MORNING : I was diagnosed with stage 4 GBM last aug , was told that extraction was my best chance ,, but i would loose a good part of my eyesight , as a carpenter i need to see my tools and hands , so i opted for a biopsy , then full brain radiation in case there were small tumors that couldn't be seen yet then gamma knife…
Anyone with tumor/vision issues due to pressure?
What a day! I had a 2 hour check up with the eye Dr. today. My NO looked at MRI Wed and suggested I see an eye Dr. as soon as I could. We haven't been able to pinpoint the issue yet, but we think I am having pressure issues. Severe headaches, jaw pressure, loss of feeling in affected side of face, and some vision issues. I…
chondrosarcoma of the brain
This is a very rare cancer of the brain. I have had one operation to remove some of the tumour in 2003 and have many tiresome symptoms and would like to know if there is anyone out there having the same problems that we could share and discuss.
At peace...
I didn't post very much on this board but I did come here often to gain insight. My sister-in-law passed away yesterday - she is finally at peace. Thank you all for your support and I will keep you in my thoughts as you and your family continue your journey. Debra
Brain edema
After 10 months , 30 days full brain radiation ,as well as, Gama knife , i still have swelling on the brain ,, steroids help ( Dexamethasone ) but i just had a severe seizure in the last couple days , had another MRI and the tumor is still there ,, im kinda freaking bout the edema , it don't seem to be going away , any…
Just got Diagnosis, GBM - Holding On.
Hello all, This past week, my father who is 56 years old was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). He went in on Tuesday and had his brain surgery Wednesday to removed two tumors in the frontal lobe. They were able to get most of one and none of the second because it was inoperable. By the next day, he was up and…
letting apartment go
I couldn't do it. I wimped out and asked my husband to talk to David about giving his apartment up. I suggested that he approach it like man to man, in a practical way. Saying that it didn't make good financial sense to keep paying rent when we were getting no use out of the apartment. My husband said to David that down…
Clean MRI
I had my four month follow up at UAB on Wednesday, and the MRI is still stable. They said it looks better this time than it did the last time. My next follow up will be in four months! Praise God!!!! Michelle Mobile, Al DX: 10/20/09 AA3
Shaving head to support family member with cancer?
So I have a question... My mom started chemo and radiation today and they said she would lose quite a bit of her in the next 10-14 days. They recommended her to go ahead and completely shave her head. She's really upset about the idea of losing her hair, even with a wig... she's just not happy with it. Soooo... I thought…
Love to Momsworld
Hello my friend. I am thinking of you and hoping you and your family are holding up well. Please know that you and everyone on this board are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Pam
Tumor causing poor decision making...
My mom was diagnosed in April with GBM4. Since then, her memory and decision making has been extremely poor. She has a hard time performing simple tasks such as cooking, bathing, cleaning up after herself... she gets about half way through and forgets what she was doing. Naturally, I took over power of attorney so I could…
Newly Diagnosed and Needing HOPE
HiI'm a 27 yr old single mom of a 2.5 yr old with a hypothalamic hamartoma. He is doing well but needs a lot of extra care and I'm having the most trouble with my diagnosis because I'm too tired to take care of him! He's the light of my life and I don't know what I'd do if my family wasn't taking responsability for him. I…
Cindy & David
Hello, Just read on another post, my heart is breaking for you at this moment. I can not even image what you are going through. Your love and devotion to David is remarkable, which makes it so hard to watch our love ones suffer. I am so glad that David has been able to join in family get togethers, those will be the smiles…
Glioblastoma Multiforme grade IV perspective from a care giver
I came to be by the side of a 47 year old man who was diagnosed with GBM in May of 2011. I thought, "I can go be by the side of a dying human and be his friend and happy strength...I got this." I moved 150 miles to the other side of the state, to a whole new climate that's how far I moved... to begin my promise to him.…
Have you tried "alternative" treatment or therapies?
My husband was diagnosed with DIPG in January 2011. He completed radiotherapy in April 2011. He is currently stable and feeling okay. (His only symptoms were headaches.) I often look up alternative treatments. We've considered DCA and Ruta 6, but haven't gotten to that point yet. When he was sick/nauseous all the time with…
Glioblastoma good news
MRI today shows that my brain is still there with no extra junk. I am officially in remission. Monday I start a maintenence dose of chemo pills for the next year or so. 5 days on, 23 days off. Back to see the oncologist June 11 to see how I am handling the chemo, and then he will probably increase the dose. MRI in about…
Glioblastoma grade IV
I'm new here and I'm not quite sure how all this works. I guess I'm pretty much just looking for people I can relate with that are in similar situations. I'm 28 and as of April 6, 2012, I found out my 53 year old mother has a stage IV glioblastoma. Being very close to my mother, this has been extremely hard to swallow. Two…
Cindy & David- wondering?
