We need the bus for the EBUS...

I finally have a date for the biopsy. It's Friday at 1:30 pacific time...of course I have to fast again. Not even water this time...so ya'll better be saving all that good food I know you're bringing on the bus.

I'm actually more scared about this procedure, called EBUS, than I was about my bilateral mastectomy. Just for some clarity, the spot we're looking at is a lymph node near the lung. It's not a spot on the lung itself.

I spoke with the doc about this EBUS thing, googled it, and looked on the lung cancer board for info. So if any of you have had one, I'd really like to hear about your experience.

Here's what I know about it...I'll be sedated, not conscious, but not general anesthesia. They slide a tube down my throat, the tube has an ultrasound at the end so they use that to look around. There is also a needle that retracts and extends as directed. That is used to get the sample. My doc has done about 800 of them and has never had any of the serious complications he talked about.

I know he has to disclose those serious complications, but I sure wish he hadn't done that. This is one time I would rather go happily along in my ignorance. Thankfully, my onc prescribed some ativan (anti-anxiety med) so I will be able to sleep.

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, crossed digits, good energy, mojo, etc. It is truly a comfort to have them.




  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    I'll be there!!
    Hi Linda- I never had this procedure done, but I want you to know that I will pray for the results to be negative (NED). Hoping the procedure itself won't affect you in any way and that you'll feel back to normal again right after.

    Sending you hugs and positive thoughts, always!

    p.s. I have taken ativan before and it helps a lot.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Hugs coming your way, along with all the good mojo! Have never heard of it, but liked his track record.

    Will save you some good stuff on the bus.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    camul said:

    Hugs coming your way, along with all the good mojo! Have never heard of it, but liked his track record.

    Will save you some good stuff on the bus.


    Sending positive thoughts
    You never tells us how is the work? I am sure not easy especially with the stress of recurrence. Please ask for pathology , I have known a triple negative women whose reoccurrence cell came back as Her+, which is giving her opportunity for additional target therapy treatment.
    New Flower
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    Sending positive thoughts
    You never tells us how is the work? I am sure not easy especially with the stress of recurrence. Please ask for pathology , I have known a triple negative women whose reoccurrence cell came back as Her+, which is giving her opportunity for additional target therapy treatment.
    New Flower

    I wish I could use Christmas Girl's "magic wand"...
    ...so you wouldn't have to go through this, Linda. I know most medical procedures end up being not nearly as bad as we build them up to be in our minds beforehand, and I'm sure that will be the case this time too....but still, this EBUS thing sure doesn't sound like a fun day at the beach!

    When my girlfriend's kids were tiny and had to get shots at the doctor, they always got to go out for ice cream afterwards -- girl, you make DARN sure somebody gets you some GOOD, EXPENSIVE ice cream after this!

    I had no idea there even WERE lymph nodes near the lungs....

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    You have my prayers, Linda.
    You have my prayers, Linda. I have never heard of EBUS before, but it sounds like your doctor knows what he is doing. See you Friday! xoxoxo Lynn
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    You have my prayers, Linda.
    You have my prayers, Linda. I have never heard of EBUS before, but it sounds like your doctor knows what he is doing. See you Friday! xoxoxo Lynn

    Very interesting
    what I read on the internet and watched on UTube, but so sorry you have to be the reason I looked it up. I'm going to be on the bus and I might just make them let me in the OR to be sure they do it right!

    Hoping you get some good drugs to relieve the anxiety between now and then. I wish it was over for you. Sending hugs and prayers.

  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    We will be there with you thru prayer. Wishing you the very best sister.
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668

    We will be there with you thru prayer. Wishing you the very best sister.

    I'm praying
    I'm praying for you Linda. I hate to hear that you are going through this. You know I'm gonna be with you every step of the way. I'm gonna call you in a few minutes.


