Gliomatosis Cerebri - Anticipating Care Needs when husband has Parkinson's
I am so thankful to find this site as we are desperate for advise regarding caring for my in-law from this point forward. My beautiful, brilliant, vivacious 70 year old mother in law's preliminary ongology came back as Grade 2 Gliomatosis Cerebri last week. The surgeon said it is diffused through her entire brain. She…
Memory improvement/cognitive function after treatment/surgery
I am writing to help a dear friend who is experiencing memory problems. She is not able to recall what she did the previous day, what she ate for breakfast. She may know something in broad detail e.g. that she has received an invitation to a friend's party, but cannot tell you when it will take place or more information…
Oligodendroglioma II /radiotherapy question
I am 24 years, diagnosed with oligodendroglioma grade 2, went into surgery removed 80% of the tumor, As a treatment plan, they suggested chemo with radiation, but told me that radiation is once in lifetime !!! I decided to save it as a golden card and just go with chemo, but when I searched on internet I found some ppl…
Cns lymphoma confusion
Hello my dad is 75 and had brain surgery to remove his tumor of pcns lymphom On dec 5. the high dose chemo was extremely tough on him. were extremely concerned because his confusion is actually worse. I know it's almost 4 months but shouldn't the confusion be getting better? To make a longo story short he is currently not…
When you have no insurance?
My mother has lung cancer with mets to the brain. She has undergonce several surgeries the last being brain surgery to remove the tumor that was causing her to have seizures, and lose use of her left side. She is 59 years old this year. In the last 2 day she has fallen repeatedly, and has had a progressive change in…
So confused - brain tumor, help me navigate these first few days and surgery day opinion please
Unfortunately a few days ago my best friend's husband called me to tell me my friend, Krissy, had backed out of her driveway and had a violent seizure. A 2.7cm brain tumor was found and they transported her to Vanderbilt (we are in Nashville). PET scan showed no spread. When I asked how the neurosurgeon appointment went…
Imagery for your brain
Hello cancer-cousins, Before I start, I believe four things are key to a cancer patient's survival: 1) fight - don't give up, don't give in, when you get knocked down, stand back up. Much of this process is mental and if you can get through the mental fight, your body will come along for the ride. 2) love - share your…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to all of you who have alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. I apologize for the inconvenience. While we do have securities in place, we are not always able to catch all spam, and we are trying to figure out how this one got around our system. If you received a message from jegac1…
GBM exhaustion
Hello My daughter was treated in 1995 for GBM and is currently a survivor. The Seattle Cacer Care Alliance has had no luck at treating her constant exhaustion. I am hoping someone here might have a suggestion. Thanks much.
25 year old female with grade IV glioblastoma
Hi- I was recently diagnosed (September 15th) with a brain tumor; grade IV glioblastoma in the left frontal lobe of my brain. I was having an abnormal headache behind my eyes, nose, and sensation above my teeth which led me to see a doctor, get a CT, MRI, etc. A few days later I had surgery at the University of Penn and…
Not much luck at Duke. They did not offer Immunotherapy. Only standard meds. Stated new tumors were inoperable. Discouraged gamma knife . Previous team ( having moved quite a distance from original team) looked at MRI....said gamma knife would be fine or even surgery. The message is: KEEP TRYING! GET MULTIPLE OPINIONS!
Which is the best MRI scan centre in Bangalore?
Anaplastic Astrocytoma Grade111/ inoperable.. What works???
My mother in law was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with a brian tumor, 2 weeks ago was her biospy and 1 week ago we found out it's Anaplastic Astrocytoma grade 3 and it's inoperable. She 54 and a health nut! The tumor is affecting her memory, speach and equlibreum. We want her to have the best treatment possible and I was…
CRINET- Cribriform Neuroepithelial Tumor Anyone else??
