Alternative Medicine

lisancarl Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Brain Cancer #1
Hello everyone. My father died of lung cancer one year ago today. I had hoped I would never have to deal with cancer again. Then in March my father-in-law was diagnosed with Glioblastoma 4. This has been a nightmare. He went through brain surgery. Has done radiation, finished last month. He went back on Chemotherapy on December 30th. This is a 61-year-old man who was my role model. He was a very independent, highly educated, physically fit, energetic, man. He was very healthy. He exercised daily, ate well, never smoked, social drinker. Now he is fatigued all of the time. His right side is heavy and pretty much useless. He has to use a walker. He doesn’t speak clearly. His thought process is extremely slow. He doesn’t want to go anywhere because he is too tired. Even the places that he loves to go he will make an excuse to not go. He is depressed, very emotional. He doesn’t get to see people often because of his low immune system. He is so frightened that he will “catch something”. This is not living. Please forgive me if this sounds like I am passing judgment. I am not. I am angry and worried sick for this lovely man. I know he is taking Temador and a steroid for swelling. Is there light at the end of this tunnel? Please tell me it’s not death. That would take the cake for me. To see him go through all of this and die anyway would be a sin. My husband and I have been involved with a company for 2 years now that deals with alternative medicine. We both agree that modern treatment is toxic. If our kids or we got cancer alternative medicine is the route we would take. If the cancer doesn’t kill you, the treatment will. We don’t want to believe this. But that is all we have witnessed. I am very interested to know if anyone has gone through alternative medicine as treatment. If you have please contact me at Let me know how it worked for you. The pros and cons.
Best of luck to all of you and May God Bless you. Lisa and Carl


  • drassy
    drassy Member Posts: 1
    First, what kind of alternative medicine are you
    talking about?