GBM - any advice appreciated!
Last May (2009) my brother (age 51 and in excellent health) was diagnosed with GBM - Grade 4. It was removed at St Thomas in Nashville. Dr said he got all that he could find. Since then he has completed radiation and continues a week of chemo (Temodar) each month. Last week Dr saw something on MRI - thought it most likely…
anaplastic astrocytoma stage 3 ..... 5yrs +
Anyone out there that falls into this group?
which family history counts breast cancer
I am trying to find out which members of your family do you count if they have died of breast cancer. Is it just our parents and their parents or would my grandmothers sister and her daughter both passing away from breast cancer have any bearing on the risk factor for my sisters and myself? I was not aware of these…
Long term brain tummor survivor
Hello everyone I have not been on this site for a while but back to tell you what I have been doing. Well I do not work and have social security disability and my big hobby is photography and I do alot of senic and nature photography but like to photograph anything. I had a brain tummor removed at Childrens Hospital of…
My brother 41 years old just told he had melanoma. Its start on his back seven month ago. He had removed it and it came back. He told Dr.dont send it in for testing didn’t have the money. Time went on and he started to get head pain. They said had mass on back left side of brain as big as the left side. They had brain…
Operable vs. Inoperable Brain Tumors
Appreciate the responses I received on difference in prognosis for inoperable vs. operable Lv. 4 glios. We are at a teaching hospital, UMASS Levine Cancer Center in MA. Also had a 2nd opinion at Beth Israel, as well as some input and opinions from a nuerosurgeon in OR. We were told in the beginning that life expectancy is…
Post Op AAIII scary MRI Results????Any advice...
My husband, 32, was diagnosed with AAIII in August 09. Had successful tumor removal Sept 1 2009. Follow up with Chemo and Radiation for 6 weeks, clear subsequent MRI's. Still takes Temodor one week out of the month. Started getting headaches, rash on face, sores in his nose, and pink eye. Dr.'s requested immediate appt for…
New - need help
I am about to start chemo (Tamador)for an oglio.. brain tumor since they could not get 25% of it since it is on my motor cortex effecting my right side. I am also bipolar so the emotional roller coaster that I am going through is worse. Can anyone tell me what I can expect once I am on the chemo. My husband can barely deal…
Brain Surgery
My 56 yr old husband was diagnosed with a Lev. IV, inoperable glio in March. Although the MD's have tried to give us hope, they have told us that 70 to 75% of patients with this type of tumor last a year or less. His tumor is large, size of a golf ball. We have heard such positive stories about brain tumor survivors. My…
Astrocytoma grade 2 almost 3 had surgery ???
Hello , I just had surgery on right temporal lobe removed astrocytoma grd2 going into grd3 it was about the size of a big peanut easy to get but path report says active after 2 weeks watching it at emory in atlanta they want to do some chemo of some type incase it has a cell wondering in the brain it is knocking on cancers…
childhood medullablastoma
this is for anyone who has recently found out that their child or grandchild has got a medullablastoma tumour.I havent been on this site for 2 years and have read someone trying to see if anyone younger than 2 years has ever had one.Well my grandson Sam had one ay 8 months old.That was in 2006.He had surgery to remove…
"love and affection"
My husband (mid 30's) was recently diagnosed with GBM-4 about 1mth ago. He has already undergone a crainiotomy and is on rad treatment w/ temodar. Life has changed for us in a blink of an eye. Our marriage has always been good, we were very into eachother sexually and emotionally. He went from being extremely active and…
second surgery for GBM
My husband was diagnosed with GBM in Oct 2008. He had surgery then. He recently had resection surgery again on Feb 5, 2010. I am concerned as he is not progressing. His walking and thinking skills are impaired. I am worried that this is disease progression although the surgeon says he needs more time to recover. He had the…
Glio wafers for glioblastoma multiforme 4
I had 6 glio wafers at the time of my surgery on1/13/09 and am doing pretty well. I also had 6 weeks of radiation and been on temodar ever since. Has anyone else had the glio wafers, and how are you doing? Rick
Senate Health Care Bill Would Allow Insurers to Limit Coverage for Seriously Ill Patients.