Hello Cindy & David, Was sitting here thinking about you guys, wondering how your last treatment went.How were the doctors and nursing this time. Hope everything went well, and David is continuing to improve, little by little. It's the small things that make one excited, a few steps, words, or outings if possible. I…
Good MRI and Petscan
Hello my fellow brain cancer warriors: Today, we found out that Sarah's MRI and Petscan are stable. There is no sign of reoccurrence. It has only been a month since she finished her chemo, but I will take every day and cherish it. We remain in faith and give all the praise and glory to God who is with us on this journey.…
For LeslieLand
Hi, I was trying to find some info about my hubby's tumor and I came across a another person with DPIG. Another adult looking for someone else who has what you hubby has. It is on another cancer board. Google Cancer Compass and then sign up. Go under brain cancer and go about halfway down the second page and look for this…
Brain stem tumor (me) glioblastoma IV (husband)
My name is Katie and I am 45 and live in the US. I was diagnosed with a brain stem glioma as well in March 2006. My tumor is very rare as well as is typical a pediatric tumor. But I am extremely lucky because mine is low grade. I have yearly MRI's and so far my tumor has not grown. My tumor is called a Tectal Glioma. It…
Avastin already?? Too soon?
Hi, My husband Dave was dx with a GMBIV in Nov 2011. He is 40. It is in-operable. His tumor is towards the back of the Corpus Callosum and it has tentacles and some tumor intertwined into the Corpus Callosum He is being treated at Yale New Haven Smilow Cancer Center and has gotten a second opinion from Dr. Gutin at Sloan…
Traveling with Medication
I hope everyone is happy and healthy this Memorial Day. Kick back, and take it easy... or be like me and go through the stress of flying somewhere for two days, then flying back! I found this while making some preparations and wanted to share it: http://www.hemaware.org/story/traveling-medication Safe Travels! Happy…
Treatment Tuesday
David is scheduled for chemo (carboplatin) and Avastin on Tuesday, if his counts are okay. We'll get bloodwork done tomorrow. David had a better week this week--of course, when I say "better," that's a relative term. He was able to feed himself, make it to the bathroom (with help), talk a little....we even went out for…
gbm4 brain stem
Hello everyone what a wounderful resource this network is , my darling brother Paul had surgery 5 weeks ago for a brain stem glioma really poor prognosis , he also suffered post op complications ( pnuemonia aspiration) and is now slowly recovering . the tumor was about 2.5 centimetres the surgoen managed to resect as much…
Northwest Biotherapeutics DCVAX ® -L Brain Cancer Trial
Hi all! I wanted to share this press release from this morning. Good news I hope! 41 US Clinical Trial Sites Now In Operation BETHESDA, MD, May 17, 2012 -- Northwest Biotherapeutics (OTC.BB: NWBO) (NW Bio) announced today that it now has 41 clinical trial sites open and recruiting across the United States in its ongoing…
Secondary esophageal cancer to the brain
Hi folks I only posted here once and live in the UK. I guess when I posted I knew something was not quite right. Well my world has fallen apart! I wrote that since returning from your wonderful country on the 2nd of May I had been having symptoms which were consistent with a brain tumor. On Tuesday evening the headache I…
anaplastic astrocytoma question
Has anyone had this and not been able to have surgery? My sister's is as of now inoperable, to deep in her brain and too close to area of the brain that controls motor function and breathing. There are some very encouraging things people have shared, but most of you seem to have been able to benefit from surgery. I am just…
diabetes etc.
I started a new thread because it's easier for me. I meant to reply to each of the comments on the last thread because they all really touched me, but i'm overwhelmed and don't feel up to writing very much...well, that's what I say but watch this post be huge like all of my other ones.... David's chest cold progressed to…
Headache doesn't go away
Hello, I'm not sure if this is the correct board to post this on, but I have a family member who has gone through and survived through different cancers (bladder, liver). She is currently fighting her most recent battle (stomach) and was told that the cancer was almost gone (with chemo). The problem is that she has…