Nothing is ever easy anymore, is it...

grams2jc Member Posts: 756
Woke up Thursday, 12/8 with what I thought was a bug, nausea, headache, neck pain...stayed home from work but felt a little like I was playing hooky. Slept all that day and had no energy from then through last weekend. Missed 1/2 day of work both Tues and Wed this week and had some vomiting plus this headache that made me feel like I could pass out. Also some really scary flashing lights in my right eye which would last about 20 minutes. REALLY frustrated by Friday, and my PCP doesn't work on Fridays so decided to go to the chiropractor...she said my neck was out in a couple of places in addition to my shoulders. She is a thumper not a cracker and usually it is 24 hours before relief. I immediately felt some headache relief. Neck is sore and popping so I think I will go back to her tomorrow, but at least I can stand up without throwing up or passing out and have not had vision disturbance since Wednesday, WHEW! I was starting to think brain mets.. all over a little "bug" Before bc I would have said, wow this has lasted a long time, now I panic.

Sorry to whine, just can't get over how cancer changes everything!

This is a bad time of year to be out of comission for 10 days, too much stuff to do, including the fun stuff,



  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I know what you mean.
    A couple of weeks ago I went to my pcp and was really worried. I was having a lot of problems on my right side. Hip pain, neck pain, pain up the back of my head. Of course my fear was that I had some other cancer. Fortunately it was all from a stupid muscle in my shoulder. But you are right, once you have gone through bc that is the first thing that comes to mind when something else goes wrong. Will we ever be free of it?

  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    ladyg said:

    I know what you mean.
    A couple of weeks ago I went to my pcp and was really worried. I was having a lot of problems on my right side. Hip pain, neck pain, pain up the back of my head. Of course my fear was that I had some other cancer. Fortunately it was all from a stupid muscle in my shoulder. But you are right, once you have gone through bc that is the first thing that comes to mind when something else goes wrong. Will we ever be free of it?


    I'm happy you were able to get relief!!!
    I totally understand... Things have definately changed. When I have feelings out of the ordinary, my first thought is OH NO... Please don't let it be... My Onc says to just live and not worry about the minor aches and pains and that I had them before BC and will continue. But... since going through this journey it's natural to worry.

    Not sure things will ever be the same. I think...This is our "New Normal".

    My New year's resolution... Live, Laugh and Love!!! ;0)

    Wishing YOU Happy Holidays and a GREAT 2012!!!

    Mitzi ;0)
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Oh Jennifer you are not whining, you are expressing what so many of us feel! Glad you are doing better and hope it continues to improve so you can enjoy the Christmas season!

    Merry Christmas,

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    RE said:

    Oh Jennifer you are not whining, you are expressing what so many of us feel! Glad you are doing better and hope it continues to improve so you can enjoy the Christmas season!

    Merry Christmas,


    Hi Jennifer,
    I hope you are

    Hi Jennifer,
    I hope you are feeling better. We all relate to the fear that comes with any sickness. I hope it's better.
    I had to tell you about my flashing lights in both my eyes. It happened years ago and I was so frightened that I rushed to my eye doctor. I actually had to get a ride because I couldn't drive. She said I had experienced an ocular Migraine. She said I was lucky that I didn't have any pain because most people do.
    I had one more of them and wasn't afraid because I knew what it was. It lasted about 20 minutes too. Hope this helps because it sounds like it's what I had. The feeling was like a strobe light in my eye.
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    Hi Jennifer,
    I hope you are

    Hi Jennifer,
    I hope you are feeling better. We all relate to the fear that comes with any sickness. I hope it's better.
    I had to tell you about my flashing lights in both my eyes. It happened years ago and I was so frightened that I rushed to my eye doctor. I actually had to get a ride because I couldn't drive. She said I had experienced an ocular Migraine. She said I was lucky that I didn't have any pain because most people do.
    I had one more of them and wasn't afraid because I knew what it was. It lasted about 20 minutes too. Hope this helps because it sounds like it's what I had. The feeling was like a strobe light in my eye.

