decide if I should start taking Luprolide (brand-name Lupron) while I am on my chemo. Does anyone know of research papers in this area? I found a quote on breastcancer.org, http://www.breastcancer.org/tips/fert_preg_adopt/fertility/chemotherapy.jsp, saying that: "Ovarian function can be…
>>>.>which is better every 2 weeks or every 3 weeks for Chemo<<<<<<<<
Wow i had my second chemo after only 2 weeks and i am so sick it is day 5 and still can't eat or get around. They were going to do me every 3 weeks and changed there mind I think I need to go 3 so I have time to get strong 2 weeks has been rough on me in so many ways yuk my stomach is so bad........
Four rounds of chemo, will I need a VAP?
Hi there, I got diagnosed with BC early March, and am just going through fertility preserving treatment (I am under 30 years old). My chemotherapy will probably start as soon as my eggs are taken out next week. I just learned about the VAP. I have not met with my medical oncologist to ask about it, but I was wondering if…
Attitude (e-mail from my mom)
just a little e-mail my mom sent me that made me smile. hope it makes you smile too: Attitude There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, And noticed she had only three hairs on her head. 'Well,' she said, 'I think I'll braid my hair today.' So she did and she had a wonderful day. The next day she…
yearly exam?
now that I have no breasts, does this mean I can't get breast cancer again? I had a double mastectomy and all the lymph nodes removed. so when I go for my "yearly" exam, can I skip the breast exam?
I sit here looking out my window....
And I see beautiful mountains in the background (NEVER see them in The Netherlands...LOL). Closer is a stand of poplars, shimmering in the setting sun's light. Closer still, on my patio fence, sits a morning dove, waiting for it's mate. At my bird feeders sit finches of every color and size, fighting over the seeds. And…
PET Update
My PET went will, very few lights. mostly in my bones but we already knew of the met to the bones. My liver spots are still shrinking in size ( good thing there) My dr is still taking me off the tamoxafil Ive been on it for 6 months to give my body a rest putting me on tamoxafin he seems to think it will work. Thank You…
Support tips for my partner undergoing reconstruction?
Hi everyone, My girlfriend is going in for nipple reconstruction in three weeks. We met after her previous surgery, so this is all new to me, and I'm wondering if anyone can offer some advice on being a good support for her, physically and emotionally. She is a very strong woman and doesn't like to ask for help, so that's…
Bottled Water and Plastic
Hi my lovely pink sisters! I wanted to start a topic on plastic and bottled water because I have heard so many stories. I wanted to know what your thoughts and knowledge was on this subject. What do you think about drinking from plastic bottles and using plastic in general, in relation to cancer? Thanks for your opinion.…
Mammograms after mastectomy
It's time for a mammogram again but my surgern thinks it's no need since i just came out of 6 months of chemo,it will be a year since my mammogram this month,but really my question is how do they mammogram or look at the mastectomy site? I'm due for a pet/scan in May so is there no need for a mammogram please somebody that…
Race For The Cure
HI everybody,I have a cousin walking for the 3 day "Race For The Cure" in Atlanta in October,she lost her 33 yr. old daughter August 2010 of breast cancer each participant has to raise $2300.00 through donations I'm asking everyone to please donate I can e-mail you the form or you can e-mail me,please inbox me thank you in…
This gal's OUTTA here!!!
EVERYONE - I am stoked, deliriously happy etc. I got my mortgage and will be soon relocating to the east coast. Closer to NYC the city that lured me to the US in the first place. I can already feel it's energy, smell the variety of cuisines and have humming it's song for weeks now.. New York, New York. Time to pack up the…
Mildred Pierce
Recently HBO ran a 5-part mini series called Mildred Pierce. It was based on a novel. A movie was originally done starring Joan Crawford. I thought the miniseries was very well done,but there definitely are a couple of things that would make interesting discussion board topics. Any watchers and any comments?
Anyone has or thought about applying for dissabilty?
I worked all thru my lumpectomy, chemo and radiation of course taking necessary days here and there as needed, plus it was a very small office and I was lucky to have had a great woman boss who has become one of my best friends so the actual job was very easy. But a few months after I was done with the chemo and radiation…
Gassing up the Pink Party Bus for MAJW
Time for another clean mammogram tomorrow! I (trendsetter that I am) started us off last week, and Megan and Mariam have continued the good news this week. Nancy (MAJW) is up next, tomorrow (Thursday). We're gassing up the Pink Party Bus to come with you -- don't let us down, we want more good news and a reason to party!…
Haven't posted in awhile
4 chemos down 4 to go now I change to Taxol? Please tell me this will be easier than the red devil drug was I have had a hard time with nausea, mouth sores, body pain and now the tingling is starting in hands and feet. I am off work currently but want to go back mid May so ready to be over all this Di
Mastectomy this Tuesday
I am usually so strong. Was a single parent raised 2 boys.....had a very difficult job and managed to excel in it. I am a musician performed in front of many people and mostly for charity. Was in the WTC on 9-11 I am 52 and going through my changes and now BC.... I don't know how to gather the strength to get me to the…
need an ultra/mammo because of 3 lumps in my right breast
Just had a visit with the breast surgeon and there are 3 moderately suspicious lumps which are actually quiet painful to touch in my right breast (left was removed). I had been complaining of pain and tenderness in my armpit and above my clavical on the right. It is likely to be fibrosis. However when I found the initial…
Rad Grad ...skin bad
I had a right mastectomy. I finished rads on 4/13, my last 6 treatments were concentrated on the scar. So, I went from burnt to peeling. My doc saw the peeling but continued treatment. I was down to my last one. The scar and the area around look horrible to me like red flesh. I have my creams and xeroform gauze. It stays…
DCIS/Radiation Treatment
Has anyone diagnosed with DCIS, low Grade, stage O, clear margins, no history of breast cancer in the family ... opted not to have Radiation & Tomaxafen ?
Starting Chemo this Tuesday
Hi everyone, I introduced myself last week. I found out last Wednesday after going to my post op appointment that my first treatment will be on Tuesday. Oddly, as long as I have known about this (early Feb.) I'm suddenly feeling like I need more time! My kids were on Spring break and then with Easter I felt rushed and…
Well ladies, I found what seems to be another lump or thickness in my breast. It is on the other side of the breast from where I had my lumpectomy. It of course may be something logical that is not cancer. I have an appointment to see the chemo doctor Tuesday. He may be willing to check it out. I also have and appointment…