Numb legs from Faslodex protocol
My legs are numb from Faslodex protocol. Does anyone have suggestions? Thank you so much.
if anyone knew meena1......
Hello everyone, i just wantd to say thanks to everyone who sent my mom gifts, love, thoughts and prayers! i know that they have brightened up her day but unfortuanelty she passed away on july 13th. I enjoyed reading all the cards that people have sent her and i am very thankful that she had so many people praying for her.…
stage 4 and disability
Has anyone applied for ssdi? How long did it take to get it? I've applied for it about a month ago and just waiting. I know it can take months. Being out of work is not good. So much more to worry about. There's no way I could possibly work now, I can't even drive. I feel like I'm in a constant hangover, mornings are bad…
Flooding in the Northeast -how are you?
I'm located near 3 rivers the Unadilla, Chenango, and the Susquehanna. All bridges are closed and it looks like they might be for a few days. We are safe here on our hill, but so many areas nearby have been inundated by Irene and now Lee. A few towns no longer exist. All roads closed, state of emergency. So - roll call!…
My Birthday wish (:
Here's what I would like for my Birthday. I would like a piece of you!!!! Yes EACH one of you. I would like to mail something out, something that I want to frame and hang in my sun room and I would love it if each of you could do me the honor and write me in one sentence what you think the secret of living life is. I can't…
Thank you
Thank you Pink Sisters for seeing me through once again. We are packing up now and can't wait to be home. Now we wait. My case will be presented on Thursday. Should hear after that. Love you all!!!
Happy Birthday's
Happy Birthday to everyone who has a birthday today you all are special ladies. MollyZ
liver mets
Who on the board has liver mets? How are you doing with them and what was your treatment?
What do we think of WhatNext so far?
After a little encouragement from RE :-), I signed up for the new ACS cancer support site, WhatNext, and have been trying to find my way around it. I see a lot of your names and faces there, too! So...what do we think so far? New Flower and I were messaging about it, and she mentioned that it seems to her very…
update / Xeloda and Tykerb
After 14 days of not feeling too great, this week has been much better! Tykerb is taken every day (1250mg) for as long as I stay on this treatment. With my doctor's approval, I switched to taking it in the evenings, 1 hour before supper instead of in the mornings before breakfast. Xeloda is taken both morning and evening,…
There is so much information on the web and so much is useless-Ductal breast cancer
first, I am not a fan of the web. I think it is over run with so much information and so little information containd in the body of the information. Let's face it.. if you do a search for "looking to buy a new right ring finger"... Target and Amazon just happens to have a few on sale -- at a great price! It is all so…
hogkins survivor 30 years later with BC DCIS any other survivors with BC after mantel radiation 30 y
I went through radiation treatment at stanford University Hospital in 1978. this type of radiation was extreme and causes many long term side effects one of which is BC after 20+ years out of treatment. I was wondering if any other people are out there that had full body radiation 25 - 30 years ago that has been dx with BC…
Do you have cancer????
How do you guys handle people that you don't even know personally asking you if you have cancer? I work at a clinic discharging patients, scheduling appointments, answering the phones etc. an average of 60 people come to the clinic every day. For the most part they just stare at with my scarf and then leave. Today I had 2…
I feel crazy, every time I get Zometa I get a sore throat and an earache. I dont know if this is a coincidence or a side effect. At first I thought it was the zometa, then I thought this is lasting so long it must be a virus. I seem to remember this happening last time I got it. lasted a week, today one week later I feel…
kaiser medical treatment
what kind of care have you received from Kaiser medical doctors and facilities for breasr cancer.
complex cyst
Has anyone been diagnosed w/ a malignant cyst. I now hv to go though another lumpectomy to make sure its not. Im going to look at the report as soon as i can get ahold of it on tues.
The Squeaky Wheel
I think I called everyone on my contact list except the social worker. I think that I have driven them all to drink ;-). My mantra was push back, push back.... But here is the great news...they are going to do all scans on Friday and I will be home Monday. My case should be presented next Thursday and I will keep you all…
Inspirational Quotes
We had a thread about htis a while ago but I thought for all of us struggling , perhaps we could share our favorite quotes Like this one Once you choose hope, anything's possible. ~Christopher Reeve
Re: Chat
So anyone else out there missing chatting online?
I know my body best
this is what I decided after a crueling weekend of decision making. Tamoxifen has not been kind to me but after 2 weeks of not being able to properly breathe and yet another ER visit, I decided I am taking myself off this medication. I am back to my very strict regime of daily juicing, walks, yoga and very good nutrition.…
Very Worried
I saw the other pain dr. today. He told me we can not go on giving me nerve block shots in the neck much longer. My other doctor who is on vacation didn't mention that. I, however, did realize I can not keep getting such large shots in the same spot in the neck forever. I was not prepared to be without them soon. I see him…
OT - Canine hero of post 9/11/01 still alive
http://video.foxnews.com/v/1149497864001/canine-heroes-of-911 Almost 10 years after that tragic day - one of the canines that seached the Pentagon is still alive - she will be 12 next month and her initiation "under fire" was at the Pentagon when it was safe to bring the dogs in. Red - Thank You - you are an American Hero!…
In August 2009, I had genetic testing done for breast cancer (BRCA 1&2) because of my strong family history (my mother and two sisters had breast cancer). My test came back negative but a month later I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My cancer surgeon wanted to know why the hospital didn’t perform the BART BRACAnalysis®…
Been on Tomaxafin for 6 weeks
I've read all the side affects, etc. I'm having some of the usual ones as leg cramping and hot flashes. My question is ...... I'm soon to be 51 years old and was perimenopausal but still getting the deed every month. I have now skipped my first period which is 10 days late. Not complaining but for the past two weeks or so…
RX Outreach -- Femara
Just got my Femara prescription refilled through this mail order pharmacy in St. Louis....A 90 day supply for $30. Sure beats the $75 copay for one month's supply. Has anyone else ever used this ??? Judy
large hard lump over night on side of right breast and painful from first day -anyone have this?
I love the idea of getting help... but honestly there is so much info on here.. I might die of natural causes trying to find what I am looking for? Is there any way to drill down to find someone with similar symptoms -- that really showed up over night. I am not super tired.. maybe a little spacy but that is because I…
Greeneyes~ridin' a Pink Bus~
Hey All~ This is my second attempt to post this~ the site has been challenging this morning! Tomorrow, Tuesday~is my yearly mammo for the "healthy" breast. I am anxious as always~ and would appreciate any prayers~good thoughts~and well wishes for a clear scan with clear results~ This is the 3rd scan since my recurrence and…
Survivors guilt....
Dear Pink Sisters: I have just been through a whirlwind with breast cancer. I found a lump in late May, had diagnostic mammogram early June, 2 lumps so both biopsied, lumpectomy with two kinds of cancer on the perimeters, both invasive and non, Stage2B. They wanted to do another lumpectomy and I talked to my…
Pomp and circumstance.
Well today was my last chemo treatment and tommorrow will be my last Neulasta shot. Yippee!!! I also had the great pleasure of having my final treatment on my grandson's birthday. I think that this is a sort of sign that I am going to have a good many more birthdays. The nurse and I hummed the graduation song Pomp and…
Re: Curious
Is anyone else having problem loggin into the chat room today?