Stage 3/4 GBM
I just wanted to make a quick trip post to introduce myself to everybody here, my name is Jason Rowley and I just had a 4 cm x 4 cm right frontal GBM states 304 glioma removed I'm as I go through these initial stages of grief and why in the hell what the hell happened I just wanted to seek some advice from people on what…
Can I have a brain tumor? 1.5 y since last CT.
Hi everyone. 1.5 years ago I had a head CT, with contrast. The study did not show any changes in the brain. A few weeks ago I had a severe attack of pain, which continues today, with varying intensity. A few days ago I had another CT (without contrast), which also showed no change. Does this basis, we can eliminate the…
Oligodendroglioma MRI Results
I had my latest MRI two weeks ago and the Doctor, a fellow and 3 residents reviewed my results and said there was no indication of any disease. My hospital also sends out the MRI result report in their MyChart system. When I looked at the report today it said there was a region that was "suspicious for recurrent disease"…
Oligodendroglioma Research & Clinical Trials!!
Hello. I was diagnosed in 2005 and for a year or two after, I followed and researched greatly...then put the cancer experience behind me. In May I received an email from the NBTS about Oligo research! I had never heard of http://www.oligonation.org/ a GREAT resource for the oligo patient! Has anyone else heard of them? Web…
Oligodendroglioma II, recurrence after 2 and a half years
I'm looking for similar experiences or support with this. I posted this on another person's comment, but I don't think this is what she was looking for. And I am looking for something myself... I have a stage II Oligodendroglioma, and have 1p, 19q deletion. My tumour is on the left-frontal lobe, right up against my motor…
Diagnosed with brain cancer
I was recently diagnosed with brain cancer with severe swelling in the brain. I even have abnormalities in vision. I went for an eye check yesterday and the doctor advised me to take the Lasik eye surgery procedure from any nearby clinic in Oakville like the See By Intravision. But I don’t know whether Lasik is safe at…
Joint pain and chemo
I have been on Temodar for 9 months now and am starting to experience some intense joint pain. I could chalk up the pain and stiffness to getting older but I am 30 and have never had joint issues like this. I am wondering if this is in any way related to chemo. I have read that breast cancer patients experience this during…
After cancer
Doctors discovered a massive brain tumor on my sisters frontal right lobe in 2012. She was immeadiatly admitted into the Neuro ICU and operated on the next day. She then spent 10 weeks at MD Anderson recieving chemo and radiation every day. She was only given 3 years to live and miracously the tunor completely disappeared.…
Hi! I'm new here and want to introduce myself.
Hello! My dear friend was diagnosed with inoperable grade 4 GBM in May. She had no other symptoms other than confusion one weekend. She started her 6th and final week of daily radiation and chemo today, and is looking forward to returning to a new normal in her life. With the addition of Dexamethazone the confusion quickly…
My mother has Glioblastoma Stage 4 Cancer
I am in desperate need of help and understanding. My mother was diagnosed October 2014 with stage 4 Glioblastoma Brain cancer. There were two tumors, one they removed part of, and another they tried to treat but looks as though now has doubled in size. She cannot drive, has memory lose, and some of her motor skills and…
Brain Tumour
Here in the UK my wife had a brain tumour in 2009 removed and in 2013 she was recommended to have radiotherapy which has scared the brain, this has left her with a very heavy left leg and foot. Can anybody tell me if they have experienced the same and if so what medication have you used to ease the problem.
