Triple Neg Breast Cancer

missgogo Member Posts: 58
I have another question how many Triple Neg. people went through how many different kinds of Chemo before they found the right combnation of drugs before they found the right ones. This will be my 4th set. Hopefully this will be the right combo which they are Gemzar & Carboplatin has there been anyone to have these.


  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    I didn't have those. I had
    I didn't have those. I had a mastectomy, chemo, and radiation. The doctor hasn't checked to see how it looks now. I'll know more at the end of this month. Are they trying to shrink a tumor??

  • missgogo
    missgogo Member Posts: 58
    poplolly said:

    I didn't have those. I had
    I didn't have those. I had a mastectomy, chemo, and radiation. The doctor hasn't checked to see how it looks now. I'll know more at the end of this month. Are they trying to shrink a tumor??


    They are trying to shrink a tumor. It is on the top of the right lung on the outside of it. My ONC has just not found the right combo. and he is not talking surgery until he get the thing to shrink. This has been going on since Feb of this year. Sad part is I feel good and my energy level is normal and I am maintaining my weight level to.
  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    missgogo said:

    They are trying to shrink a tumor. It is on the top of the right lung on the outside of it. My ONC has just not found the right combo. and he is not talking surgery until he get the thing to shrink. This has been going on since Feb of this year. Sad part is I feel good and my energy level is normal and I am maintaining my weight level to.

    I'm sorry you have that dang
    I'm sorry you have that dang tumor. I'm glad you feel well. I guess that's not much compensation.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    poplolly said:

    I'm sorry you have that dang
    I'm sorry you have that dang tumor. I'm glad you feel well. I guess that's not much compensation.


    Missgogo ..
    I do not know the particulars of your breast cancer -- however, the majority of Oncologist do want to shrink any and all tumors before they cut into our breast.

    Have you had the opportunity to research any information on line regarding your breast cancer? Has your Oncologist provided you with clinical trial information, or research regarding your diagnosis? What is the plan for you?

    If you are interested in the side efforts of any chemo that is currently going to be given to you .. Please check out

    various types of breast cancer positive/negative etc ... breast

    Good luck, and keep us posted.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • LYaklin
    LYaklin Member Posts: 16
    Triple Neg

    I too am triple negative. Was diagnosed 3 years ago today. I had a bi-lateral mastectomy in August 2008, followed by 4 rounds of adriamycin and then 12 rounds of taxol, and 35 radiation treatments. I was cancer free for 15 months and then it returned last August in my bones. Or at least that is when we found it on PET scan. I have since been on carboplatin and gemzar. My recent blood work and PET scan show it has stopped working on me now too. Old mets in my bones are back and there are new ones. Fortunately lungs, brain and liver are still clear. It did work for awhile. Starting on Wednesday I will begin a new set of drugs, ixempra and xeloda. Hoping this works. I still have high hopes for a new drug my oncologist has told me about that has not been released by the FDA yet (hoping soon!) that is specifically for us triple negative girls.

    I didn't find the combo of carboplatin and gemzar to be that bad. A few days of feeling yucky but not totally debilitating.

    Good luck, and keep fighting!
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    missgogo said:

    They are trying to shrink a tumor. It is on the top of the right lung on the outside of it. My ONC has just not found the right combo. and he is not talking surgery until he get the thing to shrink. This has been going on since Feb of this year. Sad part is I feel good and my energy level is normal and I am maintaining my weight level to.

    I pray this will be the
    I pray this will be the right combo for you missgogo!

    Hugs, Megan
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    LYaklin said:

    Triple Neg

    I too am triple negative. Was diagnosed 3 years ago today. I had a bi-lateral mastectomy in August 2008, followed by 4 rounds of adriamycin and then 12 rounds of taxol, and 35 radiation treatments. I was cancer free for 15 months and then it returned last August in my bones. Or at least that is when we found it on PET scan. I have since been on carboplatin and gemzar. My recent blood work and PET scan show it has stopped working on me now too. Old mets in my bones are back and there are new ones. Fortunately lungs, brain and liver are still clear. It did work for awhile. Starting on Wednesday I will begin a new set of drugs, ixempra and xeloda. Hoping this works. I still have high hopes for a new drug my oncologist has told me about that has not been released by the FDA yet (hoping soon!) that is specifically for us triple negative girls.

    I didn't find the combo of carboplatin and gemzar to be that bad. A few days of feeling yucky but not totally debilitating.

    Good luck, and keep fighting!

    I am curious..
    About the " new drug" LYKLIN, that your oncologist told you about that is in clinical trial...I am presently taking part in one...I was dx two years ago...was cancer free until 5 weeks ago..I now have a recurrence...not in the breast.... Had a clean mammogram and ultrasound 3 weeks before this tumor became visible.... in some of my lymph nodes, most prominent right above my clavicle...I qualified for this clinical trial...this drug and two others have come along in just the last two years...The drug I am taking is called TESETAXEL...developed by GENTA it..this is in conjunction with Sloan Kettering in is an oral chemo...a blessing...It is for metastatic bc...for women who have already been treated with other chemo....I am triple negative....I had to "qualify" for this trial...had to have every test in the book! They are taking 25 women...I am# 21...

    Wishing you the best!
  • LYaklin
    LYaklin Member Posts: 16
    MAJW said:

    I am curious..
    About the " new drug" LYKLIN, that your oncologist told you about that is in clinical trial...I am presently taking part in one...I was dx two years ago...was cancer free until 5 weeks ago..I now have a recurrence...not in the breast.... Had a clean mammogram and ultrasound 3 weeks before this tumor became visible.... in some of my lymph nodes, most prominent right above my clavicle...I qualified for this clinical trial...this drug and two others have come along in just the last two years...The drug I am taking is called TESETAXEL...developed by GENTA it..this is in conjunction with Sloan Kettering in is an oral chemo...a blessing...It is for metastatic bc...for women who have already been treated with other chemo....I am triple negative....I had to "qualify" for this trial...had to have every test in the book! They are taking 25 women...I am# 21...

    Wishing you the best!

    I don't know the name
    I don't know the name of the drug my oncologist was speaking of. He hasn't told me yet. He's just been telling me for the past several months that there is a new drug in a pill form out there awaiting FDA approval specifically for triple negative breast cancer. I'll ask him about when I see him next and let you know, ok?