appendiceal cancer

I have a friend whose husband was just diagnosed with this cancer.  He is in his 40's.  Was complaining of abdominal pain and went to an out of town doctor.  They said he probably had appendicitis and he drove a couple of more hours to get home to his hospital.  They perfomed an appendectomy and said his appendix did no rupture but it was leaking (never heard of that before) anyway standard pathology came back as cancerous. 


What next.  This was literally yesterday that his pathology report came back. 


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    appendiceal cancer is very

    appendiceal cancer is very rare.  I worked with a woman who was told they thought she had it and after surgery they said she didn't have it.  I remember her coming to me and I went and read as much as I could.  Again, it is rare, but it is curable. Google it a couple different ways, there is information out there.

    Good luck!!

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    He must find an appendix cancer expert.

    he may have to travel, but he must find an expert. I go to Sloan Kettering in NYC for my appendix cancer treatment.  Where is he located? I might know of an expert near him.

    FYI I  am an 8 year survivor. 

  • magicmore
    magicmore Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2017 #4
    Question re Flor Essence Tea Vs Essiac Tea

    Flor Essence Tea Vs Essiac Tea

    My question is simple. Are they the same thing?

    There seems to be conflicting stories about the formula being adjusted from an eight herb mixture to a four herb mixture. The four herb being the Essiac.

    What might you know about this tea, and it's effectiveness in reducing and/or removing tumor growth.

    Thank you in advance.

  • magicmore
    magicmore Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2017 #5
    I Have Psudomxsoma Peritonie

    This is that rare form of Appendecial cancer as was descibed above. My appendix had leeked mucinious cancer material into my abdomen and all over my insides which is why they call it stage four.

    I serched for surgeons who had experience with this, and found some in Boston, England, and San Diego. About six months ago they performed a relitevely new HIPEC proceedure. A very large insision, took out all of the mucinious materials, the pathology came back low grade (slow spreading), thank God, and in the operation took out my Gall Bladder, spleen, part of my liver, omentum, and had a super heated chemo liquid circulated in my abdomen for two hours before closing me up. I also had characteristic large bilateral hernias that were operated on.

    But as of the last scan it appears that they got it all, and despite what some sources claim I have a 50/50 chance that it won't grow back.

    I'm still heeling the pain from the massive nerves severed in the operation, but I'm confident I'll be fine for the long hall.

    I hope my story helps.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    edited March 2017 #6
    magicmore said:

    I Have Psudomxsoma Peritonie

    This is that rare form of Appendecial cancer as was descibed above. My appendix had leeked mucinious cancer material into my abdomen and all over my insides which is why they call it stage four.

    I serched for surgeons who had experience with this, and found some in Boston, England, and San Diego. About six months ago they performed a relitevely new HIPEC proceedure. A very large insision, took out all of the mucinious materials, the pathology came back low grade (slow spreading), thank God, and in the operation took out my Gall Bladder, spleen, part of my liver, omentum, and had a super heated chemo liquid circulated in my abdomen for two hours before closing me up. I also had characteristic large bilateral hernias that were operated on.

    But as of the last scan it appears that they got it all, and despite what some sources claim I have a 50/50 chance that it won't grow back.

    I'm still heeling the pain from the massive nerves severed in the operation, but I'm confident I'll be fine for the long hall.

    I hope my story helps.


    magicmore, thank you so much

    magicmore, thank you so much for coming and sharing your story.  Can you tell us where you had your HIPEC procedure?  How long has it been since you had this done?  I am happy to hear it appears they got it all.  The 'super heated chemo liquid circulated in my abdomen' is certainly new to hear about. 

  • Peachpatti
    Peachpatti Member Posts: 2
    magicmore said:

    I Have Psudomxsoma Peritonie

    This is that rare form of Appendecial cancer as was descibed above. My appendix had leeked mucinious cancer material into my abdomen and all over my insides which is why they call it stage four.

    I serched for surgeons who had experience with this, and found some in Boston, England, and San Diego. About six months ago they performed a relitevely new HIPEC proceedure. A very large insision, took out all of the mucinious materials, the pathology came back low grade (slow spreading), thank God, and in the operation took out my Gall Bladder, spleen, part of my liver, omentum, and had a super heated chemo liquid circulated in my abdomen for two hours before closing me up. I also had characteristic large bilateral hernias that were operated on.

    But as of the last scan it appears that they got it all, and despite what some sources claim I have a 50/50 chance that it won't grow back.

    I'm still heeling the pain from the massive nerves severed in the operation, but I'm confident I'll be fine for the long hall.

    I hope my story helps.


    appendix mass

    hello.  i'm having surgery this coming Thursday for a large appendix mass.  the first surgery is with a scope to take a look and see if the contents of mass has spread.  A bigger surgery is planned 1-2 weeks after the first.  HIPEC is a possiblity.  Scares me.  I found a doctor in Mass General, Dr Cusack.  who did your procedure?  I had a hard time finding a doctor.  I considered Dr Sugarbaker in Washington DC.


    i hope you are doing well.