PNET Cancer
Very recently a family member has been diagnosed with PNET cancer which has spread to his spine. He is in his 30's (certainly not a child, and not typical of this particular form of cancer). I am wondering if anyone else in here has had any experiences? My family is understandably a lot freaked out as anything online…
Adult Brain Stem Glioma C71.9
Diagnosis, I started noticing the first symptoms back in December 2015 but since they presented themselves at different times and were so random I never though anything of it. On April 13th, 2016 I had already started experiencing double vision and I brought it up to my optometrist’s attention on my regular yearly…
Migraines after craniectomy olgo stage II
I am an oligodendroglioma grade II survivor, 88% was removed in 2011, the 12% that remains is inoperable. It was and is a right frontal lobe tumor. I was diagnosed @ 27, and am now only 32 and still have a lot to live for. My oncologist doesn't want to do chemo or radiation, until it shows signs of regrowth. Tuesday is my…
Church Member Faking terminal cancer
Yes it's true. A lady I know has been faking cancer for the past two years. She has scammed her church, family and friends out of thousands upon thousands of dollars. Let me give you some background on me so you know I do not make such accusations lightly. I say these things with a very heavy heart and with intense…
Parent of young man with GBM
MY son was diagnosed with GBM in March 2016. He had been misdiagnosed as Bipolar and none of the psychiatrists ever did a brain scan when I asked. We are very isolated as I just moved to the CA desert for a job in JAN. My son was in a PhD program, got his masters in Economics a year ago and has just finished his first…
Texas Survivors, Fighters and Caregivers
hi I am organizing a team to raise awareness for brain cancer and I was wondering if anyone from east texas wants to come join me in may
Brain tumor and the diagnosis procedures
Hello my 20 year old niece is currently in Yale brain tumor center. Tuesday she had her first appointment wiith the oncology neuolologist and was immediately admitted and has since learned nothing more in regards to prognosis, treatment or what the discovery process is. We are frustrated and confused. There is a team of 3…
Astrocytoma grade 2 valoni
I was recently biopsied and diagnosed with an astrocytoma grade 2 tumor . With the exception of the symptoms that led me to my Doctor I've only dealt with the side effects,like not moving my legs,and not remembering things before surgery,i have bin diagnosed in short time i made biopsy and then surgery so i can clean the…
Brain Lymphoma
Hello, I was diagnosed at the end of 2012 with primary brain Lymphoma. I have heard it referred to by a number of different names including Primary Central Nervous system Lymphoma, and Non-Hodkinson Lymphoma. I essentially underwent Chemo and radiation and by May 2013 declared to be in remission. I still suffer from…
Pxa grade 3 anaplastic Tumor .. Rare .. 11 year old boy
My sons been diagnosed with a rare pxa grade 3 Tumor ? Anyone heard of this before ? He has had surgery and are confident they have got it all, will be starting radiation for 6 weeks and chemo for 6-8 months HAs anyone come across this before .. We are devastated thank you
My Glioblastoma “If God Dwells inside of us like some people say, I sure hope he likes BBQ, because that’s what He’s getting” August 1st 2015. Driving alone in Utah with onset of Nausea requiring me to pull over on a back street to a grass median. A few dry heaves and everything felt fine. Returned to my truck and realized…
early 1980's radiation treatment for brain tumers
I'm looking for survivors or friends of 1980's radiation treatment for brain tumers. My mother is a 20 year survivor who has gradually decreased brain and motorskill functions. She's been diagnosed with organic brain syndrome and really been given no hope.It's cruel to think you've beaten cancer but now the cure is killing…
GBM Stage 4 recent diagnosis
My wife was just diagnosed with a GMB after she has a tumor removed 2 weeks ago and the pathology results came back. She is 47 years old. That part was in the previous post. The rest of what i posted has take care of itself. I am not sad about it anymore now I am tired of feeling helpless and it is time to fight. She has a…
Glioblastoma Grade IV - chemio tratment how to prevent nausea please
Dear all, my name is mari and my mum erminia is the love all my life! we had a great Christmas altogether with me and my sister and our families coming to visit her...our children running and bouncing waiting for Santa... big feast on the table ,that days were full of joy and happiness..... On the 16th of January my mum…
Astrocytoma Grade III-Survivor
Astrocytoma Grade III-Survivor. Anyone can help me with this one?
I need opinions on hospice care for my mom!
So my mom is 51 and she has had breast cancer since 2001. the cancer metastasized to her lungs about 6 years ago, and we recently found out that it is now in her brain. She had a total of 7 tumors, and they removed one. Since August 1st she has been in the hospital 3 times. The first time they did an emergency surgery to…
GBM Cancer Stage 4
Submitted by barbn on January 30, 2012 - 4:56am January 28, 2012 - 7:40am My husband was diagnosed with GBM STAGE 4 on Nov.1st, 2011. he was told 12-14 months prognosis. He had surgery on Nov. 7th. The surgeon went an inch into his brain and removed 90-100% of tumor. The tumor had affected his left side. They call it "left…
Gliomatosis Cerebri
I am a 31 year old male and was diagnosed with Grade III gliomatosis cerebri in Oct 2013 and miraculously doing fine now with minimal symptoms. I did 6 weeks of radiation and temodar followed by 12 months of "maintenace" temodar. I'm off of all treatments and getting bi-monthly scans that show a stable, not growing tumor.…
My poor Mother. Stage 4 adenocarcinoma of the lung which has metastasized to the brain. Lung spot was caught early and successfully treated with stereotactic radiation, but not before it metastasized to the brain. Initial brain spots were treated with stereotactic radiation, but recent MRI shows more spots have appeared.…