inoperable Anaplastic Oligendendroglioma
Anyone on here who was unable to have the removal surgery doing well with radiation? My dad has 4 tumors and they will not attempt to remove. We are about to start radiation. Just wondering if anyone who was unable to remove the tumor was having good results? thanks
WSJ article.....inspiring!
I read this article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday and thought many would find it inspiring. Iram Leon: May the Last Marathon Be The Fastest—Gusher ... online.wsj.com/.../SB1000142412788732341910457837487017927...2 days ago – Iram Leon stands on the sidelines of his own race against time. Lodged in his brain is an…
tumor in my head
Not sure WHAT is happening. I go to see a Neurologist, because a tumor was found (by accident) in my head. My regular doc said it may be a "burnt out" tumor. I don't know what to think of this.
Alternative therapies
Hello I would like to ask if anyone here has experience with a therapy/medication which is not usually prescribed from the oncologists, in other words not PVC, temodar, avastin. 1) DC Vaccine 2) LDN 3) Clomipramine 4) Vitamin D3 5) Aspirin or other anti-inflammatories many thanks Akis
Coming up on one year since dx, help!!
My mom (54) was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme IV in April of 2012. It was so large and so deep that 5 neurosurgeons deemed it nonresectible. She went through the month of radiation with Temodar, and it didn't even touch the tumor. One month after stopping radiation, they began giving her Avastin along with…
Brain Cancer Killing Cap - TT Field
My Dad had his first MRI after completing radiation and temodar treatment today and they have found that the tumor is radation resistant and has changed the status of the tumor from Anaplastic Astrocytoma III to Glioblastoma. The Dr. recommended a new approach that has only been around a few years called TT Field Cap.…
Glioblastoma help and advice pretty please
My grandaddy has been diagnosed with this illness, it is currently 4.19am in the morning here in the UK I am physically exhausted. My grandad came back a few days ago from hospital, some days he is compus mentum but at night at silly hours he wakes up and I usually calm him down and send him back to bed but tonight there…
Starting Temodar Today... Nervous and Scared
I am 33 years old and was diagnosed with Grade II Oligodendroglioma in October of 2012. I had surgery the next day to remove the tumor and the surgery was very successful. They told us after the surgery that they think that they go all of the tumor, but there were some gray areas in the spot still. When we asked about…
Update on Fiance (Grade 2 Oligodendroglioma)
I have not posted in sometime. I read and look around frequently but rarely post. My fiancé has been doing great (Grade 2 Oligodendroglioma, left parietal Lobe, Partial resurrection, no gene deletion) No growth on MRI’s (one year mark) still no treatment after surgery, they have told us that he will eventually need…
Astrocytoma grade III and my dad. Please shed some light, I'm new here
hey everyone my name is mike and I am painfully writing this post about my best friend, my father. Here's his story: On 9/28/12 my dad was taken to the hospital after having a seizure. After a couple painful weeks and a biopsy later, the cause of the seizure was grade 3 anaplastic astrocytoma. 4 small tumors with the…
Seizures :(
I'm laying in a bed in ICU and my blood pressure cuff just went off! After feeling so very hopeful over the positive MRI, I had a setback last night. I got out of the gym last night and went home. At the gym I felt a little faint, but put it off as being tired from exercising. As I started pushing the numbers on the…
glioblastoma multiforme grade IV
In October 2006 I had a seizure and passed out. After a series of tests it was confirmed that I had a brain tumor. I had brain surgery and was diagnosed with a malignant grade IV glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). I then had radiation and monthly chemotherapy in pill form with Temodar. At the time of my diagnosis the doctors…
Thank you for this website, it makes me feel like I am no longer alone.
My grandfather is basically a father to me. Having both parents die, my mother reccently, dad and brother I am all alone. I am a young girl living here in the UK and have had to do so much growing up over the years and most reccently with my grandfathers brain cancer glioblastoma multiform right frontal lobe diagnosis.…
White Blood Cell Count
My Dad was dx with Anaplastic Astrocytoma 3 right before Christmas. I flew to NY to be there for the biopsy and just came back from a second trip up for the completion of his radiation treatment. It was a blessing that I was able to spend 11 days being with my Dad and talking about old times. His long term memory seems to…
new brain cancer diag.
