Is your tumor in a parietal lobe?
Have any of you had (or have) a tumor in a parietal lobe (left or right)? I am interested in how tumors in this area affect other brain cancer patients, regardless of tumor type. What symptoms did you present with? Have you had seizures? What lobe is affected? Are you right handed? Left handed? Ambidextrous? What type of…
glioblastoma level 4 brain tumor survivors
Hello Everyone, I'm interested in talking with anyone long term survivor of a glioblastoma level 4 brain tumor. My son-in-law was diagnosed in June of 2012 and had the operation and about 3 weeks ago completed his 6 weeks of chemotherapy. Tomorrow we is going to have his M.R.I done and then speak with the doctor. I'm very…
Glioblastoma IV
I hate you cancer, why are you doing this to my mom???? My heart goes out to anyone else out there battling this terrible, terrible cancer.
anaplastic astrocytoma grade 3...
I would like to talk with anyone who has survived this type of inoperable brain tumor. Interested in type of treatment, diet, herb supplements. Research Studies.
Anaplastic oliodendroglioma grade 3
Looking for information.......is there anyone on this site with an anaplastic oliodendroglioma grade 3 with either no deletions or 1 deletion that has not had a reoccurrence after 3 years of being diagnosed? Seems like 3 years is when this occurs from what I have been reading.
I've been on the breast cancer board for 14 years now my daughter having MRI for Brain
My daughter had a seizure the other night. She is 19 and never had one before. she sat down head hung down eyes open and could not hear me. It only lasted a few minutes but scared me to death. The ER did a CT SCAN and said the results said A 3MM and adjacent 2MM low attenuation midline suprasellar densities. The Hu is…
Breast Cancer Treatment
Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumor, whose disease rate makes up 10% of various malignant tumor, threatening female’s health severely. The attack of breast cancer leads to females’ losing confidence for life and work, and bringing a challenge for a family. How to conquer breast cancer becomes the main…
My dad has a glioblastoma multiforme stage four.... Some advice please!!!!!
Hello everyone. My father was diagnosed about three months ago after what we thought was a stroke, but then we found out it was a seizure due to the tumor. It is inopperable and about the size of a walnut to start. The explained to us that there isn't any true cause of this type of cancer and that it is extremely…
Trying to reach Superbird528
Superbird528 ...I just happened to check my personal messages on this site, something I rarely remember to do and Imsee that you have been trying to reach me. I wish this site would send some kind of notice when someone tries to send a private message. I am so sorry that I haven't responded. I hope all is going well with…
Diet fasting etc...
http://www.ted.com/talks/william_li.html http://www.ibridgenetwork.org/uab/starving-cancer http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120904121438.htm http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/detoxification-master-cleanser.html Many Drs are now asking patients to fast for 48 prior to treatments... but doing a cleanse is so…
Anaplastic Astrocytoma diagnosed this past year
One Sunday morning, my dad had a seizure after a shower in our bathroom. He was unconscious (later found out it was a seizure) for an hour before he awoke and realized that his leg was stuck to our heater in the bathroom. My mom and him went to the doctor and he was diagnosed with what they thought was a low grade glioma…
just an update...
So the first dose of navelbene was yesterday. Not too bad so far, I already have that metallic taste in my mouth so I'm already using plasicware. A little diarrhea. I'm still having some SE's from the rads. My forehead is red/pink, and some rads fatigue but I'm managing my energy so that critical stuff gets done. The rads…
Oligoastrocytoma Grade III
Hello everyone! I'm new to this site and I'd like to tell you my story. My name is Olga and I'm 28 years old. I had a seizure in april 2012, soon afterwards I was diagnosed with brain tumour in left frontal lobe. I was operated and had almost everything removed. It was Oligoastrocytoma Grade III and I will have…
I've been on the breast cancer board for 14 years now my daughter having MRI for Brain
My daughter had a seizure the other night. She is 19 and never had one before. she sat down head hung down eyes open and could not hear me. It only lasted a few minutes but scared me to death. The ER did a CT SCAN and said the results said A 3MM and adjacent 2MM low attenuation midline suprasellar densities. The Hu is…
Just Dxd yesterday- FIL IV GBM primary tumour in thalamus
This set in so quickly, just days, and he has already lost control of his left side now, just now is being rushed via ambulance to the hospital for major seizure... does anyone know if this could already be end stage? It came out of nowhere, no symptoms to paralysis and now seizures.
