My hair is growing back during chemo. Should I cut it again?
Before I started my chemo treatments, I was told to cut my hair so it would be less traumatic. So I shaved my head. I just had chemo #5 out of 6 - one more to go, and all of my hair didn't fall out like I expected it too. After the third chemo, it stopped falling out and started to actually grow. It's sparse still,…
On the Other side
So here I am mid way through my treatments. Just finished my third chemo out of four, then port removal, radiation and five years of hormone therapy. Other than the hormone therapy, I'd like to hear from any you veterans that are on the "other side" of cancer treatment. Do you just walk away and shake this horrible thing…
Reconstructive surgery
I had breast cancer in 1994 and had a mastectomy on the right side with no reconstruction. I have now been diagnosed with breast cancer again in the left breast. I am wondering what the pros and cons are to reconstructive surgery? I want to have it, but am kind of scared. I would appreciate any feed back from anyone that…
Biopsy update
Good morning ladies....l got my bone biopsy result yesterday and thanks to the good lord it's not cancer....I have what you call a "boney island" which in MRI films it can look like cancer.....this is something I could of had all my life..thank you all for your thoughts and prayers....lthis is going to be an awesome new…
Didja ever do something SO stupid???
Well, this morning as we were all dressed and almost ready to leave the house, I remembered to take my morning meds - I had forgotten yesterday. So, yay! I took them. Then, after riding 15 minutes or so, I said to my hubby and daughter, 'I can hardly keep my eyes open - I can't believe I'm this sleepy' and then it struck…
What's next?
I was diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma on December 14 2011. I had lumpectomy and only one Lymph node removed on December 29, 2011. BEST possible outcome! BUT... This is all sooo new and my head and heart are in a fog. I meet with my Surgeon on 1/6/12 to get final path results and set up Radiation treatments. I…
Results of PET/CT Scan
are disturbing. I haven't talked with my MO yet, but I picked up the report so I could be ready for her call. Not so sure I am ready. Anyway, mets to the lungs cannot be ruled out. The report says "consider histological correlation of the larger right lower lobe nodule which is quite peripheral." It says that the there are…
Edema in legs and feet
Although on all kinda of water pills have they horrible cankles and doesn't seem to go down, anyone else have this? what did you do to fix it?
So yeasterday I was concerned about my level of inactivity, today I expect no energy. Started yesterday about 7:30 am with a visit from my JC while his mommy went to ob/gyn...3 cm dilated and 75% thinned...that little girl will be here soon, 2 weeks anyway til due date. He had a great time playing with my mom (Grannie) who…
I get de-ported tomorrow! One year, four months and 18 days after it was put in. What better Christmas/New Years gift could I ask for? But I am having some (1-1 1/2) inch swelling in my upper arm on the side lymph nodes were removed a little over a year ago. The physical therapist I am seeing to try to get the…
Hair...glorious hair :)
So anyone care to share their "new hair" experiences. How long did it take to start to grow back? I'm still in chemo and between the 2nd and 3rd, I got a little bit of stubble. Didn't lose all of it to begin with, but just about. How much did it grow each month? Do most people get gray hair? And how curly are we talkin'?…
Starting Chemo tomorrow 1/5/12
Hi all, I have belonged to the board for a short time and haven't posted a lot. I will be starting chemo tomorrow. I will be taking 4 infustions (one every 3 weeks) of taxoterre and cytoxan. Am scared, but have heard that this combo is pretty tolerable. Any advice is welcome. I have started increasing my water because I've…
Moving on down the Road
Hi Everybody, Went for what I hope is my last chemo treatment today. Can't say I'm sorry to see it end. My oncologist doesn't think I'll need additional chemo after surgery but you never know. I saw my surgeon last Tuesday. He wants a pet scan and another breast MRI done at his hospital. He explained how the mastectomy…
Cinkal - is tomorrow your day? Pink bus???
Hi Cin! Tomorrow is your mammo, correct?? Best wishes to you, Sweetie! I will be with you in spirit! Let me know how you did! Love, Julie
I start chemo tomorrow
I will do 4 cycles of 5-FU, Cytoxan and Epirubicin and then 4 cycles of Taxotere and Herceptin. I'm just coming off 15 mos. of treatment for ovarian cancer, so I've been in chemo before, but those drugs were Taxol, Cisplatin and Avastin. Also, my doctors are recommending a double masectomy once all the chemo is done - gee,…
Newly Diagnosed!
