Planned Outage on 10/9
There will be a planned CSN outage on 10/9/15 from 5am-8am EST while the site undergoes some maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Rowan CSN Support Team
Newly Diagnosed AAIII
My 32 year old husband was just diagnosed yesterday with an AAIII. We have been told it is not operable given the location and the treatment plan will consist of some combination of radiation and chemo. We are meeting with the oncologist on Monday to discuss details. I have also started discussions with Dr. Mitchell Berger…
Views on proton therapy for a 6 year old
Hi Everybody, My son is 6 years old has been diagnosed with medallublastoma. Radiation oncologist has told me several impacts of radiation on a 6 year old. Can anybody tell me in more detail the impacts of radiation at his age and also I am in NZ and was hoping to go over to USA for Proton beam therapy as I have been told…
Anaplastic astrocytoma and seizures
I'm trying to decide whether to stay on Keppra. I was diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma (grade 3) in June 2013. I had a focal seizure before the tumor was removed, and have been on a low dose of Keppra since. I've gotten conflicting information from doctors on whether it's necessary since I haven't had any seizures…
High grade glioma III-IIII
My father has a High Grade Glioma. He was just diagnosed a few days ago. They say they range from about a 1-5, and hes between a 3-4. It was in a inoperable spot, and he should be doing radiation and chemo soon. Of course, google is not the best place to go to when you find things out like that, but thats how I found this…
Polio Virus for Stage 4 GBM
Hello, I am new to this group. I am wondering if any of you have tried the Polio Virus for GBM? I know there are only 16 patients in the study, but just thoght maybe someone on this board is in the study. My best friend, age 40, is being considered for this trial and we are wondering what the experience has been like from…
aa3, frontal lobe
my mom was just given pathology on her tumor that was resected. she has 98 percent taken out. will follow up with radiationa nd chemo. im so scared. does anyone have any positive stories on surviving aa3? r we lucky we got 98% of it? she has no deficits and no symptoms... i luv my mom she is my best friend i cant lose her.
HELP NEEDED!! Malignant Neoplasm Stage 3
My husband left me a year ago & we are in the process of divorcing. He was diagnosed with a malignant neoplasm tumor & just had surgery to remove it. The doctor said it was stage 3 & doesn't know until he does a scan if he got it all. I'm trying to find out any info on this & what the outcome can be since its stage 3. I'm…
Are there any survivors of Pontine Glioma
Can anybody tell me of any kind of treatment that worked on this type of tumor?It would be deeply appreciated.Thanks
Proton therapy for DIPG
I wonder if anyone has any information about the effectiveness of proton therapy against DIPG (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma).
Mom on capecetabine
Hello everyone! I am trying to find more info about this med. does anyone know if it is ok to come in close contact with my son.aI am asking because when she was in chemo with platina dr wouldn't let her hug or kiss my son for 48 hours. He is 15 months old and mom is taking 8 pills 500mlg. Thank u very much in advance!
Deterioation quickly - CNS Lymphoma - one treatment of Methotrexate
Hello - I am new to this board and new to learning about CNS Lymphoma quickly as it has affected my 75 year old father. On Father's Day (June 2015) I went to visit him and he was walking very gingerly, slow and I was afraid of him falling over. Prior to this he has been very active. We have gone on hikes, and we even split…
My Experience with Brain cancer, from almost no hope to complete remission
I’d just like to start off by saying I’m here to give my own story of cancer and the success I’ve had with treatment using DCA. Your mileage my vary but don’t overlook DCA as a possible option. I was first diagnosed with brain cancer on Feb.18th 2012 after an MRI revealed a grade 3 Astrocytoma tumor. My Oncologist’s…
Caregiver for Oligodendroglioma - need an idea of what to expect and resources
My husband was diagnosed with an oligodendroglioma in Feb 2014. He went through radiation and the tumor shrunk. In January 2015, it came back with a vengance and the doctors started him on Temodar. As of June 2015, the MRI shows no new tumor growth and any radiation neurocrosis has cleared up. However, two weeks ago my…
Baby after male on temodar
I would like to know if anyone has had a baby after the male was on temodar. I haven't found anything online about anyone having a baby that had issues. But I would like to be safe on how long we wait. I've heard windows of 3 months to 3 years. We would really like to have another child. Any stories will be helpful, thanks.
