I have only seen my surgeon once shortly after surgery (then DR left taht week) maybe 3 mths later saw dr who took his place..since then..Now 3 1/2 yrs no one other then oncologist and gyno... SHOULD i be looking up new surgeon...i am reading here many keep in touch with surgeon.. Denise
5K went well today
I did the 5K walk this morning at the Marathon for the Cause in Sunriver. The proceeds all go to the Susan G. Komen foundation. If your legs are tired it is because "we" completed the course in 56 minutes...a new record for me...must have been all of you along side me. Another great thing that happened is that I met a…
Today's Right Ganglion Nerve Block
I finally had my ganglion nerve block shot today. It was the most brutal one I have had. I wanted to cry so bad but I can't cuz there is a 6 inch needle in my neck putting in the medicine that makes me feel better and is imperative that the anesthesiologist gets in the right spot for maximum relief. Luckily, my partner and…
Shout out to MAJW
Nancy: Haven't seen you on the board lately. Hope all is going well with you. Laura
Surgery Tomorrow...
Wire-guided lumpectomy, outpatient. Don't know when I'll return to cyberspace afterwards. Have completely lost track of the Pink Bus - it, unfortunately, seems to always be on the road making several stops each day. Truly wish it wasn't so in demand (deep sigh). Wish the darned thing could stay in the garage for at least a…
Chat line
Is the chat line not working today? I just get a white screen..anyone else having problems? perhaps it is the weather...
joke might be older but worth the chuckle anyway
A burglar broke into a home. He heard a scratchy voice say, "Jesus is watching you." Thinking it was just his imagination, he continued his search. Again, "Jesus is watching you." He turned around & saw a parrot in a cage. He asked the parrot if he was the one talking. The parrot said, "Yes." He asked the parrot his name…
neuropathy in the feet and hands after treatment
Information about Radiation
I finally have information about radiation: I will have 28 radiation treatments, every weekday beginning this coming Tuesday, September 6. I won't have an electron "boost" at the end because I have had a mastectomy. That means my last treatment will be on October 13, subject to having to miss any days due to illness, in…
Article on BC in October's issue of Prevention
Dear Pink Sisters: Just read a very good article in October's issue of Prevention on BC. Marlene
Heard of this??
If you remember I am trying to build up my white blood count and many ladies had very good suggestions which I appreciate and am using. I was at the grocery store and came upon this product and I wondered if anyone has used this or has heard about it. It's called Lifeway Kerfir. It has soooooooooooo many probiotics!! It…
We need the bus for the EBUS...
I finally have a date for the biopsy. It's Friday at 1:30 pacific time...of course I have to fast again. Not even water this time...so ya'll better be saving all that good food I know you're bringing on the bus. I'm actually more scared about this procedure, called EBUS, than I was about my bilateral mastectomy. Just for…
Hi Everybody, Thanks for being in touch with Andie over the past few days. I have just not felt well enough to go on line. I'm trying not to use my arms much. My lungs are really no better and I will be talking to the oncologist on Tuesday and ask him for some names of drugs we can try so I can look them up and see if…
My Hair Hurts! Really?
Good Morning "Kindred Spirits" :) I'm having a hard time with this hair thing, it never hurt like this in 2009 when it fell out. I have these bumps all over my head, they itch, they hurt, and it feels like someone is pulling my hair out. Did anyone else have this? Last time it just fell out so I shaved it and it was fine,…
unhappy update/once again asking for your prayers
I was recently asked to post how I was doing and promised to do so when I had some answers. Several things have been happening so I'll start with the chest(lung) scan that was ordered because I was having this feeling of not being able to use the oxygen I was breathing in (hard to describe). They feared a possible blood…
So, I am waiting for my surgeon to call about the pathology from my hysterectomy...I talked to the secretary...they have the report, but can't tell me...so I asked for the Dr to call me...she said she would leave a message for her to call, but this is not normal practice...I am so frustrated...she wants to know why I can't…
Mentor Silicone Gel implants
After almost 2 years wearing expanders, I am almost (within a little over a month)going to have "the exchange." My ps has highly recommended the sil implants. Anyone out there want to relate their experience with these implants? I am a little nervous about it all. What was your recovery time with the surgery? Thanks!
How many of you are taking Arimidex? How bad were/are your side effects? In January I had a lumpectomy (2.5 cm) and two out of 10 nodes were positive. I have Stage II breast cancer and I am HER and estogen positive. I've gone thru my chemo treatments and will begin radiation soon. Presently I am receiving Herceptin…
Anyone have issues with Chemo Brain ?
I am new .... I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer with 3 nodes affected in 2010. I had a r mastectomy and did 4 rounds of a/c chemo and 11 rounds of taxol chemo . I started to have depression problems after my 2nd round of a/c. My motor coordination was bad. I had problems with saying words .... etc.
Posted by Boston red Sox
Congratulations to Jon Lester on 5 years cancer free. You are an inspiration to your team & your fans! 5-0 so happy for him!!!!
Hi everyone. I'm new to the boards and wanted to introduce myself. I'm looking for a place to come and share and perhaps help someone else along the way. I'm 49 and have stage IIIc IDC. I was diagnosed on May 17th of this year after having had a clean diagnostic mammo and ultrasound 5 months prior. There's more of my story…
hot flashes & Neurontin
I saw my oncologist Thursday. I was diagnosed with DCIS almost 10 months ago and have had surgery & radiation. Tried tamoxifen but it caused me to be depressed with suicidal thoughts. Arimedex causes my joints to ache. Have had hot flashes which are currently being treated with Effexor but I still need more relief. Have…
PET scan results and update
The spot on my liver (it showed up on a CT scan) did not light up on the PET scan. YAY! No biopsy needed, but it will be watched closely. There is a spot near my lungs that did light up (but did not show up on the CT scan). BOO! That spot will get an ultrasound guided needle biopsy. I'm waiting to hear from the scheduler…
Flu bug?
I am not sure what I had this past weekend but it wasn't fun. Friday I had the chills, a 101 degree temperature and muscle aches. It's been two months since my last radiation and even my tissue expanders hurt. Darn pectoral muscle.. 24 hours later all is back to normal. Crazy I tell you crazy... Is this going to be a new…
please not again
I just found out tonight there is a chance my grandma has breast cancer. I am so stressed out. I have been caring for my husband who has oral cancer and now this!! I just lost my Dad in 09 to brain cancer. I don't know how much more I can take!! Anyone else feel hopeless?
Off Topic (OT) .. Ants, ants everywhere .... Does anyone have any clever ideas on how to get rid of
Ants everywhere -- after arriving home from USC College game -- our home was infested with ants .... We have had visitations from these creatures for the past several weeks -- however, last night we had a infest-ion in just about every room of our home .. HELP Raid is no longer working .. Any ideas????? Thanks for any…
Neurofibromatosis and breast cancer
I have neurofibromatosis (NF1),it is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to grow in the nervous system,people with NF1 have a five fold chance of developing breast cancer.I suspected I had NF1 because I had textbook signs and symptoms.Thankfully,my symptoms are mild. Luckily, at MD Anderson(MDACC) there is a specialist…
taxotere and cytoxan and weight loss
I am about to begin my treatments and I am worried about my weight. Due to the stress I have loss down to 97 pounds, my normal weight is 110. Is weight loss associated with this treatment? I will have 4 treatments 3 weeks apart.
Today is Karaokelorie's Birthday!
Today is Jean0609's Anniversary!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HAAAAPPPPPY ANNIVERSARY! Best wishes to you both! Have a wonderful celebratory weekend! ♥ Cat