Herceptin movie

rm22111 Member Posts: 54
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Others may already know this but, I just found out this week about a movie called "Living Proof" staring Harry Connick Jr. It is about Dr. Slamon that discovered/invented herceptin. It is a good movie about what he
went thru to develop the drug and make it available for women that are her 2 positive. It also explains how it is different from chemo. I rented it from the video store. I heard that you can get it from nexflix.



  • dash4
    dash4 Member Posts: 303 Member
    Thanks for telling me about the movie. I am seeing my surgeon on Wed. and unsure what I might be told about chemo. I am trying to be educated enough to know what questions to ask. It is very confusing to understand all the possible options out there. I will add this movie to my list.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    dash4 said:

    Thanks for telling me about the movie. I am seeing my surgeon on Wed. and unsure what I might be told about chemo. I am trying to be educated enough to know what questions to ask. It is very confusing to understand all the possible options out there. I will add this movie to my list.

    I know it's
    confusing,dash! Yes,don't be afraid to make a list of your questions and bring it to your surgeon,but your oncologist(medical oncologist) will probably be a lot more knowledgeable about chemo. Do you have a medical onc yet?
  • dash4
    dash4 Member Posts: 303 Member

    I know it's
    confusing,dash! Yes,don't be afraid to make a list of your questions and bring it to your surgeon,but your oncologist(medical oncologist) will probably be a lot more knowledgeable about chemo. Do you have a medical onc yet?

    not yet..
    I am supposed to make that decision on Wed with my surgeon...not sure if she will discuss the chemo possibilities or not. I am getting kind of anxious to know "the plan". I have the results from my tissue biopsy before the surgery and my mind is thinking a bit too much. I need to be patient and wait for the facts and then process all the info.(sounds good on paper -now I need to listen).
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    dash4 said:

    Thanks for telling me about the movie. I am seeing my surgeon on Wed. and unsure what I might be told about chemo. I am trying to be educated enough to know what questions to ask. It is very confusing to understand all the possible options out there. I will add this movie to my list.

    It is a good movie! Thanks
    It is a good movie! Thanks for posting this for others to see.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    DianeBC said:

    It is a good movie! Thanks
    It is a good movie! Thanks for posting this for others to see.

    You can rent this movie from
    You can rent this movie from netflicks. It very good.
  • karen0423
    karen0423 Member Posts: 67
    Great Movie
    I was dx with Stage III in 4/02 and was Her2/Neu+ and was able to be in a clinical trial for Herceptin. The day I met my oncologist he asked if I wanted to do it and without hesitation I agreed...best decision... I am so happy that I did,the results are amazing! I celebrate 8 years in April!!
  • dash4
    dash4 Member Posts: 303 Member
    karen0423 said:

    Great Movie
    I was dx with Stage III in 4/02 and was Her2/Neu+ and was able to be in a clinical trial for Herceptin. The day I met my oncologist he asked if I wanted to do it and without hesitation I agreed...best decision... I am so happy that I did,the results are amazing! I celebrate 8 years in April!!

    thank you...
    Thank you for your response...I know I am HER2/Neu+...I don't know my "plan" yet, but it is so inspiring and hopeful to hear your story. I watched my husband with over 250 chemos and I am getting nervous about all my "what ifs" and I don't even know yet if I even will have chemo...does it show I am a bit crazy? I keep being told that his journey and mine are so different and I am well aware of that in my head, but my heart has not gotten the message yet. So, what I am trying to say is that you have no idea how much you have helped me and given me hope. Thank you.
    Mary Kay
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    dash4 said:

    thank you...
    Thank you for your response...I know I am HER2/Neu+...I don't know my "plan" yet, but it is so inspiring and hopeful to hear your story. I watched my husband with over 250 chemos and I am getting nervous about all my "what ifs" and I don't even know yet if I even will have chemo...does it show I am a bit crazy? I keep being told that his journey and mine are so different and I am well aware of that in my head, but my heart has not gotten the message yet. So, what I am trying to say is that you have no idea how much you have helped me and given me hope. Thank you.
    Mary Kay

    Yes, you can rent this from
    Yes, you can rent this from Netflix. It is so great that it was discovered to help so many bc survivors. Thanks!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    dash4 said:

    Thanks for telling me about the movie. I am seeing my surgeon on Wed. and unsure what I might be told about chemo. I am trying to be educated enough to know what questions to ask. It is very confusing to understand all the possible options out there. I will add this movie to my list.

