Proton Therapy For Bladder Cancer

Angelgrl Member Posts: 4

It has been awhile since I have been on this board so I will give a summary of my bladder cancer and type.  Was diagnosed with agressive T2 high grade bladder cancer in November of 2014.  The size of the tumor was very large and underwent three months of chemotherapy that ended in March of 2015.  The chemotherapy alone decreased the size of the tumor dramatically.  The original plan was to have three months of chemotherapy and then a radical cysectomy.  Since the tumor decreased so much in size the surgery has been postponed and I have been montiored since March by my Oncologist and Urologist with CT scans, blood work and cystocopies.  Recently I have been feeling very weak and so I went in to see my primary doctor.  He ordered some blood work and a U/A.  The blood work came out fine, the U/A did not.  They found large amounts of blood in my urine.  My doctor wanted me to see my Urologist and I saw him last week.  He informed me that the blood is from the cancer.  He is giving me two options, one is to have radiation therapy or two to have the radical cysectomy.  I have been hearing a lot of good news about Proton Therapy and that it is safer than having the bladder removed by surgery.  Does anyone know more information about this therapy?  I am scheduling an appointment with a Proton Therapy Radiologist soon for a consultation.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thannk you.




  • Lazy_Bones
    Lazy_Bones Member Posts: 17 Member
    Radiation vs Radical

    Radiation vs Radical Caysectomy - wow. I participate on another bladder cancer forum, which is much more active than this one. It's . This forum is composed of only bladder cancer survivors and caretakers, and any question will receive dozens of first-person-based replies, along with what good medical advice each of these people has received - much like this board, only more active.