Low Vitamin D levels and low platelet levels
I am 2 years post treatment and today I had my CT scan to see if I am still cancer free. However, I'm concerned. Prior to my treatment I had blood tests done and my Vitamin D is low so now I'm on meds for that. Also my platelets are low and my Mean Platelet Volume is high. The doctor wants to see the CT scan results before…
Brother recently diagnosed; journey begins with proton radiation therapy & chemo
greetings, my brother is 64 years old, HIV survivor for over 30 years and very lucky to have minimal complications over the years from having HIV. T cell counts over 500 and viral load non-existant, as of Dec 2014, even tho he was having some 'hemmoroid' problems. Anal abscesses prevented delays in diagnosis for anal scc…
aNY SURVIVORS OUT THERE bEEN TOLD THEY HAD RECTAL CANCER deposits after radiation, in theiir pathology report from APR? My oncologsit said I only had two lymph nodes T3N2M0 and not to worry! Surgeron is saying have poor prognosis due to some malignancy cells after radiation.
Good news Bad news
The good news is I had my second set of scans this past week and met with the oncologist and all good all clear, I am to be scanned again in 6 months. The bad news is I lost a very good friend this week to the evil of cancer. She went to a local hospital in February to have her gall bladder removed (routine so we thought)…
Xeloda--red spots on skin?
I have been taking Xeloda and I have a number of little red blotchy spots in differnt places: arms back of hand, legs, one ankle,etc. They do not hurt or itch . I had a dermatology consult and the Dr thought it was probably from Xeloda , as did my onc. The Xeloda is also making my freckles big and ugly and I think there or…
Hi all, My mon is in her last week do radiation, she is done on monday. She is extremely uncomfortable and burned. Her dr offered her a break but she is done on Monday. Her question is would it be worth it. Her pain is almost unbearable but after today she only has 3 more treatments
My Presentation at the International Anal Neoplasia Society conference
As I had previously posted, I was asked by Justine Almada of the HPV and Anal Cancer Foundation to give a presentation about my cancer journey to the attendees of the International Anal Neoplasia Society conference in Atlanta. And as I promised, I am posting my presentation for everyone to read. It was such a great…
Today is a GOOD day
I just want to share with you all that today is my 2 year mark (the day I finished treatment in 2013 for T2 or 3, N0, M0). I had MANY appointments in January (some how they all ended up in Jan. instead of March).....pelvic & abdominal MRI, blood work, high resolution anoscopy, oncologist & radiologist check-ups and all…
International Anal Neoplasia Society Conference
Before I get to the main topic of this post, I wanted to update my status. I saw my colorectal doctor this morning for my 6-month follow-up, including DRE and anoscope, and in her words, “I can’t tell you were even radiated”--trust me, I was!! That is the first time in 6 ½ years she’s ever said that, so I was very happy!…
Hoping for Breast Cancer - Really!
I was diagnosed with anal cancer in August 2014 and sent for the usual scans which showed another large tumor on my hip. The biopsy of the hip bone came back as breast cancer! Many scans, ultrasounds mri’s later, no primary breast cancer could be found. I went through the usual 5-FU, mytomycin and radiation treatment with…
Question about reoccurrence (again!)
Hey guys, We were doing really well, but unfortunately my mum knows some idiots who, incidentally, weren't there when we needed them, but now she's NED they are all there with theit "good messages". Anyway, one of them mentioned to my mum yesterday about somebody with bowel cancer and somebody with breast cancer who both…
feeling a bit chilled but no fever
Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone has ever felt a sense of infection,slight chills, no fever. I am 1 1/2 yrs post treatment. colonoscopy tomorrow. Please feel free to tell me any feelings you might have experienced. I am so afraid. We will see..thanks to all of you...Donna
From a guy who is anything but a crybaby
For the last week or so I have been very emotional. I am grieving lots of things about my life and having cancer. I am wondering if this is a typical part of this journey.
update on mom
Hi all!, My mom is in her 5th week of radiation and started second round of chemo today 96 hr pump. Shes been ok for the most part, very sore from radiation. She tolerated the first round of chemo ok, her biggest issue was mouth sores, she did have some.nausea but nothing severe she did need a transfusion along the way…
Hi All, Hope you're doing well and filling your days with great moments. To the newly diagnosed, or those currently undergoing treatment, it does get better! I promise your burns will eventually heal! I'm going in for one of my 3 month exams and have asked the (new to me) Dr if he will do a scope. They seem to not know…
Sandy, How are you?
