Biopsy needed with recurrent breast cancer
I was "fortunate" in that, because it had been so long since my breast cancer, we did a biopsy to both confirm diagnosis and to see what we were dealing with. My original tumor was ER and PR positive. My metastasis was ER + but PR negative. It is fairly common for breast cancer to change over time. Studies are beginning to…
Please cheer me on
I've decided to let my hair grow. Every time I've tried since chemo, I think it's going to be thin, but ok, and then it gets about 2" long and it's obvious it's not ok and I cry and buzz it short again. My friend is a hairdresser and she's going to help with keeping it shaped to grow into a style. My New Year's resolution…
Pink Bus with tropical theme for Jan 5th
Ok we are back on for Jan 5th 4:00pm. It is cold here in Michigan so we want a tropical theme here. We might reach 45 degress the day of the surgical biopsy. What a heat wave for this time of year. So all you folks who are used to warm weather will want to remain on the bus. I made sure the heater was in tip top condition.…
Best news of a crappy situation
No mets anywhere but my brain, who would have ever thought that was good news? Chest, abdomen and pelvic CT all cear as was bone scan. Had rad #2 then came home to my own little bed, thinking about a nap. Yesterday, before scans I asked MO since I am now stage 4 if I could expect about 10 years...she said no, too…
white noise
5 months after finishing chemo woke up with white noise in head ears whatever. Mri's of head, ears okay.Leg numbness down to the toes, Mri of lower back, one doc fully mets in spine, went to another brain and back doc he says he don't see cancer ,then went to another neuro guy no cancer in L -5. Spoke to breast doc ,white…
Cards for MissRenee
I have received enough money for the flowers for Miss Renee. I have some extra and am thinking of something else to do for her. Thanks to all! If anyone would like her address to send her a card, please private message me and I will send her address to you. xoxo, Jean
the stent in my ureter, just wanting to talk about feeling guilty
I am still bleeding ---surgery dec. 22nd to remove kidney stone and insert the stent to my bladder, and the doctor now put me to bedrest. I was doing too much. I feel so awful missing work and I love my job!! But physically, it is not possible nor advised. Does anyone feel really guilty for being sick and unable to just be…
Deep gratitude at a difficult time
Kevin and I came home between movies to see our dog, Jake, for awhile. Low and behold, there on my front porch was a gorgeous flower arrangement in one of the most artistic, beautiful vases we have ever seen. (Kev put it on with my screen name.) Jean, Sue, Claudia, Kathi M., Penny and all of the wonderful Kindred Spirits…
Today is sinee's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wondeful day - filled with eveything and everyone you love most! -Jenny
Hmmm...should I tell you about the email from GYN? or my trip to the ER?...
OK. OK. You probably want to hear about both...got a great email from the GYN. She says I am officially in menopause (we didn't know for sure because of the chemo) and I no longer need to worry about birth control! That is a whoop!!whoop!! for me. And a normal pap smear...Sorry Robert, if it's TMI. Now the ER...I woke up…
Unsure about this lump...
My name is Heidi and I'm almost 27...I don't feel like I'm worthy of posting this but need to tell someone. I found a lump and I'm freaked out about it. I have an appointment to see the doctor but I haven't told anyone about it because I don't want my family to be freaking out as well...I pray that it's nothing but Breast…
Looking for support from someone who has had their breast cancer reoccur in other areas of their body and how they are coping.
OT - an awesome song and slide show
I have been counting, and I have a new record today....
As many of you know I work for a local credit union. Yesterday, was the first day in my new branch. I shaved my head Christmas afternoon, so I have been wearing hats and scarves to work....you know the big sign on your head that says "chemo girl here". Because we are short staffed right now I am spending some time as a…
menstrual cycle after chemo
Hi everyone I was wondering for those of you who were not already in menapause,when after chemo did your menstrual cycle return and was it normal? I had Taxol first then 4 treatments of f/a/c my last chemo was on Dec.13 I did not have a period while on chemo.December 7 I had a very light period followed for a pinkish…
Safely made another switch....UPDATE
Whew!...and during the flight, my beau saved a man's life! (We were then moved to first class...too bad it was after dinner *smile*). As a result, ended up with a stopover in Chicago on our 'nonstop' flight.... Dutch hugs, Kathi
Arimidex & pain...
Hi all. I've been on Arimidex since August of '11. I started it at the insistance of my family who want me to take every avenue possible so I don't have a recurrence of my cancers (I had two types in one breast and had the breast removed). I had an OncotypeDX score of 0. I'm miserable. I ache all the time all over and…
My intentions are always good.....
HI Pinks, Once again I have let life and treatments consume me and I've failed to be the sister I'm always wanting to be. I have good intentions, I always try to get to the boards, then, well, you know......anyhow, I miss this board :( As I was scrolling through the discussion topics trying to get caught up on whats…
Need prayers...NOW
I just had a phone call from my granddaughter, Brittany, and she has found a lump in her breast the size of a marble. She sees her doctor for an Ultra Sound next week, but she is scared to death. (She is the daughter of my daughter, Kelly, who passed in 2004, and is also the Mother of Casey Alexander, my great-grandson who…
Today is Deeb111's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DEEB HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope you have a wonderful day filled with all the things you love most! ♥ Cat
Understand what is happening
I was diagnosed with 2 types of cancer after what we supposed to be surgery to remove 3 interductal papillomas. they are gone and cancer (Infiltrating ductal carcinoma and DCIS seems to have arrived. I feel like I am lost in a field of white nose and can't seem to understand it all. I have a partial mastectomy and sentinel…
Long afternoon but worth it!
Had #3 whole brain radiation and saw my regular RO today. Poor guy, I had a typed list of questions and points I wanted to discuss and he went over all of it with me. He feels that I have many options but will probably need gamma or cyber knife after whole brain rads. We will evaluate with a 4 week MRI after rads done. He…
Estrogen positive cancer and black cohosh
Just wondering what your doctors told you about your estrogen positive cancer and taking black cohosh. Thanks.
Double trouble
Hi, my name is Lisa and I am 49 years old and I live in new jersey. 9 weeks ago I had uterus cancer and I needed a total hysterectomy and that was all I needed. Soon after I went for a mammography and I turned out having breast cancer I needed a lymsectomy which I had done last week . The results turned out to be a tumor…
Have any of you signed up on the What Next on here?
And, do you like it? I haven't signed up for it yet, but, wanted to know if you liked it or not. Hugs, Diane
Thank you Hootiegirl (Kat)
My ornaments arrived today and I am really touched. The ball is quite elegant and beautiful and I love the white cross with Hope painted on it - can't argue with that. I will post pix this week. Thanks again, I am not sure how you had time with everything you have going on hope finals were good to you. BTW, I thought the…
I'm scared......
I had brain surgery just over two weeks ago, I have since enjoyed Christmas but I am scared. I am short of breath today, I am calling all my kids the wrong name, I am having trouble typing this up. Will I ever feel better? Am I destined to feel this way why do I feel so bad? I am taking a nap daily and that is helping but…
3 Word Story - Another "game"
"Melting snow is - " Idea is to add 3 words toward a 'story line'. Susan
Good news to satrt the New Year!
I had my first Mammo since my diagnosis at the beginning of January 2011. It was all clear. No evidence of disease. YIPEE! I got a little scared when they called me in for more pictures on my "good boob". It ended up being fine. I was so nervous waiting for the results, but I could feel my "pink sisters" with me in spirit.…
Another Word Game
I thought I would start a new post of this word game for us. Just take the word that is posted before you and change one letter to make a new word. My word is REAL