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Though not exactly the same
    Though not exactly the same procedure, I recently had an endoscopy, and had the same fears as you! For this procedure they also sedate you, and believe me, the fentanyl put me into such a deep la-la land, I could have had liposuction, a face lfft and a sex-change operation and wouldn't have been aware. With this type of la-la anesthesia, you wake up much, much faster. Anyway, they also sprayed my throat with a foaming sorta banana favored numbing spray, and then the down the throat scope with a camera~ and it went to my stomach wher he took out a few samples to biopsy. My Dr told me he has done 5000 of these scopes, and 10,000 colonoscopies, but was obligated to tell me "you could die"! Like you, I wish he hadn't told me that~ though they are mandated to! My throat was not sore, and even though I am known to be difficult to intubate ( and thus have major anxiety about throat scopes!) it was nothing!!!! I pray your experience is much the same!!! Love you!
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    I think that this procedure
    I think that this procedure works in much the same way as an endoscopy but going into the lungs with different equipment attached (ultrasound and biopsy tool). If it is then here is how my endoscope went. I was given an IV and they used sedation. They put the endoscope with the camera down my throat. They found some polyps in my stomach and used a tool to remove them and had them biopsied. they were benign. The research I did said that they do EBUS pretty much the same but going into the lungs. There is an ultrasound that will look at what is there and a tool (I believe a biopsy needle) that will draw out fluid to test. This method is much less invasive than when they would do surgery to check them out. Yes, there were a lot of possibilities that the doctor told me about and they have to inform you of these but I felt it was a relatively safe method to check me out. I woke up when it was over and after I was in out patient recovery for a while I was able to be driven home. I didn't really have any effects from it (I actually did my colonscopy at the same time) except I was so hungry and very thirsty. I am hoping that your procedure goes smoothly. I think that taking a xanax or something to help you get over the stress is a good idea. And of course, you have more on your mind as mine was a check up not a biospy. My prayers are that all goes well and that it isn't something nasty. These tests and particularly biopsies are so scary. Hearts and hugs to you. I will be on the bus for the ebus. Sounds like an online trip doesn't it?
  • sinee
    sinee Member Posts: 196 Member
    get int there
    and get er done...may the best possible outcome be yours...I am on the bus, but I am not bringing any food, we can make a pit stop, once you are on, and you just name it and I will go buy and cook it and serve it to you on a silver platter my dear...good vibes...good thoughts...good grief, sorry you have to go through this...love ya, hang tight, we are walking right beside you...grab hold, and hang on.
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I'll be on the bus
    and I will make sure there is lots of good food for you when you are done. If you need a hand to hold just reach out and grab mine.

  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    ladyg said:

    I'll be on the bus
    and I will make sure there is lots of good food for you when you are done. If you need a hand to hold just reach out and grab mine.


    Hey Linda
    I had the scope

    Hey Linda
    I had the scope down the throat to look at my heart before chemo. Like you said, you won't remember the proceedure, but it's cool to get to see the video after....I mean video of my heart beating...cool stuff....I like getting to look around inside...guess I missed my calling.lol. Anyway, for me it was a simple, pain free, no complications proceedure, and I'm sure your's will go well also.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    dyaneb123 said:

    Hey Linda
    I had the scope

    Hey Linda
    I had the scope down the throat to look at my heart before chemo. Like you said, you won't remember the proceedure, but it's cool to get to see the video after....I mean video of my heart beating...cool stuff....I like getting to look around inside...guess I missed my calling.lol. Anyway, for me it was a simple, pain free, no complications proceedure, and I'm sure your's will go well also.

    Linda .. Wishing you the very best, no pain, no
    anxiety, and no complications -- in other words, smooth sailing. I am sure you mind is traveling 40 MPH with the 'what ifs', my kids, my husband = family, so I pray that our Lord eases your mind, heart and soul with the security of knowing his word, his promises and his Love.

    I will be traveling with our Sisterhood this Friday, as well. Gentle hugs, my friend.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Linda .. Wishing you the very best, no pain, no
    anxiety, and no complications -- in other words, smooth sailing. I am sure you mind is traveling 40 MPH with the 'what ifs', my kids, my husband = family, so I pray that our Lord eases your mind, heart and soul with the security of knowing his word, his promises and his Love.

    I will be traveling with our Sisterhood this Friday, as well. Gentle hugs, my friend.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam

    Okay, so now we board the EBUS!
    I totally understand your fear and apprehension--I'd be the same. Just know, you are going to do fine and all will be well. We're all with you, Linda, in spirit and we will be with you on that day as well.

    Think positive, happy thoughts.

    Hugs, Renee
  • gami43
    gami43 Member Posts: 281
    missrenee said:

    Okay, so now we board the EBUS!
    I totally understand your fear and apprehension--I'd be the same. Just know, you are going to do fine and all will be well. We're all with you, Linda, in spirit and we will be with you on that day as well.