Hi everyone, I am going to be 38 on Wednesday and just found out that I have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Life has become a whirlwind and out of nowhere the world of breast cancer has entered my life. I have my first meeting with an oncologist on Tuesday and the surgeon. I am so anxious to find out what the next step is for…
* Cancer Crusade Survivors Movie * * It Is An Inspiring & Touching 3 Minutes *
This is an emotional 3 minutes of film that I hope you will take a look at. Or, if you've already seen it, watch it again. I think it is very powerful, very emotional, but, well worth seeing. It is on youtube. One of my girlfriends sent this to me and I've watched it several times. I hope you like it. I think everyone…
HOORAY! I can log on to CSN for a change! Not that I don't think of all of my Kindreds daily~ I do!!
What is it with the Internet!? I have been a loyal family member of CSN for eons~ 2003 and I actually used to post multiple times daily to catch up and say hello and regale us with the fun life getting past Beast Battling! But the ineternet is just being ornery and I can rarely log on! After 8+ years I don't want to have…
Appointment with oncologist today
I have a 3 p.m. (Phoenix time) appointment with my med. onc. She will have the results of my bone scan, CT, 3-D imaging and MRI of my lumbar and thoracic spine. My husband is going with me. I am hoping the tests are definitive and show some sort of injury (fracture) but if they are not, I'm thinking she'll suggest a bone…
diet coke
I am big diet coke drinker...even one in the am on the way to work...drink water most of the day..night instant breakfast...my college daughter texted me about what she learned in class...how many chemicals..etc..cancer causing and all ...to past 2 days OJ it was...so I"ll switch over to sprite/7up! I can't handle real…
A New Year, A New Thread???
While walking my dogs this morning, I thought of something that might be of help to all of us. How about we talk about specific drugs that we are on, a particular side effect, and how we have learned to cope with it. For example, I have noticed weird, sore feet on the faslodex. Generally, this improves as I get up and…
Mantra to share?
I am just beginning my journey of bc and do not know my treatment plan yet, but was talking to a friend and bc survivor tonight. She said it was helpful for her to lesson her anxiety by having a mantra. She said helped during treatment and sleeping. I know that it must be personal to help strengthen and relax me, but…
Casting For Recovery Retreats - new info
The New Year is here and it won't be too long til the 2012 Calendar for the Casting For Recovery Retreats will probably be postd soon so thought I'd bring it up. I found out about it last year but missed the application dates. Casting For Recovery Retreats are for women who have been DX'd with Breast Cancer. There are ones…
OMG you all are so awesome!!!
Okay, I've been processing. I've had a couple of glasses of my favorite Chard, I've cried, I've talked to my son, my sis and my hubby. The only thing I know for sure is that breast cancer absolutely sucks--big time! Apparently I won't know any more than I know right now until I (1) speak to my oncologist and (2) have a…
3 word game for start of New Years!
2012 about to start
even out NOT reconstruction
Has anyone had any work done *surgically* to even up once you have had a lumpectomy?
parital vs lumpectomy
what is difference? IN partial masectomy and lumpectomy? Denise
For MissRenee - to take your mind off the waiting this weekend - SUGGESTIONS, PLEASE!
Most of you have seen MissRenee's posts about her bone scan reports, vague possible abnormalities, "could be"'s, and the looming possibility of a bone biopsy -- and her doctor is out of town for the long holiday weekend....I mean seriously -- dude, this just really sucks. So let's help her take her mind off all this this…
Happy New Year
Wishing a blessed and happy New Year to each of you. May the sun shine on your face and the wind be always to your back. Love to all my "pinks"! Teresa
Delay of Pink bus
I had a delay in the testing for the microcalcifications. (possible scar tissue or maybe cancer, heaven forbid). So all who got on late we can start another round as soon as they set me up with another appointment. Sorry, I would have let you know earlier, but I only have internet accesss at work on 3rd shift after I get…