First Infusion Tuesday
Tuesday I have my first infusion of Human Blood Plasma Immunoglobulin g. I have CVID which increases my chances of getting gastric cancer by 50%. Compare that to smoking increasing lung cancer risk by 15% to 30%. The problem is, while the infusions have been proven to help a patient prevent infections, there is not much…
Fatigue ... Sandy... Others about 2 1/2 years post tx
Is any one else STILL battling fatigue? I'm 2 1/2 years post tx. I make myself go full days but sooo fatigued. Not tired, that's different... Anyone have suggestions?
leg swelling after radiation
Need some advice. I just got done with chemo and radiation. Im not sure if I am starting to get lymphoedema or water retention. I have been done for 4 wks now and even had visit with chemo doctor. He said it look like it gone but I havent even had a scan yet. I been exercise and went back to work. All of sudden I have…
Damnit! the anxiety is kicking in...
Tomorrow I find out the results from my surgery. I find out if the wide local excision got clear margins and I find out what the other "4 areas of concern" are that the surgeon also removed. My emotions have been up and down while waiting for all of this to happen but now the anxiety is kicking in full force. That feeling…
Nodules in groin
I can feel a small nodule in my high groin. Can anyone else feel this?
Keeping a wound clean
Yesterday morning one of the area on my anal margin that had been stitched up, busted open. It's a large area and deep and when I have a bm, it gets in there. I called my surgeon's office and she said I could come in and see him. I figured he'd give it a good clean and maybe stitch it up again but he didn't even look at…
This time of the year 3 years ago...
I was sitting in the oncology chemo room waiting to be hooked up to the pump for the first time. As I was sitting there, my eyes tearing up, I wondered if this was really happening to me. It seemed so surreal... Fast forward to the present - I survived and am almost 3 years post treatment. Scans, labs and checkups have…
I'm not sure how to react
I went in for my surgery to remove some growths and pigmented areas on my anal margin on Friday. Just before I was wheeled in to surgery, I had to sign the standard form they give you and at the top in big bold letters, it said "excision of carcinoma" something about seeing it in writing made it real to me. I started to…
First day done & dusted
So far so good! Taking this day at a time & trying to be prepared at the same time. Radiotherapist advised me to use aqueous cream or aloe vera. Told me with aloe vera I could apply in the morning but no need to remove it prior to radiotherapy. I'm on prophylactic antibiotics too for the duration of my treatment. I slept…
Thank you for all the support!
Unfortunately, I have been told that my discussions here have not been appropriate and have been deleted. For this reason, I must say goodbye to all the friends who I have met here. I can no longer post on a site that does not allow free speech about the costs of health care. For me paying for health care means survival.…
CSN terms & conditions
Each person agrees to abide by CSN terms & conditions upon registering. It is a violation of these T&C to advise or attempt to influence the views, beliefs, or decisions of other members with regard to their medical care, religion/faith, or politics. Venting about health care costs and sharing one's personal experience is…
So anxious, uh! Doctor appointment Monday
I am so anxious about Monday's appointment, what can one expect at the one year appointment? I have a few complaints (not sure if they are valid or not), my blood pressure is 102/61, never got back up to normal. I get tired a lot more easily than I used to. I have a constant pressure in the upper right ab area, just under…
Spot Bleeding
Has any female had spotting? (I believe it's vaginal.) I am 45 years old and have not had a period since right after beginning treatment for AC in Jan. 2013. Last month and this month (about 30 days a part), I have one spot of dark brown blood. (Sorry if it's TMI) Could my periods be returning? My oncologist vaguely…
planned CSN maintenance
Hi all, Planned maintenance will be done on CSN this morning between 5:00 and 8:00 Eastern Time. There may be one or more outages during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Greta
Immune deficiency
I found out I have CVID (common variable immune deficiency) and believe it could possibly be connected to the cervical cancer and invasive stage III anal cancer. I also have primary as well as secondary Lymphedema and Lung problems (Bronchiechitis). This illness is heriditary, not acquired. I never tested positive for HPV.…
CT scan: no spread, but ...