I was diagnosed on 9/26/02 with brain cancer that metastasized from the lymph nodes 1st radiation consult tomorrow. Has anyone else had this kind of cancer. I think I just need to reasurrance.pretty scared
Ketogenic Diet?
Hello, Just wondering if anyone has tried the ketogenic diet for glioblastoma in conjunction with traditional treatment and what your experiences have been? Thanks!
any further treatment to prevent reaccurance of brain tumour
I was operated for grade 2 astrocytama arround 2 yrs back and again arround 4 month back for grade 3 astrosytama along with radio therpy treatment for 6 weeks with oral Temodar capsules. Though i feel well but do i need any further treatment to prevent it to reaccure
5 days of temador
Can anyone share with me how you or your loved one was feeling on the 5 days of temador.
Please Help, Lovely Son is Medullablastoma survivor of 14 years
Hello, I just joined this network today. I am in dire straights of trying to figure out where the line is of what is possible back lashes from radiation and chemo, or if it is something else. I am going to get right to the issues. My son is my world, I don't want to argue with him anymore about these issues, I want him to…
My husband has been on Temodar for the last two months. Five days on 23 off. The first round he had a week where he just slept and his short term memory was bad for couple of days. The next time around wasn't quite so bad, he was really out of it for a day or so, but his short term memory is terrible. No appetite at all.…
Neurofirbomatosis 1 and Grade 4 Glioblastoma
I'm a fairly health 37 year old female who was born with Neurofromatosis 1. On January 29, my boyfriend took me into the ER because I temporarily lost the ability to speak. I was admitted immediately because the fear was I was having a stroke. the CT Scan showd a 3x3 cm mass in the brain. Spent two nights in ICU for…
Is anyone currently taking Temodar? Did you have heartburn? Feel lightheaded, unbalanced, unable to sleep at night????
Anyone had any experience with Capsol-T? Or Curcumin? Let me know! Thank you!
I am wanting to purchase some t-shirts and things for my family, to support GBM. I'm looking for something that donates some of the proceeds to research, treatment, or something of the sort. Does anyone know of any websites or companys that do this? I'm not having much luck :( Thanks!
Is it possible to get better at Hospice
Hi My BIL was moved to hospice 1 week back...his condition was really terrible when he was at the hospital...he is still not doing great but it looks like he is getting better..when i say getting better he still cannot talk but once in a while he utters a word...he stays up most of the time and sleeps at regular hours...he…
my daddy... anaplastic astrocytoma lll....docs say surgery cannot be done..
my dad has been diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma lll his tumor is pretty deep and the doctors say that surgery cannot be done. Had a consult with our radiology conologist and he gives us a time frame of 6months-year with radiation and less then 6 months without. We will do about 3 weeks of radiation. This is really…
I see alot of people on this site who have dealt with this type of cancer. My husband was diagnosed in May 2008. Grade 3, inoperable as it is in the center of his brain. We went through hell after 6 weeks of daily chemo and radiation. The decadron they had him on (very high doses for too long!) almost killed him from a…
GBM High Grade - Going Alternative Treatment/Agent Orange
Hello all, I'm struggling a bit and decided this looked like the place to go! My husband had surgery on January 9, 2013. They were able to get over 98% of the tumor - yay! When David came out of recovery, he couldn't do anything with his right side. Please keep in mind he worked full time as a correctional officer until…
My son Brain Cancer
In 2007 at the age of 14 my son was diagnosed with two gliomas, one attached to the optical nerve (which left him vision impaired) and the other one attached to the pituitary gland. He went through 30 sessions of radiation and 6 months of chemo. After 2 years of treatment he went into remission for 2 yrs. On his fith…
Whole Brain Radiation and Solitary Brain Metastasis
The initial approach to using radiation postoperatively to treat brain metastases, used to be whole brain radiation, but this was abandoned because of the substantial neurological deficits that resulted, sometimes appearing a considerable time after treatment. Whole brain radiation was routinely administered to patients…