GBM -- 20 Months and Counting! Clean MRI
I just had my most recent MRI, looks good. I was diagnosed in March of 2011 and feeling great, so I just wanted to share some hope, I have a LOT!!,!
Inoperable astrocytoma
My daughter in law was diagnosed with an inoperable astrocytoma in Sept. 2010. The neurologist said the tumor was mid brain, and was huge. The only symptoms she had were seizures, she would have petit mals frequently and her memory was affected, and the only physical sign was tremor in her right hand. The tumor is wrapped…
My Dear Friend Leslie
Dear Leslie- Today is Thanksgiving day and I just got off the phone with ****. I am so heartbroken to hear where you are since we spoke last. Leslie, you are the most generous, kind and loving person I know. As I told ****, I was so hoping the doctors were wrong. Even through my tears, as I type, all I can think of is all…
I work as a caregiver to a woman who is confined to the bed with a really bad back among other things, and her husband Ted was diagnosed with AA3 just two days ago. Ted doesn't want to know what is to come other than his treatment plan...he's afraid if he is told that he will go blind that he will be "blind"…
My 5 Year Old Daughter & her Grade III Bilateral Thalamic Tumour.........help?,
Hi My 5 year old daughter diagnosed in June this year with a Grade III Glioma Bilateral Thalamic Tumour - it is deemed inoperable due to its location and the prognosis is life expectancy of 1-2 years with treatment. She completed her course of radiotherapy and initial course of chemotherapy in September and first…
Am I over reacting
My husband has stage IV Oligodendroglioma, He has been into nesting for months. Making sure everything is up to date. Make sure I know where everything is located. It's all been a good thing. But beside with his mood swings lately he has taken up buying things totaly un-needed. But many of the things were for me so.... I…
Brain surgery - dexamethasone side effects
Hello! I had brain surgery 11 days ago....I thank God that I am alive! I am 54 years old. I do not drink, smoke, take drugs....I am a runner and have exercised on a constant basis. My surgeon told my family that it would take at least 10-14 days for me to talk and think correctly again. The day after surgery I was talking…
21 years after surgery of Astrocytoma Grade 2
Dear all, My mother had a surgery when she was 39 years old in 1991. She is brave, strong and never gives up. The type of the tumor was Grade II. After surgery she had chemotherapy. Also she took pills for a few years but she returned to job after chemotherapy. I left home for school in 2003. Up to that time she was OK and…
Cindy, thinking of you!
Hi Cindy, I was just thinking about you and praying you are okay. Take care of yourself. I would love to see post from you once in a while if you are up to it. If t wish there was something I could say to make your pain go away. You are such a wonderful mom and caring person. God bless!
Oli-Grade 3- with 1p19 Deletions
Hello, Just wanted everyone to know, I am still cancer free, doctors called me boring at the last MRI. Informed that they want to follow me for another year, but do not expect any recurrance. YES - my family is joyfully celebrating the great news. I had the best doctors at all three facilities- Roger Maris, John Hopkins…
Hello all This is Sarah's mom. Does anyone know anything about Novacure? We have not had any good news for my daughter yet. This is one option we heard today, but it will not save her life, only prolong it for a little while, May God bless you all. Edna and Sarah
Who it hurt more than me..
Hi, my name is Ashley. I am 17 years old, and I am a survivor of brain cancer. On April 26,2012, I had a seizure while getting ready for school. They did a MRI and discovered that I had brain tumors in my left frontal lobe. On May 29th, I had a crainotomy. They removed two tumors (Stage 2 Glioma) and a "satellite lesion."…
who needs help?
Hello my name is Kristy and Me and my 2 boys ages 12 and 6 live in Missouri. We havebeen through a roller coaster battle of my husbands brain cancer. November 13th 2009 my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor in his cerebellum. My husband had his tumor removed in St.Louis which pathology showed it was a pilocytic…
How good is the University of Michigan to cure brain cancer?