    Think positive, happy thoughts.

    Hugs, Renee

    Linda - will be there on
    Linda - will be there on Friday for the ebus with
    hopes for results that are completely normal. Sorry
    you have to go through this, and hope you can get
    results pronto. We'll have great lunch when you wake
    up. Will be sending good thoughts and prayers to you.

    Luv & hugs, Teresa
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    TraciInLA said:

    I wish I could use Christmas Girl's "magic wand"...
    ...so you wouldn't have to go through this, Linda. I know most medical procedures end up being not nearly as bad as we build them up to be in our minds beforehand, and I'm sure that will be the case this time too....but still, this EBUS thing sure doesn't sound like a fun day at the beach!

    When my girlfriend's kids were tiny and had to get shots at the doctor, they always got to go out for ice cream afterwards -- girl, you make DARN sure somebody gets you some GOOD, EXPENSIVE ice cream after this!

    I had no idea there even WERE lymph nodes near the lungs....


    How did you know ice cream
    How did you know ice cream is one of my guilty pleasures? We don't keep it in the house because I will eat it all.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413

    Very interesting
    what I read on the internet and watched on UTube, but so sorry you have to be the reason I looked it up. I'm going to be on the bus and I might just make them let me in the OR to be sure they do it right!

    Hoping you get some good drugs to relieve the anxiety between now and then. I wish it was over for you. Sending hugs and prayers.


    I started to watch the utube
    I started to watch the utube video, but had to stop. Usually I can do that kind of stuff, but not this time. Maybe after some of those anxiety meds...

    And I'm counting on you to make sure they do it right!
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    chenheart said:

    Though not exactly the same
    Though not exactly the same procedure, I recently had an endoscopy, and had the same fears as you! For this procedure they also sedate you, and believe me, the fentanyl put me into such a deep la-la land, I could have had liposuction, a face lfft and a sex-change operation and wouldn't have been aware. With this type of la-la anesthesia, you wake up much, much faster. Anyway, they also sprayed my throat with a foaming sorta banana favored numbing spray, and then the down the throat scope with a camera~ and it went to my stomach wher he took out a few samples to biopsy. My Dr told me he has done 5000 of these scopes, and 10,000 colonoscopies, but was obligated to tell me "you could die"! Like you, I wish he hadn't told me that~ though they are mandated to! My throat was not sore, and even though I am known to be difficult to intubate ( and thus have major anxiety about throat scopes!) it was nothing!!!! I pray your experience is much the same!!! Love you!

    Chen, that's very
    Chen, that's very reassuring...I wouldn't mind the face lift or a tummy tuck, but I'm hoping they don't accidentally do a sex change!! I was worried about the sore throat, so I'm especially thankful for that reassurance. You keep taking care of yourself, and you are in my thoughts daily.


  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    fauxma said:

    I think that this procedure
    I think that this procedure works in much the same way as an endoscopy but going into the lungs with different equipment attached (ultrasound and biopsy tool). If it is then here is how my endoscope went. I was given an IV and they used sedation. They put the endoscope with the camera down my throat. They found some polyps in my stomach and used a tool to remove them and had them biopsied. they were benign. The research I did said that they do EBUS pretty much the same but going into the lungs. There is an ultrasound that will look at what is there and a tool (I believe a biopsy needle) that will draw out fluid to test. This method is much less invasive than when they would do surgery to check them out. Yes, there were a lot of possibilities that the doctor told me about and they have to inform you of these but I felt it was a relatively safe method to check me out. I woke up when it was over and after I was in out patient recovery for a while I was able to be driven home. I didn't really have any effects from it (I actually did my colonscopy at the same time) except I was so hungry and very thirsty. I am hoping that your procedure goes smoothly. I think that taking a xanax or something to help you get over the stress is a good idea. And of course, you have more on your mind as mine was a check up not a biospy. My prayers are that all goes well and that it isn't something nasty. These tests and particularly biopsies are so scary. Hearts and hugs to you. I will be on the bus for the ebus. Sounds like an online trip doesn't it?

    Stef, yes this is supposed
    Stef, yes this is supposed to me much less invasive than a surgical approach. It's comforting to know that you had very little effects, except the hunger and thirst. Thanks for your prayers.

