for a friend
Hi all! I am here for a friend, mostly. I am fighting a cancer battle myself, colon cancer, but am doing good with treatment. My questions are for my best friend of 45+ yrs. She has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. The paper work says possibility of "low-grade malignancy". She is to see a neurosurgeon tomorrow, Wed. Some…
Hi, my name is Billie and my father in law was diagnosed with stge 4 gioblastoma in May at the Mayo clinic in Rochester. He has gone through the 30 treatments of radiation. They can't do surgery. He is high doses of dilatin and decadron. Now the Dr.'s say he can try a chemo drug Temodal. We aren't sure we want to go…
high grade glioblastoma multiform
My husband and I recently got married april 26, 2003. I'm 24 and he's 27. We just gotten home from a week of camping with our friends (late july of 2003). he noticed his speech got slurred and next thing I know, the MRI tech found a mass and he was in the operating room 3 days later. high grade glioblastom multiform is…
My friend has metasticized breast cancer. I have been one of her supports as she continues to battle with the spread to several areas of her skull, her pelvis, lower back, as well as endures the painful effects from radiation burns to sensitive areas. We are goign for a CAT scan today and fear spread to brain tissue. She…
need help
in may of 2002 I was dignosed with an anaplastic ependymoma this was a high grade tumor and is a reaccuring tumor unfortunately my doctors have put me on the disabled list for life my problem is insurance I live in California and medi-cal only caters to illegals. after 27 years of paying into a system both the state and…
I don't want to be alone anymore
My husband (47) was diagnosed with Astrocytoma grade III on October 20th 2002. It was sudden and shocking to all of our family, especially for my husband, it was the morning of his birthday he had his first seizure to find a mass on the right frontal lobe. It all went by fast, I have studied neuropsychology so it was easy…
oligodendroglioma -last hope
My husband Ron, who is 45, has a high grade oligodendroglioma. He was diagnosed in May 92 and has done extremely well considering. He has had 6 operations, radiotherapy and chemotherapy - PCV, gliadel wafers and Temozolomide. However our doctors say there is nothing more that they can do. He is now on morphine and 16mg of…
Glioblastoma Multiforme brain tumor
My husband was recently diagnosed with brain tumor & considering taking part in either of two clinical trials. One is radiation w/Tamoxifen drug & the other one is 3-diminsional conformal radiation w/BCNU chemotherapy. Has anyone had any experience with either of these treatments or know of someone who has?
Glioblastoma Multiform
My mother (54 years old) also diagonsed with glioblastoma. From what I have seen there is not much hope... BUT some people have survived this and why not her... anyway. I have been doing a ton of research already her tumor was just removed last thursday.. Oct. 2, 2003 I have found a website that "claims" to have found some…
Help with Wigs after Radiation
My mother has had radiation treatment for a brain tumor, and was telling me of an experience about her wig getting blown off of her head because of the wind and no hair to fasten it to. She had a good sense of humor about it, but I am wondering if anybody has any ideas about how to keep a wig on a bald head more securely?
glioblastoma stage iv
my name is bev, my mom aged 62 was a rn nurse was diagnosed with this horrible disease with no warning signs until emergency surgery was needed on feb 25. thank god she had a great team at ny methodist cornell weill hospital. we also did a second opinion at sloan. she had 60% removed from surgery. the rest had to be…
vitamin b-17
has anyone heard anything posative about vitamin b-17 for cancer treatment?
i am an indian and i hasen't good command on english. my father is suffering with this cancer.first he had a surgery and after he taken 35 cycles of radiation along with temodal 100mg capsules. after that he has given 6 cycles of temodal 250mg for 6 months. from diagnosis to now 11 months are passed. he is fit now he is…
Rare Tumor Astroblasoma Info Needed.
I'm a 20YR old girl that has recently been diagnosed with this rare and maligament tumor.. I just wanted to get more info on this particular case.... ANYTHING>>>> Thanks in advance.
Help eliminate cancer
I am looking for people in the Los Angeles area interested in supporting ACS in a Relay for Life event. I am a recent survivor looking for others to join me in the fight.
9 yr.old child w/ pilocytic astrocytoma
I was hoping to hear from some other survivors of pilocytic astrocytomas. My niece was diagnosed at 9 and underwent surgery to have the tumor removed; it was low grade and considered benign. She did not need chemo. or radiation afterward, the doctors believe that it was completely removed (99%). She was in a coma for a…
Is anyone taking STI-571 I am interested in this drug for my son. It looks very promising. He has had 6 weeks of Radiation and is now in the 8th cycle of chemo. 4 more to go. I realize that STI-571 is still in trial phases but surely someone knows something. I have researched and found only results for CML & GIST
CNS Lymphoma
Hello. My husband was diagnosed with CNS(Central Nervous System) lymphoma 2 1/2 years ago and is doing quite well(Thank the Lord). I am interested in seeing if anyone else has been through this and if there were side effects long term from full brain radiation? Can anyone help? Thanks. Jennifer
CNS Lymphoma
My mother was just diagnosed with CNS Lymphoma and has started radiation. I seem to be having a hard time finding information on this and am wondering if anyone who is dealing with this could provide me with more information on this or your experience with this. Thanks for any help. Lisa
CNS Lymphoma
My husband was diagnosed with brain lymphoma -CNS lymphoma in June 2002. He has had three different treatments. This has spread to his Spinal fluid. I would actually like to talk with someone that has a spouse with this. It seems that my husband is unaware of the mistakes he makes and he has a completely different…
Medical Anomoly, Metatastic B.T. w/no cancer elsewhere
My husband was diagnosed with a small blue cell tumor in the brain in early March. He had a biopsy and the neurosurgeon was able to remove almost all of the tumor. It had started to snake back into the white matter and he wasn't able to safely remove all the cells. It was diagnosed, as I said, a small blue cell malignant…
Whole Brain Radiation
Radiation Therapy Side Effects The side effects of Radiation Therapy can be classified as Acute, Subacute and Delayed. Acute reactions occur during the course of treatment and are temporary. They are manifested as signs of increased inter-cranal pressure or worsening of neurological deficits. They results from an increase…
Alternative Medicine
Hello everyone. My father died of lung cancer one year ago today. I had hoped I would never have to deal with cancer again. Then in March my father-in-law was diagnosed with Glioblastoma 4. This has been a nightmare. He went through brain surgery. Has done radiation, finished last month. He went back on Chemotherapy on…
Brain Tumor
I have daughter, 34 years old with a brain tumor and her daughter has medical problem. I am looking to relocate them to where I am or the reverse. Anyone have recommendations concerning organizations that might be able to help with transportation. J McCrory
I seem to have a bout of depression especially when I'm alone and the family is out.I would go out but I'm worried about my memory as I get out and think that I haven't locked up the house. any suggestions adgie
My sister has been living with astrocytoma for five years now. She recently had a recurrance and the tumour has been upgraded to stage 4. She is begining chemotherapy and Tamoxifen. She has expressed concern about what to expect with chemo. Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Need Opinion on Headaches.
Will someone please respond to my concern. I am having headaches most days, wake up with them. Had NSClung cancer surgery in December, 01. One positive lymph node, although doctors thought it early stage and did not recommend chemo. Is a recurring low grade headache a sympton of brain cancer? I've had this for at least a…
Dear Nancy & Don, I am 59 and was diagnosed with GBM in August of 2001 and underwent 6 weeks of radiation in the fall. Currently I am on my third round of chemotherapy with Tamador. My side effects have been minimal, with some slight heartburn. That's it! After undergoing radiation I felt so much better and besides losing…