grade III, Anaplastic Astrocytoma in 3 year old
Very dear friends of mine just had their three year old grandchild diagnosed with grade III, Anaplastic Astrocytoma. It's not where they can do surgery and her prognosis is very grave. However, the doctor has not given up, instead is searching to see what else up there can be done for her. She had vision problems and lost…
First brain tumor from ionizing radiation(not treatment)
Its very complicated situation. Im male in my early 30. I had a head injury at age 8. Nothing serious apart from loss of consciousness for some hours. Later in life I've spent sometimes talking over 8hours on mobile phone with gf, i was only 16. No symptoms of anything, until i started going to load concerts and gigs. I…
Cerebellum IMRT experiences -- prior AAIII IMRT patient
Good afternoon, I've read through many, many of the threads here and my heart and mind goes out to everyone who has suffered a loss. I'm also at a cross-roads right now and would appreciate the board's collective experience: At 25 years old, in 9/2009 I had a seizure, MRI dx was low-grade glioma in left frontal lobe 6cm x…
Oligodendroglioma Grade II - Update
It has been a while since I have been around, thought I would post an update on me and Jordan. Jordan was diagnosed three years ago with Oligodendroglioma Grade II. He had a partial removal and has been on the wait and see program since then. There has been no growth, no effects from surgery other than.... he is now able…
brain surgery
I just wondering what are the chances of my mother surviving brain surgery she has a tumor on her right frontal lobe she is 60 years old and just recovered from a stroke a little over weight i just need to know if shes coming out Thanks anyone
Methotrexate dosage question...does 60 per cent really work as fast as 100 per cent for PCNSL
Hi all, best wishes in your battles and God bless... My dad, 73, has been diagnosed with PCNSL Fec 27 2015, a 5cm diffuse tumor in his cerebullum. He was diagnosed without biopsy after much discussion about whether it was PCNSL or Glioblastoma or possibly Astrocytoma. After one treatment of 60 per cent MTX a BP Shunt was…
Anaplastic Oliogodendroglioma Chemotherapy
I am looking for information on PCV chemotherapy. Has anyone been on this regime. I may only receive the Procarbazine and CCNU, but not sure yet. Just finished radiation and chemo to start on June 15th. Any information is greatly appreciated. What I can expect and any tips.
Lymphoma Meningitis
In December 2013 my husband was diagnosed with Diffused Large Blue Cell Lymphoma. In April 2014 he finished is last chemo cycle (R-EPOCH) and was in remission. Unfortunately, he relapsed in April 2015 with DLBCL in his menigies, AKA Lymphoma Meningitis. This is a sub-type cancer that enters into the fluid of the Central…
GBM IV, Duke University Studies, & Insurance
Dear Friends, October 15, 2013 Initial discovery of GBM Grade IV brain cancer June 13th, 2010 by CAT SCAN. Initial symptoms were equlibrium imbalance. I was losing my equilibrium and my legs felt disconnnected from my body. Brain Tumor is 17mm x 19 mm in the Left lower Motor region. Ressection Surgery was scheduled for…
Left frontal lobe tumor Just removed
My husband had a left frontal lobe tumor removed 4 days ago. He was released from the hospital less than 48 hours after surgery. He is suffering from ahpasia (the reason I took him to ER originally). I don't know what kind of cancer it is yet, no patholgy report is ready. I don't know what the post surgery MRI showed. I…
GBM Grade 4 - Need advice on diet, supplements & Novocure??
My 56 year old, picture of health, Step-Dad was just diagnosed with Grade 4 GBM. He had a seizure on Feb 19, 2013 and the MRI found a grape sized spot in his brain, he went in to surgery on Feb 22, 2013 and got all or most of it out. He is going to start Chemo and Radiation this week. I was wondering if anyone had a list…
GBM Grade 4
Hello. My mom was just diagnosed with GBM. Surgery was 4/2/15. Friday we have an appointment at MD Anderson for a 2nd opinion and treatment options. My mom is a healthy 70 year old. No other medical issues. Her symptoms were tingling on her left arm and leg. Blurred speech on a Saturday was when she went to the ER and they…
GBM4 trial vaccine
i am new to this site. My husband (52) was diagnosed with a right temporal GBM4 on oct 9th. Had surgery on October 10th. He will do chemo and radiation and then will be taking Part in a clinical trial that uses his tumor cells mixed with his stem cells to make a vaccine. The surgery was so quick we were not prepared. he…
Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma Grade 3
My short version of my husband's fight My husband was DX July 2010, standard treatment. Had gamma knife in July 2013 for small area along with Temodar . Showed signs of progression while taking Temodar after 3 months so they put him on CCNU. After 6 months of CCNU that area cleared but another area appeared and the doctor…
Thoughts about improving survival
Hello, I just stubbled upon a website www.astrocytomaoptions.com It is really well done. The amount of wealth in that webside in terms of treatment options is astronomical. From that site I saw the short film www.survivingterminalcancer.com It really resonated with me. The idea is that you have to be your own advocate for…