I am DONE with Radiation!!
Wow, how time flies. I remember just posting about this the other day? It went really fast. I just want to thank you all for being here, always. Today I am a rad grad! Some burns, sensitivity and brown dots, but feeling OK. Thank God I've completed this. And thank God my faith is still with me. Thank you sisters for your…
Lumpectomy vs. Mastectomy
Hi ladies... So I had a Lumpectomy done..my tumor was .09cm and margin and nodes were clear. When i found out i had breast cancer i wanted my breast gone and was going to get a Mastectomy However, my BS said that a Lumpectomy is just as effective as a Mastectomy...the average women who never had cancer has a 9% chance of…
new patient
Was diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks ago and having surgery on Sept 14. I am having a single mastectomy and was wondering if there is anyone out there in the same situation? I am also new to csn so am not completely sure if I'm doing this right. Thanks, catowner.
Nodule positive for cancer
I am very worry. One of my nodules has cancer, I also have another tumor in my breast, my surgery is going to be next week. I will receive 4 month Quimo and 1 month Radiation. Somebody had cancer in nodulo ?
New Season - New Plan
Hi Everybody, After a ten-day nightmare with my lungs, I asked for an appointment with my oncologist. I asked him some questions about the drugs I've been taking, told him what I had read about cytoxan and Nulasta, and let him know how badly my breathing has been. He listened to my lungs, and decided that I needed a break…
Bloating and swelling
Hi everyone. I haven't been on here nor posted in awhile. I have a question. I started A/C in March and it ended in June. In June I began Taxol/Herceptin combo. I have noticed a lot of swelling and bloating in my stomach. Since I haven't been on in awhile, maybe someone else has posted this question... or may have some…
Today is Kara0221's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KARA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May all your dreams & wishes come true today & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
Tell me someone else out there is living the wrath of a bad man!
I have been involved with dear Tom for the past year and a half but have known him for thirty-five. Since our recent , occasionally rocky, relationship I have changed careers, lost my dad and given up my home to live with him some two and a half months ago. When I found the "lump" five weeks ago he was scared but intensely…
The first game of the football season is tomorrow night! Green Bay and New Orleans! I actually like both teams, so, I am still undecided as to whom I want to win. I'll probably pick whichever team my hubby doesn't, so, I just might win a little money. lol So, who do you want to win this week? The Saints or the Packers?…
All Aboard The Pink Bus For Gabe N Abby Mom
Let's get the pink bus out tomorrow and fill it up to support Linda for her surgery. I know it will be filled to capacity with all of the pinkies. Sue :)
Migraine Ugh :(
I have had a migraine since yesterday, and, I can't seem to get rid of it. I keep taking Excedrin, and, it has helped, but, it is still here. I feel like someone is inside my head pounding it with a hammer to get out. What does anyone else do for these? I hate to call my doctor. I do have some strong pain pills I could…
Finally! Reconstructon on Wednesday
Hi, Please wish me luck and send positive thoughts my way. I'm finally having the muscle expander removed and a silicone implant put in on Wednesday. I'm also having a breast lift to the other side and my port taken out. What a milestone this will be! I'm excited and scared at the same time. My doctor hasn't told me much…
Brava reconstruction put on hold for now.......
Hi all, I went to see my plastic surgeon to have my pre-op visit since my surgery was to be this Friday, the 16th. They pulled my fiance and I into an office and explained that they can't be my plastic surgeon because my new pcp (primary care physician) won't o.k. the surgery. My pcp said I can't see this doctor because he…
Why do some people have to have always have attention drawn to themselves? Are they that lonely?
I've always wondered why people always need to get attention. If they don't get it from others, they make sure that it is gotten somehow, even if they have to make up stuff. Is it because they are so lonely and insecure? Wondering what your thoughts are on it,or, if you even know people like this. Hugs, Jan
Sunshine.dance is needing the pink bus too on September 15th
Sunshine.dance is having a mastectomy on September 15th. I am sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts for your surgery. Hugs, Angie
I hope you felt the power...you were with me in a very special place on Saturday...
I dare say CypressCynthia will forgive me for copying and pasting part of my response to a question she asked me. ( won't you, CC?) With all of the Pink Bus rides,Kindreds walking, tests, news both good and bad, new ones, and long-timers~ I just wanted to share what was a beautiful, spiritual experience. And I hope all of…
Nauseous foods - post chemo
Hey pinks sisters, I had lunch today with my mom and my Aunt Lorrie. We stopped at Perkins and I ordered the Chicken patti-melt. I couldn't finish it... Here is why....during my first chemo infusion my sister Patty brought us back cheeseburgers and an order of deep fried cheese curds from the hospital cafeteria. I got so…
Today is Pattimc's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PATTI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a day/year filled with all the things you love most! ♥ Cat
Lost power for 5 days but had "angel wings" removed
We lost power on Sunday morning at 9:20am. I was scheduled for surgery on Wednesday. By Tuesday night we had to go stay with my sister-in-law in another town. We stayed there until Friday. Had to throw away all food in fridge and freezer. Now about my surgery.... I think my surgeon (who I really like) and I were not on the…
Chen, how are you feeling?
Did you get your final loading dose? I know that you told me, but I'm gonna plead chemo brain. I go tomorrow for my final loading dose, then on to monthly shots. How are your lungs doing? Are you breathing any easier? I got off track with watching Buffy. We are somehere in Season 3. Katherine is so happy that I am finally…
Today is Cavediver's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you Health, Happiness & Love on your special day & always! ♥ Cat
Today is Laurissa's Anniversary!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HAAAPPPPY ANNIVERSARY! ♥ felt wishes for happiness & love on your special day! ♥ Cat
VickiSam and Fauxma, how are your husbands?
I haven't heard an update for a while and I'm wondering... Hugs, Linda
Mammograms - please spread the word
I have been hearing from patients that doctors are discouraging getting mammos before 50 and every year. Most people will put off a mammo for any excuse. Personally, I was diagnosed at 47 just a month after my little sister's doctor told her she doesn't need a mammo every year just because our older sister was diagnosed at…
Today is Pinkpalette's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DEBBIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May this birthday be just the beginning of a year filled with happy memories, treasured moments, & dreams coming true! ♥ Cat
~~~~ 9 11 ~~~~
It's hard to believe that the 10th anniversary is coming up for 9-11. What were you doing on that day when you heard the horrible news? ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
Today is Aysemari's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR AYSE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! You are very special & you deserve the best, wishing you a year filled with love & happiness! ♥ Cat
Today is iluvmykids's Birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ILMK HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May all the candles on your cake become wishes that come true! Have a great day! ♥ Cat
Clear Mamogram,,,
I am so happy and relieved .. my mammogram came back clean. No cancer in breast. I had the mammo done on Sept. 1st and have been waiting for the letter to get here. I was a nervous wreck. My GP sent me an email and gave me the results. He was afraid the mail wouldn't get here until Monday because of the holiday. I am so…
When it is time to put friendships to rest.....
This girlfriend and I have worked together, gone on trips together, have been friends for 14 years, good friends for about 6. We have plans to go to a show out of town this week. One of the first things she asked is if I am wearing my wig. Said no... then there was silence. (I always wear a cute hat or scarf). Then she…