From GBM to Cold PET Scan in 15 months
I thought I'd share some good news...In April of 2011 my world was turned upside down with a very pessismistic doctor's news I had a GBM, 9 months is what he said. So I found a new doctor at Duke University who offered me hope. I went back to work in October, moved into a new house we built and had a "cold" PET scan in…
Glioblastoma Grade IV - Right Temporal Lobe - 64 year old Male - March 22nd, 2012
I am the caregiver to the love of my life. And looking for other caregivers or people with GBM IV - right temporal lobe diagnosis that has information and first hand knowledge of this journey. We have been through: Phase One March 26th, 2012: surgery Phase Two (May through June 2012): 6 weeks of radiation (TrueBeam) &…
Natural cures?
Has anyone ever witnessed natural cures healing someone? This seems to be a huge topic in many circles and also a huge topic for naysayers that are putting out this definition post that just negates centuries of ancient healing forms. Medical men have been around for ? hundreds if not thousands of years. Why would going to…
Newly diagnosed, wanted to introduce myself
Hello! My nickname's Skid, but my first name's Brian and I'm just over a week away from my 38th birthday. On Aug 8, 2012 I was originally diagnosed with a Glioblastoma grade IV tumor on my right frontal lobe. On the 10th I had surgery, which they were only able to remove 90% of the tumor. A biopsy was performed and just…
Pregnant GBM Survivor Philippines
Hi..From Philippines here.My wife ( 31 years old) was DX with GBM on December 10, 2011 and now 5 mos pregnant. She had 80% resection on 12.23. 2011 of her 7 cm tumor mass and have started radiation as of this writing. What makes the situation difficult is her pregnancy. We cannot start a low dose temodar with radiation as…
Recently Diagnosed Diffuse Astrocytoma patient age 20 (kinda scared)
Hi I just recently started taking Temozolomide and doing radiation for the brain tumor. Its a grade 2 and I don't know much about it. Its on my optical pathways and its a very rare type. does anyone have any information that can help me on how to deal with this. I don't know much about it but what the doctors told me, I…
I am still doing fine 8/25/2012. I am now 44 months out from diagnoses 12/15/2008. Had surgery in Toledo Ohio on 1/13/2009 (debulked a 7.5 cm tumor)then gliodel wafers with 30 radiation treatments and temadar now for about 43 months.(5days on 3 weeks off) Doctors all say I am doing great. Last MRI was June of 2012 and…
medicare running out
what to do for my friend currently in rehab facility - she will be on avaistan starting next week...every 2 weeks....her limit left is 30 days to remain in facility....she has AARP and medicare....can't apply for medicaid...any suggestions as to how to get more time for her to remain in rehab center? She can't afford 24…
My beautiful girl Kasey Nov 24, 1997- Aug 21, 2012
18 yr old with Anaplastic Astrocytoma stage III
My 18 yr old brother was dx with Anaplastic Astrocytoma stage III at the end of November 2010. I have read everything and anything on the internet. Just want to hear what other people his age have gone through, being as the average person with this dx is 40. Any response would help. Thank you!
GBM of the spine, anyone else?
My husband had a spinal tumor found February 28th, we got the pathology back from Brigham & Womens and John Hopkins saying GBM mid March. His brain is clear, no tumors there. They removed about 80% of the tumor surgically and he's done Radiation and Temodar for treatment. The first MRI after treatment has shown no new…
Is there hope?
I had surgery in 2002 on Oli II after I had some seizures the year before; I was 33. The surgery went well and the only side effect I had (and still have)is epilepsy. I didn't need any other treatment. He told me that its the slowest growing tumour someone could have and that it wont re-appear for another 10-15 years but…
One sided weakness ???
Hi I have a daughter with a brain tumor, DPG. she was recently having severe headaches as well as some beck pain. We took her to the dr and she was put back on Dexamethasone 4ml every 6 hours for the first 5 days then she went down to 2 ml every 6 hours. Now her left arm and leg is extremely weak, she had weakness after…
update from momworld
Hi, I know that it has been awhile since I have been on and that is because my daughter has taken a turn for the worse. She had another brain hemorrhage the week before the 4th of July. Surgery was done to stop the bleed and thats when the docs discovered that the tumor went from a quater size to the size of a mans fist,…
Grade III: Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma
Hi everyone, My brother had a seizure (Epileptic attack) while driving and got into a car accident. Fortunately, the doctors did head scans and found to see what looked like calcium deposits on his brain. My brother has been healthy and has shown no signs of illness what-so-ever. They did further tests and found a large…