So I saw my medical oncologist a month ago, who recommended a CT scan, and THAT said "no evidence of spread". About 2 weeks later, I have a red ring around the radiated area (finished treatment 1/13). THEN I noticed a tiny pinhole in the skin near the anal area when I inspected because of a pain level of about a "2" down…
Pencil Style Stool
Question out there for survivors. I am 3 years out and have had on and off regular bowl movements. Thanks to supplements, I have had regular bowl movements 1-2 times a day. This past week, I noticed that I went from a bit constipated to a couple of pencil style stools and, of course, I am getting worried. While this just…
My new pound puppy, whom I have had for about a month, has been diagnosed with IMHA which is kind of a doggie lukemia. Poor prognosis.. Secondary to ticks. all eight pounds of her. She was soooo matted she could barely potty, 2 pounds of hair and matts removed and at least a hundred ticks. She is so very sweet and most…
Blood group
Just wondering what blood groups on here. I am AB Rh positive, a small group of the population. It is known to be associated with inflammation, & ad cancer is linked to inflammation, it made me wonder if there was some connection. Ok, I realise it's all so much more complicated than that, but worthy of a ponder. Liz
Anal Cancer Awareness
Hi Everyone, and "happy spring"!!!! I just googled anal cancer awareness day and hit on some info about No Cancer Left Behind and that anal cancer and colon cancer advocates were joining together to dedicate March 21st to anal cancer awareness!!! My computer is in need of help right now and not letting me post the…
Follow Up Care
It has been a few months since I have been on the site. I did read the latest posts and am happy to see many still active and, unfortunatley, some new posts with diagnoses. I am now 3 years NED and happy to report! I feel good but also still get anxious when I have any symptoms as all of you do. I have a question about…
Laz is NED!!!
I just got my PET Scan result and it shows no cancer activity now anywhere, including that seminal vesicle that looked abnormal on the CT. So after almost 10 months os treatment and fear I'm considered NED. I'm very relieved. Thank you so much for all of you. Could not do it without you. Wanna dedicate my happiness to…
More on diet and cancer
This research on eating meat and cheese is worth considering. Thought I would share this with yoyu. More evidence that a plant based diet is best. http://www.foodrevolution.org/blog/study-deadly-as-smoking/
On my 6 week of radation
I am writing to get some advice just start burning when I pee and my pelvic area is swollen and red. Had no side effects until this last week. All of sudden everytime I pee I liderally scream, feel like I am being cut with knife. Is there anything I can do that might work. I have used water bottle when peeing not working.…
3 years
Three years ago this month I received the dreaded diagnois of cancer. In fact, I was told right before I was to undergo a colonoscopy. The biopsy had been a couple of days before that. Fortunately the colonoscopy was clear. I had the usual chemo and radiation. I wondered if I ever would feel good again. I'm happy to say…
Almost 23 with Colon Cancer Symptoms.. Need Help/Advice
Hey im only 22 nearly 23 but iv been getting bad symptoms of Colon Cancer. Starting 2-3 years ago I was getting fatigued from basically nothing (Im as active as they come and Im a Personal Trainer Full Time), all through my legs was the worst and after even a 1km run it takes me 3-4 days to feel better even after stretch…
This my last week of radation. Done 2 round of chemo and going on my 6 week of radation. The doctor assistant says they dont check see if the cancer gone away until 3 months from now does that sound right? The radiation doctors say the chemo doctor order a pet scan or ct until about 12 wk afterward. Also going in my 6 wks…
Symptoms for 2 years but didn't know they were symptoms
About two years ago, I noticed, what looked to be skin tags on the outside of my anus. Didn't think anything of them. They didn't hurt and I'd read that tags there do happen. I also started to get itching in the area, which was odd to me but it only happened once in awhile and once I gave it a quick scratch, it would go…
CT results for Laz
The good news is that the liver and the lungs are clear. The bad news is that there is some abnormality in my left seminal vesicle, which is a gland next to the prostate. The doctor says it is very rare that rectal cancer would spread into this gland, especially since my cancer was far away from this area, but anything is…