today's update
Today was the 2nd infusion of my new chemo combo of Abraxane and Herceptin, it went well. Last week went very well too after switching to this regimen, I (of course) am in hopes that this week will be a repeat of that. I posted a week ago that there were no pre-meds given with this but today they decided to start with…
Have any of you been told by your Dr. that you are terminal and only have X amount of time left? I have and it is very hard to cope with.........tell me how you are dealing with your own situation please.
port still not right
ok on 8/24 I posted a problem I had with my port and all said never heard of it... well today I went and seen the surgeon and he too said never heard of it but he turned my port around in my chest and told me( and yes this is a quote) if it does it again then just turn it around yourself and it will be fine. Please let me…
First day of Chemo!
Hello friends, I will be receiving my first of 4 chemo treatments tomorrow in Greenville, NC. I am anxious, I guess, because of the unknown. I had hodgkins disease in 1979 and received 10 weeks of radiation after surgery. Along came May 25 and I was diagnosed with invasive ductile carcinoma (stage 1). I opted for a…
Anybody know a good disability lawyer in the Baltimore area?
I have not been able to work for a long time, and I have private disability insurance (MetLife--dont ever buy ins from them, they suck) but they dont want to pay. Does anybody know a good lawyer who will work on contingency? (NOT social sec. dis.) I have a solid case, I just need help fast. Baltimore, MD area. Thanks,…
Need a Laugh?
While conducting some business at the Court House, I overheard a lady, who had a mammogram today then was arrested for assaulting a Mammogram Technician, "Your Honor, I'm guilty but.....there were extenuating circumstances." The female Judge said, sarcastically,"I'd certainly like to hear those extenuating circumstances.I…
"You look Great!"
That's what Dr T. said when he walked in today! Today was my 6 mth appt. with him (2 yrs post DX for IBC) snce I last saw him 6 mths ago. He does not want to see me for 6 mths. Susan
We're home!
We had such a wonderful time! The last full day, we spent on Mt Rainier with my sister and niece, and it couldn't have been better. Because of heavy snows last winter, the snow is still melting and the wildflowers were glorious: white and yellow avalanche lilies, bear grass, aster, lupine, paintbrush, etc. I was in heaven!…
I need help
Hi My best friend is having her last day of ac chemo tomorrow. Her husband and I want to do something special for her. We bought balloons (to decorate the inside and outside), flowers, her husband and kids made a poster and I want to make one. She is my best friend, a survivor and my hero. Does anyone know of something…
Monday's Biopsy Results
Not benign. :-( Med onc is currently lining up a surgeon for the first step. My original surgeon switched his specialty from breast to pancreatic cancer a few years ago. (sigh...) Hoping for the initial consultation appointment some time this week. Susan
Before mastectomy
Did anybody had the curiosity to look at an actual mastectomy in youtube before you had your own? I am curios to look but I am afraid also. If you did, how did you feel afterwards? Do you think its better if I don't?
Putting The Pieces Back Together...
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again! I subscribe to a weekly newsletter called Writing Through Cancer by Sharon Bray. Sharon encourages others who are and have gone through cancer to share their experiences throughout…
shout out to Gabe N Abby Mom
Hi: How are you doing? Haven;t seen you on the board in awhile. I know you are back at work, so hopefully keeping busy and well. Laura
dealing with fear, staying in the moment and is it ever really over?
Hi all: Have been thinking a lot after I hit a really hard bottom last month. (Again so many thanks to all who responded to my "think I am going insane" post!) I no longer feel like I am going insane (at least right now, at this moment!) but am still dealing with lower level fear and anxiety. I tell myself every morning "I…
Anyone want a bus ride Sunday evening?
I had the CT scan and already have the results. Of course the lump at the mastectomy scar showed up, but so did a small spot on my liver. None of the docs would say if that small spot was or was not something or nothing. (I hope that made sense.) So I'm now scheduled for a PET scan... So if anyone wants to go for a bus…
Today is Marlene_K's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MARLENE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a day/year filled with dreams & wishes coming true! ♥ Cat
Goodnight Irene! How is everyone?