    Thank you! I saw this
    Thank you! I saw this posted before, but, had forgotten about it. I will get it now.

    Sue :)
  • custom
    custom Member Posts: 7
    karen0423 said:

    Great Movie
    I was dx with Stage III in 4/02 and was Her2/Neu+ and was able to be in a clinical trial for Herceptin. The day I met my oncologist he asked if I wanted to do it and without hesitation I agreed...best decision... I am so happy that I did,the results are amazing! I celebrate 8 years in April!!

    great movie
    I was dx with her2+ stage IIb. tumor was 5cm on MRI at diagnoses in april 09, and 3cm at surgery Nov 30,09 after lots of chemo. Because of size of tumor I also had radiation after mastectomy. No positive nodes. Was lymphovascular invasive. Still receiving Herceptin. Do you know if there is any other chemo being tested just for the Her2?
  • teaglet
    teaglet Member Posts: 1
    Living proof - Herceptin movie
    Good evening, I have just found this site by way of Google on the her2 positive and saw the comment about the movie "Living Proof". I am a husband of a breast cancer patient that has Her2 positive Gens. That movie really brought a better light on what she has been going through and the history of Herceptin drug. Great movie, it should be recommended viewing by all patients. My wife was first diagnosis with breast cancer back in the winter of 2001. After chemo shrinking her tumors, she had surgery, more chemo then radiation for the following year. After two year she had reconstructive surgery. Then after 5 years she was told he cancer was in remission. Well after 8 years being cancer free, one evening she rolled over in the bed and heard a crack, we wondered what could that be, after a few days she was having problems breathing, that’s when I suggested she should go in thinking she had cracked her rib. After x-rays they said she had a cracked rib, immediately they contacted her oncologist, who ordered a bone scan, the bone scan revealed several lesions, they said her ct scan lit up like a Christmas tree. The breasts cancer had returned and metalized in her bones. It was in her skull, pelvic, hip, thighs, chest. Long story short, after a bad treatment of radiation that almost lost her, they put her on clinical trials using herceptin and tycurb (sp). She has now been on the study for over 24 months doing very well. We have ongoing monthly a $5,000+ a month treatment that will last indefinably. We are so thank for the work that Dr. Salmon has done, it is keeping my wife alive. Don’t know how long I can keep working to keep my insurance up to afford continued treatment., thank got we are only responsible for the doctor visits and the co-insurance, like anything else, our insurance ins increasing the deductibility next year. I will all of you the best of luck and God’s blessings on you all.
  • BetsyJane
    BetsyJane Member Posts: 127
    Just ordered it from EBAY - Thank You!!!
    I was started on Herceptin this past May. I'm thrilled to learn there is a movie out about this drug and just ordered it from EBAY. The cost of a "new" DVD was only $8.97 (including shipping). I can't wait for it to arrive so my husband and I can view it together. I intend to let my oncologist office know about it so hopefully they will purchase it and offer to show it to all their patients who are on Herceptin.

    Thank you so much again.
  • BetsyJane
    BetsyJane Member Posts: 127

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    BetsyJane said:

    I liked the movie, too
    Rented it about a year ago. It is an inspiring film.

    I saw 50/50 about a week ago. Not sure how I feel about that one.

    Thanks for bumping this up for new cns members. And I'm so pleased your wife is doing well on her new protocol.