A loophole in the Senate health care bill would let insurers place annual dollar limits on medical care for people struggling with costly illnesses such as cancer, prompting a rebuke from patient advocates. The legislation that originally passed the Senate health committee last summer would have banned such limits, but a…
Don't know what to think
My husband was diagnosed almost a year ago with GBM IV, inoperable. We were told statistically he had a year or less. He had the standard protocal of radiation and chemo, and then was started on avastin approx. 6 mos ago. He has been doing very well. The tumor shrunk considerably after the first course of avastin and has…
Recently Diagnosed, 3 Years After Retirment, Prooving VA Service Connection to Having Served US Army
Veteran's Affairs: Proving a Service Connection, VA Claim My name is Robert. I'm Retired US Army, and recently diagnosed with GBM4, 44 years old. I was diagnosed on 12/16/2009. I've had 2 life altering events in the month of December 2009. On 11/17/2009, my father who I was very closed to passed away in New Jersey. I live…
Husband Sleeps 18 hrs a day with Temador. Is this totally expected or is part of this depresson?
My 67 year old husband had brain surgery the end of Sept. The surgeon removed 90% of the tumor and my husband completed radiation and 6 weeks of daily temador Dec. 4th. His first MRI showed great results. He is now in his 2nd month of temador 5 days (420mg daily) a month and he sleeps about 18 hours a day and has no…
been diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer
My breast cancer mastetized to my brain, I have three tumors and one is in the Pons section and I would like to know what to expect from here on out. I had a mini stroke so my balance is off but i've noticed more unbalance, once in awhile double vision but that can be cleared with Visine Tears. Anyone going through this…
Loss of Mama
Mama was there when I took my first breath it was only fitting I was there when she took her last breath. Peaceful is the word. From the day she was told it was brain cancer November 2, 2009 I said goodbye January 11, 2010. Tears come as I write and tears will come for a long time. It's nice to have a place to come and…
some bady tell me please please pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
is there any surviver from abrain stem glimoa ???? or not
Husband diagnosed with GBM grade 4
My husband is battling a GBM grade 4 brain tumor. His is located near the brain stem and is approximately the size of a golf ball. He was experiencing headaches and then the pain moved into his neck and upper back. Aaron was diagnosed on November 10th 2009. The tumor was operable yet the surgeon was only able to remove…
The 800 pound gorilla in our living room is not my brain cancer. The tumor only weighed a few ounces. No,... the 800 pounder is CONSTIPATION. I'm on the 5/23 protocol for Temodar, starting ever fourth Monday, and my bowels won't budge until next Wednesday. Any remedies that work? By the way, do you know what you get when…
Glioblastoma multiforme 4
I have GBM4. I was diagnosed on 12/15/08 and had surgery on 1/13/09 to debulk the tumor.This was after being told for a month that it was inoperable. I had 6 glio wafers put on the tumor base at the time of surgery. I had 6 weeks of radation and have been on Temodar chemo ever since I have had a few problems but not many.…
hollow tumor after radiation
Friend of mine recieved 3d comformity radiation, temador for 6 weeks afterwards his tumor was the same size but the inside of the tumor was empty. Does this happen often? Does it still push on the brain? How hard is the outside of a tumor? Any one have any answers lol
I have had GBM4 for 14 months now. I had surgery (1/13/09) to debulk, then 6 weeks radiation and have been on Temodar ever since. Just lately I started getting some pretty bad dizzy spells. Dr. really not sure whats going on, I had an MRI scheduled for 4/22/10 but the Dr. moved it up one month to see if something has…
relay for life
I had a brain tumor when I was 14. Now I am 18 and in college. I was asked to do the survivor ceremony for relay but none of my college friends know that I had cancer. I tend to keep this to myself, and my other friends from camp and stuff have no problem sharing and post it on their facebook. Why is it so hard for me to…
How come any cancer can be detected on early stage? my brother 49m, was diagnosis with glioblastoma in December, after 2 strokes, one on July 2009 and on sep 2009, on the second stroke he was diagnosis with seizure, he was released from the hospital with medication for seizure, according his dr stroke was caused by AFIB,…
Need some direction
My dad is 75 years old and was dx with lung cancer over 5 years ago. Long story short...he was doing good after he had part of his lung removed. A few years later the lung cancer returned, but treatable, and it has not grown much since his dx. A few months ago he was dx with a brain tumor, and had the surgery to remove it.…
Am I the only one on the planet?
I was diagnosed with a oligodendroglioma level 2 in April of 2006. Had the infamous "awake craniomoty". The surgery was very successful in removing over 95% of the tumor in my right side frontal lobe. After 10 weeks I was able to return to work. Did not have any other treatment at that time. This January, I had to have a…