Sandy, your recent absence has been quite noticeable. I hope all is well with you. Please let us hear from you. Hugs-- Martha
Cancer recurrence after a colostomy???
Does anyone know if Cancer recurrence after coloctomy surgery is it even possible to happen? I had the surgery in 2013 and am feeling similiar symptoms now when I first brought this to the attention of my doctors! Thank you
CT Scan Results
I had my follow-up CT scan yesterday as a follow-up to the questionable area on my liver on previous scans done last summer. Here are the results. 1) No definite CT evidence of recurrent or metastatic disease. 2) Stable 3 mm hypodensity within the right lobe of the liver which is too small to characterize but statistically…
Is it AnalFissure
Hi Everyone I just joined this forum I have been having a lingering chronic Anal fissure for the past 8 months now..started with awaful pain and slight blood (sometimes) during bowel movements I have done a flexible sigmoidoscopy the Dr insists its a chronic fissure and nothing cancarous but the pain has continued I Just…
NCI trial
Does anyone have any information or experience with the trial study at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland 13-C-0032? I have stage 4 cancer that mets to the liver and lungs. I am concerned about travel and housing costs and if someone has any suggestions. Thanks
Not Diagnosed But Preparing
I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy a couple of days ago and the results showed a circumferenial rectal mass from 5cm to 15cm from the anal verge and doctor's are concerned about maligancy. However, biopsy results have not come back yet so at the moment I'm just preparing myself. I'm not a pessimist but my wife passed away…
Spinal Stenosis
Three years after treatment still experiencing hip, buttock and thigh pain, stiffness and weakness...... Discussed once again with my (new) Chemo Dr. at a 6-month follow up visit this week. Instead of the usual response of silence I get from my doctors when I mention this pain, she pulled up the CAT scan results from May…
I had an incomplete colonoscopy today. This is the second incomplete colonoscopy since radiation. They used the pediatric scope but they could not get thru the first bend. Has this happened to anyone else? if so what procedure did they recommend to view the rest. I have a history of precancerous polyps.
Pain duration
Hi guys, Just a quick question to ask how long pain, from treatment, persists afterwards? My mum's 4 months post now, just about, but still gets a bit of pain after going to the toilet and other times. Is this normal?
Three Years Out and Still Having "Accidents"
Hello Everyone! I hope you all are doing great and at this point only a few of you might remember me. I have been cancer free for over three years now but at least once a month or maybe once every two months I have an accident. It usually happens when I am somewhere where I can't make it to the bathroom. On Wednesday I was…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this. If you received a message, please do not respond or…
I see light at the end of the tunnel
Hello everyone, I haven't posted in a long while, but since I am almost at the end of treatment I thought I would drop a few lines to make some comments, and hear some "after treatment stories". I am about to begin my sixth week of radiation and chemo therapies for recal cancer at Duke Raleigh Hospital. I must admit that I…
Wondering about what to expect post treatments
You know what? I am gonna make it after all. My treatment at Duke Raleigh Hospital began in December 2014. It has involved chemotherapy by portable infusion pump with the drugs 5FU and Mitamycin (?). Also, radiation therapy was M-F. I finished eveything one week ago today. I'm not feeling any relief or better in any way,…
graphic, I know
OK, so, 7 months post-treatment, I'm seeing a gel-like substance on the toilet papar....What the heck??? I'm telling myself it's scar tissue dissolving and leaving my body, but I just dreamed that up with no rational basis what-so-ever. Anyone else have something similar or an actual explanation? June
Stage IV (making progress!)
After 9 months of chemotherapy, including taxol and avastin, I went for routine cat scan in January. Per MD Anderson, I have no evidence of disease (NED) left in my liver. At diagnosis, I'd been told I had "innumerable" lesions in liver area. And so I am grateful and happy with recent news. Doctors originally told me…