Re: Brain cancer(glioblastoma grade IV

mschaben Member Posts: 87
edited March 2014 in Brain Cancer #1
Thanks for responding. That is very encouraging to hear your mother is on her fifth year. What is the gamma knife treatment? I have never heard of it. My mom has been pretty positive up until now. The temodar is costing $4,000 a treatment. She has a medical card that says they paid for the first one now she has to pay for the second one until she meets a $5500.00 spenddown(deductable)every six months. She can't get on medicaid for another two years. My parents are retired and don't even bring home very much per year. They are basically saying they have to pay 10,000 per year that is silly. So right now her doctors have her on two differnt chemo pills and IV chemo for this month. They hoping some of her MRI bills come in and count toward the spenddown. Then hopefully for the next six months she can be on the temodar. She has also applied to some free prescription programs. It is so frustrating the the government is the way it is. They are supposed to help people that can't afford all of that expense. But she needs it to survive. The doctors say the temodar is the best. Well enough of that. If you have any suggestions let me know. Hope to hear back from you.