Hello, I was diagnosed with CRINET cancer in the pineal gland about 3 years ago. I've had surgery and radiation and currently in remission. It's extremely rare, my pathology says I'm likely the first adult diagnosed with it, records show only about 10 children have had it. Thought I would try on the off chance someone else…
Anaplastic Astrocytoma Recurrent Grade III
My brother has been diagnosed with Anaplastic Astrocytoma recurrent grade III brain tumor. It is inoperatable and for the last 4 years he has tried radiation and chemo (cbt11 with Avastin) and Temador. He most recently had to be taken off the Temador due to a drop in his blood platelets. His doctor now wants him to join a…
Hi all, To those of you who are fighting the fight, please don't giveup. Both Duke and City of Hope have many trials, some with encouraging results.To those who have lost loved ones, how do you cope? How do you get through the day with the heartache? Thank you
Austin - Emotional and psychological weight of astrocytoma
I was recently diagnosed with an astrocytoma in my right temporal lobe, pressing against my spinal cord. Rather than wait and let the fear cripple me, I opted for a fast-track treatment path. I had had a craniotomy last week and the surgeon was able to remove about 90% of the tumor. What remains is categorized as a grade 3…
Gliomatosis Cerebri -- Insight and Help
I am writing on behalf of a good friend who -- after 2.5 months of tests and scans, including a small needle brain biopsy that showed absolutely no results -- was just today diagnosed with gliomatosis cerebri. Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but I am afraid he has gotten an incorrect diagnosis and will not receive the right…
Glioblastoma IDH Wild Type
Hi, I'm new to this and am looking for support I suppose. My dad was diagnosed in Seattle with Glioblastoma IDH Wild Type. From April 2016 to August 2016 my dad's tumor went from 2cm to 9cm. In April we are guessing while on a scaffold the he had is first seizure, somehow he was able to get up and make his way to the house…
Free flights for cancer patients
Please watch this video and let people know Angel Flight will take all cancer patients to any hospital in America for absolutely no cost to the patient and typically 1 person can go with them at no cost. Once you get to the hospital there is a ground crew to drive you to and from the airport. These are private airplanes…
My mom had a Glioblastoma Grade 4
My beautiful amazingly strong mom, 48, had a seizure July 2 2012 and was rushed to emergency where they found her brain tumor. She had surgery on July 14 where they removed most of the tumor and was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma stage 4 Aug 15. Started chemo/radiation aug 22 and completed one out of six weeks of treatment…
Glioblastoma Multiforme HCC
Hi On 9/20/2016 my world went into a tail spin. My mother went to health center to get her blood pressure meds adjusted. She had been missing words and confused and her BP was high. By 9/23 she was having a brain tumor removed. now she needs 6 weeks of chemo pills and radiation and so far her insurance is denying…
First symptoms of brain cancer
Hello all, I am a new here. I am wondering what are the very first symptoms of brain cancer.
Avastin chemo Drug -- Has anyone here taken it?
Hi everyone! I come from the breast cancer forum. I have a friend who is now facing brain mets. She received full brain radiation and it did not work as well as they wished it did. They are now offering the chemo drug called Avastin, which is usually used for brain cancer but they have seen good results with it for breast…
Would luv some positive stories...
Hi everybody. I've changed from the lung cancer group to here. My Dad (who is 56) is having a few setbacks at the moment. We just found out that he has a tumour on top of his brain (1.5cm). He had lung cancer but had been in the 'all clear' for 5months, of course we were all ecstatic. Doctors were very impressed with the…
Frontal anaplastic oligodendroglioma - Grade 3 - Side effects
Hi - I am new to this site and ama hoping to find some help here. My fiance had a seizure in June, which led to us finding out that he had this brain tumor. It was removed two days later and he just finished the 6 week radiation treatment along with the Chemo (oral Temador) at the same time. He is now 1 1/2 weeks into his…
Hello my journey is just beginning.
from my right frontal lobe. I am 1 week away from starting my treatments of 7 weeks of radiation and chemotherap. I am really nervous about the chemo part of the treatment Your still in a fog at least I was when this whole snow ball started rolling. So let me tell you the whole story from the beginning . I am a 47-year-old…
Dexamethasone taper: how did you do it?
My father was diagnosed with a very small brain tumor, but with a big swelling so the doctor put him on Dexamethasone (8mg daily: 4mg in the morning, 4mg in the afternoon) in order to reduce that swelling. After a couple of months he was doing pretty fine, until the tapering process started. The doctor said we should go…
Steroid treatment (Dexamethasone/Decadron)
Hi, In October, 2002 my mom was diagnosed with an malignant Asterocytoma. She has been receiving steroid treatment since. The doctors tried to wean her off the steroids once before (in January) which landed her back in the hospital. Monday she was weaned down to 1 mg per day and she began having terrible weakness in her…
6 Brain Surgeries
I have been diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma about six years ago. Even though the tumor is benign it has been extremely aggressive. In six years I have had six brain surgeries plus one month of radiation about two years ago. This past July was my last surgery and it was the worst one. My eye was completely shut for a…