Breast Cancer Survivors can be blood donors again
I've always been a donor basically for as long as I can remember until the last few years. I thought that once you were BC, that ended your ability to donate (had been told that by some that you can't ever again). I decided today to call the local blood center and ask them directly. Turns out that I can donate so I have an…
Crazy double post
Glad to be home to my laptop and off the iphone. May\be not so many typos and navigation problems Jennifer
Can we light a candle to show our support and love to Marsha Mulvey?
I lit a candle last night for Marsha Mulvey after I read her post from her daughter Rachel. I also have one that uses batteries that will be on 24/7. I'm asking you pink sisters, to show our love and support to her by lighting candles. So, can you do this please, light a candle for Marsha? Thanks!
~~Sending a shout out to Laurissa~~
Laurissa, I am really worried since you haven't posted since you got out of the hospital. I am hoping and praying that you are doing alright. Praying for you every day, Noel
i had my first chemo treament, have 4 more to go. had a double massomenty i oct what age group is this . i am 69 and scared
MRI results
Mri results showed swelling of brain and mass. Straight to hospital. Waiting to hear from MO to see if need more than. Steroids to shrink swelling. Scared!!! Here at least overbite
Thank you Waffle8!
I received my beautiful Angel of Inspiration ornament over the weekend. She will always have a special place on my tree. The picture angel ornament and chocolate were very nice surprises as well. I allowed my husband one "slice" of the peanut butter pie :) Thank you Babette and Happy Holidays. Barb A
My ornament came...thanks SueRelays
Got it yesterday. I love it! It's ceramic with the pink breast cancer ribbon in the middle of a snow globe. It says "Wishing you Peace, Love & Health".....Just perfect!! Thank you so much Sue! This was so much fun!! Hugs, Debi P.S. Sue, I have a perfect pink ribbon to hang it with~
I am blessed beyond belief!
My only son and daughter-in-law have informed my husband and me that we are going to be first time grandparents! To say that I am over the moon would be an understatement. We are so excited, are already talking about turning one of our guest rooms into a "baby room" and I have been asked if I would consider watching the…
MRI tomorrow, 12/21
Saw my PCP today regarding my headache(s). He thinks I am having stress and muscle tension related migraines. Sees nothing clincally to make him think I have a neurological problem but will have an MRI tomorrow at 1:30 to rule out any suspicions, UGH. That's a test I haven't had. He felt around on my neck and told me to…
I am Completely Blown Away!
The postman dropped off a large box today--way too large to be a Christmas ornament, I thought. Well, it sure was--because it was not only 2 Christmas ornaments, but loads of other goodies as well from none other than my sweet friend, Jean. Let me start with the ornaments--a beautiful pink stained glass and silver angel…
Starting my rads
I went to my oncologist yesterday for my 1 month past chemo check-up.Good report, now on to my "dry run" for rads today and start 33 treatments tomorrrow.Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
Weight Gain
Hi everyone. I have completed my 4 A/C treatments (which were every 2 weeks) and just had my 3rd weekly Taxol treatment. I have gained at least 15 lbs since starting chemo and have tremendous amount of belly bloat. I am uncomfortable, my clothes no longer fit, my shoes are tight, my self-esteem has plummeted, and the list…
Just wondering
Just wondering if any of you didn't loose all your hair during chemo. I didn't have chemo but when my friend did she lost her hair in patches.Not bald.She wore a scarf while working with the public.Could barely tell it.Did her treatments etc through it all.I just wonder because I hear of others that have all their hair and…
Things to know when starting chemo
I haven't seen this posted in awhile and thought we might do this again. I have my husband's cousin just diagnosed. So I was trying to remember what all tips I learned on this board. Would love if everyone would give me thier tips. Thanks for your help
My granddaughters letter to Santa
I am crying while I type this. My 6 year old granddaughter Rylie wrote a letter to Santa today. She told Santa that she's been a very good girl & all she wants for Christmas is for Grandmas cancer to go away & please Santa take all the cancer away from everyone & make everyone feel good. I am so proud of my Rylie & I just…
Anastrozole (Arimidex)
I have been on Anastrozole for 3 1/2 years and am now experiencing accelerated hair loss. Has anyone had this problem? Will hair grow back after the drug is discontinued after year 5?