Hope everyone is okay! We were actually a little west of the worst hit in PA. (We got the Memorial Day storm pretty bad - tress and wires down and loss of power so we haven't gotten a pass this summer.) Just east of us is a lot of damage and schools that were scheduled to open today couldn't because they don't have power.…
Sometimes we don't always say it but...............
Heatherbelle just wrote something beautiful on the Terminal post and she inspired me to post this. I just want to thank you all so much and also say that I Love You All. I'm sorry if I sound a little mushy but this board and you ladies have helped me beyond all my expectations. I thought we might list just a few things…
1st day of Tamoxifen....what to expect...5 yrs!!!
I have finished 6 rounds of chemo and rads..now ready to start this one a day pill called Tamoxifen....oncologist tells me me the benefits outway the risks!
A big Thank You to All......
It was so nice of all of you being so concerned and caring when I ask about my cough. Doctor thinks it is only allergies. So again I worried for nothing. I am quite the worrier. Just ask my husband. That is one of things I need to work on (for the past 40 years anyway). Again Thank You. Hugs and Prayer to All, Diana
Hi All, I have not been on this site for quite some time now. I just have to say that I am STILL wondering, STILL thinking about the possibilities of "what if", STILL feeling lonely, STILL medium depressed, STILL wondering what my future might hold, STILL wondering about how I should be caring for myself now, and STILL…
Let's talk about sleep (post chemo). How many ladies get a good night sleep without taking any sleeping aides? How many ladies have to take something to sleep most nights...if so what do you take??? During my bc last year I took Larazapam. Is that habit forming if I continue? When I go to bed I know right away if it's…
Anybody know where to go a Impants bra? The ones I found Susan b Kowen fits for teardrop boobs and so does Vanity Fair, Bali, werners? I have hamburger bun shaped implants . Thr right one deciedto go take readence under my armpit Getting surgery to get stitched back in up whatever.
new here and have a question about the powerport
I just got the powerport put in 2 months ago and when I went for blood drawn, the port had turned around to where the nubs were facing inside...my nurse did not know what to do about it so I grabbed it and turned it back around. the next day it is backwards again. I called the surgeon and he says it's impossible. has…
1 Week -- Prayer and Candle VIGIL -- starting 8/28/11 -- 8:00 EST // STRENGTH, COURAGE AND HOPE
We have many of our fellow WARRIORS facing difficulties regarding treatment, new medication, side efforts, and .. new recurrence with the beast. While each of us handle our personal journey diversely -- please know that we are thinking and praying for each of you ... 24 hours a day. Support is as close as a 'click' away. I…
Renee616, did you Start Tamoxifen yet?
Hi Renee -- I am scheduled to see a GYN to check my uterus (and ovaries) - not fun! Just wondering if you started taking yours yet and to know how you're feeling. :) Hope you're doing well.
Biopsy and surgeon visit
I had my endometrial biopsy on Thursday afternoon and won't be hearing those results for 7 to 10 days, I really didn't know what to expect but it wasn't bad. Thanks for the advice about taking ibuprofen prior everyone. I started going to this gyn because that is all she is...no baby deliveries, no surgeries, so she…
Finished 6 Rounds of Chemo Today... ;0)
I'm a Chemo Grad... YAY!!! I Completed 6 rounds of Chemo Today (Taxotere, Carbolatin)and Herceptin. Feeling Good!!! I Have a meeting for Rad consulation within the next couple of weeks for potential next steps... Onward and upward... Thanks for your support and encouragement!!! Big Appreciative Hugs~ Mitzi :0)
~~ What Makes You Smile ~~
There are so many things that I know make all of you smile, a baby's laughter, your grandchildren, your husband, a vacation, a promotion, the trees turning beautiful colors in the Fall, a plate full of french fries, a good bottle of wine, the first blue birds arriving in the Spring, NED, your 1st flowers blooming in your…
new here!
Hi I'm new here. I just wanted to let everyone know a little bit about me. I'm 32 years old, I was recently diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma stage 3a with 2+ lymph nodes. It's very advanced due to the fact that my dr. and me were thinking it was something else so we didn't worry about it until the biopsy results…