    I had flashing lghts too
    I had flashing lights in my right eye.Went to ER.They did a simple eye exam.Told me to see my eye doctor.I did.I had a floater and a cataract.The cataract is from Tamoxifin but like he said body over eyes.I still take tamox.I am due for another eye exam.He told me last year my cataract was very small and not to worry.Hope the same my next exam.I am so tired of tests and procedures. AND going to the doctor all the time.I have so many now!!!!!.I am starting to forget their names.LOL

    For life changes.I am sure going through them like everyone else.I was thinking about this the other day.I can't be around cigarette smoke, propane heater(we used one in our barn) and I used them at my spay/neuter clinics,No fireplace smoke or burning trash(we do that but I hybernate),eat better,don't burn soy candles but once in awhile,don't use alot of cleaning products now and the list goes on and on and on.Alot of changes and alot to comprehend.Pretty depressing to me. Not just the dx but how our lives change.

    I wish I had my normal life back but that will never happen.

    Lynn Smith
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    I had flashing lghts too
    I had flashing lights in my right eye.Went to ER.They did a simple eye exam.Told me to see my eye doctor.I did.I had a floater and a cataract.The cataract is from Tamoxifin but like he said body over eyes.I still take tamox.I am due for another eye exam.He told me last year my cataract was very small and not to worry.Hope the same my next exam.I am so tired of tests and procedures. AND going to the doctor all the time.I have so many now!!!!!.I am starting to forget their names.LOL

    For life changes.I am sure going through them like everyone else.I was thinking about this the other day.I can't be around cigarette smoke, propane heater(we used one in our barn) and I used them at my spay/neuter clinics,No fireplace smoke or burning trash(we do that but I hybernate),eat better,don't burn soy candles but once in awhile,don't use alot of cleaning products now and the list goes on and on and on.Alot of changes and alot to comprehend.Pretty depressing to me. Not just the dx but how our lives change.

    I wish I had my normal life back but that will never happen.

    Lynn Smith

    Oh, Jennifer, you are so right
    So sorry you are having these difficulties and I hope you are feeling better by now. I know what you mean about your mind racing to the worst possible scenario whenever there is an ache or pain. Right now I've had an intermittent pain in one of my vertebra off and on for a few weeks. Before cancer, I would have thought "hmmm, must have pulled something. It'll take a little time, but it'll go away." Now--"why is it still there, please don't let this be bc related, scared, scared, scared"

    I've decided to call the doctor (but which one--pcp, surgeon, onc.?) to make an appointment. Big yuck!

    Good luck to you and I hope your issues resolve right away. Keep us posted.

    Hugs, Renee
  • alexcc
    alexcc Member Posts: 19
    All the changes
    I didnt realize all the things that change after bc. I have a whole different outlook on everything. It's like I am having to discover who I am again, as well as dealing with the physical symptoms. Glad to have this support. My friends are there for me but you all understand. Soooo glad to have found this place! Good thoughts and well wishes to all!

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    RE said:

    Oh Jennifer you are not whining, you are expressing what so many of us feel! Glad you are doing better and hope it continues to improve so you can enjoy the Christmas season!

    Merry Christmas,


    Hope all is well now, Jennifer
    Can you just imagine if you woke up one morning looking like Re?
    (Would you like to explain your new photo, Re?)

  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756

    Hope all is well now, Jennifer
    Can you just imagine if you woke up one morning looking like Re?
    (Would you like to explain your new photo, Re?)


    I love Re's new pic!
    Went to the Chiro for the 2nd today, had enough energy to wrap gifts this evening, so doing MUCH better. Did hedge my bets by making PCP appt for Wed afternoon but will cancel if I am as much better
    tomorrow as I think I will be.

    However, I just looked out the window and our front lawn is white......getting that 'RAIN' they were predicting...they said no chance of a white Christmas, SIGH, wish I could be wrong at my job as often.