I know somebody who has brain cancer and had surgery done at the University of Michigan. He'll be having kimo therapy (or something like that.. I don't know how to spell it. it's something where you have chemicals that fight of fast growing cells) and I want to know how much it can help him and if he will be okay...…
AutoLITT/NeuroBlate for GBM grade 4
Hi everyone. I was doing some research for my brother who was diagnosed with GBM grade 4. He was given 3-6 months to live. He was told surgery was too dangerous and chemo/radiation would only prolong his life by a few months if successful. My brother has opted to have no treatment and enjoy what he has left. I am having a…
My father was "diagnosed" with Glioblastoma although there has not been a biopsy. We were told that prognosis is poor and due to age (94 years young) it would be best to take him home and let him live out his days without ravages of treatments, radiations and surgery. A very difficult decision especially without knowing…
We lost David today. He took his last breath around 4 pm. I was shocked at how fast the end came. Hospice said it was a peaceful death but I don't know. David wasn't their son. I didn't feel peace. I'm devastated, heartbroken, physically sick, and I don't know what to do. Our extended family all came over and that really…
My story so far
Hello, everyone. Beginning last October I began to grow more tired everyday, something I first attributed to the aging process (I'm 53). Also I began to be more forgetful and have mood swings. Plus my sense of taste and appetite were falling off (my wife makes the best pancakes). My wife took me to the ER on February 25th;…
Teenager with PNET
My 16 yr old daughter was diagnosed with a PNET-- WHO grade 4-- in February 2012. It is on (in?) her left temporal lobe. The actual tumor ruptured and caused a massive brain hemorrhage, so she had emergency surgery on Feb 9. Follow up MRI showed that the "fingers" of the tumor are still there, but because of it's location…
First post here: husband has AA3
Hi all, My husband was dianosed with Anaplastic Astrocytom grade 3 in july of this year. He underwent a partial removal of one tumor, the other is too deep to get to. He is currently doing temodar and radiation, which will be done in 2 weeks. I'm just seeking some insight. My husband is on prednisone, which they are…
What is the best nutrition for some one with cancer. please
brain tumor and cancer throughout my body
after battling breast cancer by going through chemo and having a lumpectomy over a year ago, i just recently found out i have a brain tumor and cancer throughout my body. I have researched going all natural with just eating fruits and veggies and supplements and would like to know of anybody that has been cured this way.…
what is the best brain cancer cure
Hi my mom has stage 4 brain cancer and lung cancer something called metes cells from her previous cancer that were lying dormant. what do i do. please if anyone knows something new i can do.please help. she is 64 years old and fought cancer twice before.
Pnet "peanut" brain/spinal cancer
Wednesday, January 17, 2010 (just incase the date isn't with the post) Our 31 year young daughter has just had a large tumor removed from her left front lobe. We're told it was about 20% of the size of her brain. The cells have still not been identified but they are called primitive. This cancer is rare in adults, and also…
Primitive neuro-ectodermal tumor
Has anyone heard of an adult having this brain tumor?
Gone 3 Years
I never thought I would find myself here browsing stories, but here I am. It is coming up on the 3 year anniversary that my Mom has been gone. I remember the day all too well. Everyone that I have talked to has told me it will get easier with time. 3 years in and I feel the same as day one. June 09 we found out my Mom had…
GBM IV Caregiver quits...
Another horrible aspect of GBM is the pressure, exhuastion and emotional drain experienced by caregivers.....I take my dad to his treatments every morning....stay with him on weekends and pay his bills, take care of his house and mediate with doctors and make all decisions for him regarding his care, which obviously…
Update on my sister grade 3 AA- 1 year out
Dear all, It has been a hard few months on this board. A lot of people I have formed relationships with had their love one take a turn for the worse. Some died and some are dying. But through all of it, I am always amazed of the unconditional love that I witnessed. I though some of the survivors out there needed some…
Lost Husband to GBM
I've posted here several times in the last two years. I didn't realize that when hubby's symptoms began on August 13th, 2009 he'd die exactly two years later to the day at age 45. My husband was such an inspiration to me in how he bravely endured three different rounds of brain cancer, mixed-germ cell (germinoma, AA and…
4 Month Follow Up at UAB
I had a four month follow up yesterday, and my MRI still shows the tumor site is stable. Praise God!!! I have been telling them that I have no energy, and my Primary Care Dr started giving me B-12 shots and I also take a B-12 vitamin every morning as well. UAB said that what I am suffering from is Cancer Fatigue that is…