32 and always living in fear...
So,I was 27 when I was diagnosed with stage 4 Invasive ductial carcinoma (stage 4). Been through the ringer with treatments,basically Ive done them all including radiation. Ive had so much radiation that Im no longer a canidate for any further radiation. I had a PET scan a few months ago citing "remission". I felt alright…
OT: Made Traci's Chocolate-Pumpkin Swirl Brownies
Made Traci' brownies today for my Bible study group and served with (Publix) pumkin pie ice cream and they were a big hit with all the ladies! I kinda cheated as Trader Joe's is about an hour away, so I used Dunkin Hines Decadent Brownie mix and a Kroger brand Pumpkin Bread mix and they turned out great. Thanks Traci for a…
Starting Arimidex and Rads
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! Doc started arimidex yesterday and I see the rad onc tomorrow. I feel so relieved to get these treatments started. We talked about my CT Scan (4-5 small nodules in my lungs were found). She said she can't rule out mets but neither could she say for certain that this is lung cancer or breast cancer that…
Ornaments have arrived....
Thank You so much Georgia lady. I love the angel and especially the hug. Everytime I look at them I will think of you. Friends are the best part of Christmas like the ornament says. Merry Christmas to You and all Pink Sisters. Hugs and Prayers, Diana
Another Game~Why not :)
Starting with A we write the first word that pops in our head! Apple
Today is Gloria 09's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day! -Jenny
I could not find the right size box in my house. Ended up going to post office to buy a shipping box. Ornament mailed today, Thursday, 12-15-11. Will arrive by Monday 12-19-11. Lots of Hugs, Janelle
lump after radiation
I am three years out from breast cancer. I had a modified radical mastectomy on my right breast after 6 months of chemo. Then I had 33 rounds of radiation on my mastectomy sight to make sure no cells had escaped to better my chance of the cancer not returning for a very long time. Now I have a lump on my, I call collar…
Feeling off today ~~
I know I always tell other kindreds that it's perfectly normal to have a bad day but I'm 2 years this month finished with chemo and rads. I was just wondering if anyone else with this length of time still has these days. I'm sad, on the verge of tears and today it is upsetting me that I'm not stronger emotionally. I think,…
Today is SueRelays Birthday!
Hope your day is filled with fantastic surprises and love all around you! Happy Birthday! -Jenny
Today is lizzie17's Birthday!
Sending Big Happy Birthday wishes your way - hope you have a fantastic day! much love, -Jenny
Today is minermom's Birthday!
Hope your day is filled with wonderful surprises - Happy Birthday -Jenny
♫ What's Your Favorite Christmas Carol Or Song? ♫
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨. * What's your favorite Christmas carol or song? ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ** ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨*o* ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨*♥*o* ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨***o*** ¨¨¨¨¨¨**o**♥*o* ¨¨¨¨¨**♥**o**o** ¨¨¨¨**o**♥***♥*o* ¨¨¨*****♥*o**o**** ¨¨**♥**o*****o**♥** ¨******o*****♥**o*** ****o***♥**o***o***♥ * ¨¨¨¨¨____!_!____ ¨¨¨¨¨\_________/¨¨ ♠♣ Love, Christmas Susie ♠♣
Oncotype DX score & my decision...
Hi Ladies, I had my appointment with the MO yesterday and my onco scores were 11 and 18. I have decided not to have chemo with those scores, the 11 being so low and the 18 right at the beginning of the "gray" area. My cancer was stage 2, ER/PR +, HER2- with no node involvement. I will start Armidex soonish, as soon as I…
Received beautiful ornament, thank you gagee
Ornament is beautiful porcelain Christmas tree trimmed with tiny jewel-toned balls. Very special to me, from my pink sister! Merry Christmas everyone. Love Teresa
im quitting smoking today
Any helpful tips?
2 new drugs for bc
I saw this on the news and also read it. Two new drug combos fight advanced breast cancer. Afinitor boosted survival in women with hormone receptor postive breast cancer but not approved by the FDA. The other drug pertuzumab improved survival with HER-2 Postive tumor but also hasn't received approval by the FDA Cost could…
Scared beyond words...
I posted about having an off/bad day which followed by me getting super dizzy. Well lying in hospital at 1am with 8 am surgery scheduled to take some cancer out of my brain. I am terrified. I just felt I had to purge that so I can sleep. I know I am lucky they caught it!! Not out of woods yet. Pray please!
Out of hospital
Hello everyone, it's been awhile. I've been having alot of blood count problems and transfusions because of the chemo drugs I was on. Now I have swollen lymph nodes, one on my neck the size of a golf ball. Today I go for a petscan. I know my sister updated all of you. She and others did so much for me holding a fund raiser…
UPDATE/RESULTS --- ****Can I have the pink bus please? Monday, Dec. 12 @ 10:30AM*****
Hi lovely sisters – Ok, here we go. Monday I have a sonogram of my entire abdominal area (including liver). I’ve had pains under my breast for a while now and it’s coming from inside, behind the ribs so I am a little nervous. My primary Dr. (because my oncology team says it’s normal) has decided to send me for a complete…
Can You Pink Sisters Come With Me On The Pink Bus And Please Say Some Prayers Too?
I've got a new lump. It is very tiny, but I am terrified that it could be the bc coming back. I haven't said anything before now, as, I was just trying to ignore it and hoping it would go away. But, it is still there, so, my oncologist has ordered a mammo and ultrasound for me this Friday. I know it is best to always get…
Side Effects are Kicking my otherwise happy demeanor, not to mention my behind!
I am still not having much success loggin in...not sure why. Just want you all to know that although I am responding well to treatment according to my latest scans (YAY!!!!!) the side effects are doing a number on me, and even if I could log on easily, I am just not feeling so up to it! My bones and joints hurt, my mouth…
MOre then once (Radiation) same part of body
I was told you can only have body part radiated ONE time..what happens if comes back and can't do radiation? Denise
News about my sister...
GREAT news! Well, within the bad news of cancer....my sister has her pathology....ER/PR +, Her/2 negative.....and the tumor is <1cm.....YEA!!!! (sigh, never thought I'd be happy about something to do with her battling cancer). Thanks, all for your prayers!!!! Hugs, Kathi
Sorry, my Victoria is...........
Aisling8 Thanks again!
as I typed...good friend is in surgery
My friend is having surgery for BC right now..keep her in your thoughts..supposed to take 3 hrs.... Denise
Reconstructive plastic surgery
Hi, Ladies, I live in the s.e. part of Florida, close to Boca Raton and West Palm Beach. I had 2 mastectomies at different times and reconstruction followed. Now, for the third time, one of the protheses broke. I was hoping to get recommendations from you for an excellent plastic surgeon in my area so I can hopefully be…
♥ Have a great recipe to share ?
In the spirit of sharing and gratitude, a website has been set up where recipes can be entered, viewed or downloaded by members. The recipes don’t have to be holiday oriented and can be anything you enjoy and would like to share. Thanks for contributing! Clickable Link: ♥ Recipe Sharing Project…
OT- Hubby just asked how to make mashed potatoes
And I'm silently chuckling to myself - how can you not be able to tell when the potato is done? Now, I'm sure we'll be having mashed potatoes on a regular basis - he's retired, you know! Tee hee, Sue
Herceptin: Did anyone ever have to discontinue this treatment?
I was on Herceptin for six months. I was supposed to continue it for one year. After my muga scan last Tuesday, it showed my heart function has decreased considerably and I have to stop this treatment for the time being. I see my oncologist on Tuesday for further details. Has anyone ever had to stop their Herceptin…