Sorry it took so long
I just figured out how to add you ladies and man to my friends list sorry it took so long but i'm not very comp.literate.Hugs Frankie
My ornaments came today
I got my ornaments along with candy from Karie today...Loved them, have them all over the place...Karie, you have to know I love snowmen.. Thank you so much and Merry Christmas.. Angie
Excessive sweating caused by meds?
So I've been on tamoxifen for 7 months now and we all know that sweating and hot flashes are a part of it, right? Now it's Dec and colder in NY and I am worse than when it was 95 in the summer! We've been Christmas shopping and I go out wearing lightweight pants and a short sleeve shirt, everyone else is in winter coats…
Naughty boy at church
We live in a very small town and our church offers 1 mass per weekend on Sat at 5. My daughter and her hubby wanted to go out with friends to celebrate 3 different milestones and asked us to watch 2 yr old JC overnite...not usually a problem. We hesitated a little to take him to church because he is soooooooo busy. When we…
Cancer Drug Xeloda
I am currently taking 500 mg per tablet of Xeloda,four tablets per day. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. and in March of 2011, I had a reoccurrence which mestatized in my bones. I have been on Xelolda since April of 2011. Yes! Xeloda does cause your fingerprints to disappear. Also, the tips of my fingers are…
Nothing is ever easy anymore, is it...
Woke up Thursday, 12/8 with what I thought was a bug, nausea, headache, neck pain...stayed home from work but felt a little like I was playing hooky. Slept all that day and had no energy from then through last weekend. Missed 1/2 day of work both Tues and Wed this week and had some vomiting plus this headache that made me…
Thank you to my Secret Santa in Pink from Palo Alto
I received a beautiful card and Scarf Pin (Hat Pin), Flower. I wore it today on a scarf and it is beautiful. It was even more special when a lady at Mass remarked on it and I was able to say it came from my sister-in-pink. Thank you so much, I wish I knew who you are so that I could thank you more personally! Hugs, Carol
Hi Sisters, Have any of you had a MUGA Scan? I had a double mastectony on Oct. 7th (cancer was on the left breast) and will be done with my radiation treatment on Monday the day after Christmas. I am schedule for a MUGA Scan on Jan. 9th and all that I know and read is that it is to make sure that the heart is not damage…
ornament exchange
Just received my ornament from Cindy, a big thank you! It is a lovely dove with these words on it "May peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all through the year". It looks great on my tree (photo posted in the Expressions Gallery). I also received a can of snow, yup you read that right, a can of snow! Thank…
Ornament Exchange Box Just Arrived
A beautiful box just arrived from our own "Different Ballgame" (Janelle), and I wanted everyone to know that she really went all out. My crystal "Angel of Wishes" has a permanent place on my mantel, and will stay there year around. Also a cute carrot nose showman ornament, and a box of "Real Chicago" Chocolate Mints was…
a Cancer Center/Hospital VS. an "individual" oncologist---any thoughts?
as you may have read, I have a kidney stone, ovarian cysts, prior double mastectomy, am diabetic and the list goes on. my question to you all.....I have an appt. at our local Cancer Center in January. with all that is going on, does it seem like a good idea for a fresh approach?? Hugs and thank you!!!
Cytoxan and Taxotere
I had my first chemo yesterday with cytoxan and Taxotere. Straight CT cocktail. Had an allergic reaction , big time, to Taxotere, but received decardron and benedry to counteract it. Then proceeded on with treatment. Today I fell like a zombie. I'm here but I'm not here. My arms and legs feel like they each weigh a ton and…
Chemo drug Navalbine
Hi to all, Just wondering if anyone tried navalbine chemo and that it was unsucessful. I was put on it 3 mos ago and my cea markers are going up not down. I have my 3 mos PET scan this upcomming Friday nd I pray that nothing else apppears other then spots on liver. I am really upset but taking it 1 day at a time. I…