Appendix Cancer
Hi, I'm new to this. I am 58 years old and in January of this year I experienced some unusual pain beliw my belly button, severe acid reflux with no fever. A CT showed I had diverticulitis and a mass in my appendix. In February my appendix was removed and I was told I had mucin that spread through out my abdominal cavity…
Breathing issues
Hello all. I was recently diagnosed with peritoneal cancer which originated as ovarian cancer in my omentum. In addition I have been dealing with ascites, blood clots in my lung and moderate plural effusion in my left lung. My oncologist says these are all related. I have completed 2 rounds of chemo, and my question is…
HIPEC wasn’t possible, now what?
Hi folks, New member here. I had full hysterectomy in January, and the pathologist report indicated the cancer originated in my appendix (which was also removed). I had 13 FOLFIX treatments and 1 FOLFIRI, then went in for debulking and HIPEC on Nov 14. When they opened me up, there was too much “plaque” and my PCI was 22…
Gallbladder cancer and peritoneal
hello everyone- my dad just diagnosed with stage 4 Gallbladder cancer. He had gallbladder removed with thin slice of liver and biopsy as no cancer suspected. Since then (and after an abandoned liver resection completion attempt) it has been restaged as 4, with spread to liver, peritoneal and lymphs. Surgeon extremely…
CEA and Crohns
My CEA is 169. My oncologist ordered a CT scan of abdomen and chest. The results showed several masse in the peritoneal cavity and the oventum. He told me I would need aggressive chem. He set me up an appoinment to get a port which I did not get yet. My GI doctor called me a few days later and told me he does not think it…
Loretta is Home
To all who ever benefited from Loretta’s postings, and I know many of you have, our dear friend has gone on to be with her Lord and loved ones. Her Homecoming day was yesterday morning, 3-5-19, around 1:30 AM. She is at peace and at rest, and enjoying her rewards. This Bible verse is most fitting: 2 Timothy 4:7-8 I have…
Primary Peritoneal Cancer & Treatment
Hello, My mom, age 67, was diagnosed last month with Primary Peritoneal Cancer. It started with bloating and abdominal discomfort. She was then sent for an ultrasound, blood test, and tapping (5 Liters drawn). Then her CA numbers were tested and found to be 536. She was diagnosed as Stage 3 PPC based upon this information.…
Peritoneal Carcinoma Questions to ask doctors?
Hi Everyone, I've read Loretta's information and it was so educational and helpful, so thank you to Loretta! My mother who is 68 went into the hospital on Friday bc she had fluid in her belly, she had bloating and pain when eating, the typical Peritoneal symptoms I keep reading about. She had a full hysterectomy in 2009…
Update & Farewell from Loretta Marshall~stopping treatments~ It's time to WALK AWAY
February 23, 2019 Update &Farewell letter to all my friends here on the CSN site Hello to all dear friends dealing with a cancer diagnosis- As you can see by the date on the bottom of this article by MAYO Clinic – February 20, 2006, I have kept this on file since then. And rightly so, since my husband, William Marshall,…
Not sure if I belong here
This has all happened just within the past month. My GP ordered a CT scan three weeks ago because my pancreatic enzymes were off. The CT revealed a golf ball sized mass in the small bowel mesentary, which is part of the peritoneum that supplies blood to the small intestine. He referred me to a gastroenterologist who…
After having BSO surgery, has anyone experience cancer in the peritoneal area later?
slow increase in CA125?
Long time in remission and getting scarier. Anyone with experience of slow increasing CA125's?
Hello, also new here, my husband was diagnosed last week.
His primary cancer was colon, went to liver. Both were respected, he did 6 months of chemo. Was NED, for one year, on his last pet, showed many tumors, and is inoperable. They told us 6 months, if he does nothing And is reccomending folfury and avastin to prolong life... Is there anything else available?
My boyfriend has been diagnosed stage 4 PMP
Hello, two weeks ago my boyfriend went to the ER with stomach pains. He was first told he had internal bleeding from what the X-ray showed. They thought his spleen burst. Once he had surgery they then knew it was cancer. A jelly like cancer spread throughout his organs. They immidietly told him he had 1 year to live. He is…
"Mom778082" Your ltr Re Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) ~ References here may help others N time 2 come
Dear Mom ~ You have written a post on an inactive forum topic so I've elected to place my answer to you here. You wrote: https://csn.cancer.org/comment/1628097#comment-1628097 10:36 on May 11th PMP "I was diagnosed with PMP in 1983. I'm trying to find out if anyone has heard of this spreading to the kidney. I have a large…
new here and diagnosed w/peritoneal cancer
Hello Everyone, I'm new to this site and I recently found out I have peritoneal cancer that has metastisized to my liver from my appendix surgery 3 years ago . Im going in for surgery on 05/08/18 to remove the cancer ans then have the Hipec. This is a first for me, can anyone give me any information on what to expect…
Remarks for Bambina43 - Appendix Cancer w/mets to the Liver - Surgery pending HIPEC planned as part
Hello Bambina43~ Since there will be others who will also have the same questions in the future, I decided to put this on a “separate topic forum” so that others who come after you can benefit by the same information. This has turned into a mini-tutorial. I already had most of the information stored in my WORD file because…
new here diagnosed with stage 3 Gallbladder cancer
I'm not sure where to post this exactly. I'm a 49 year old fairly fit male. I started having stomache issues a few years ago and went back and forth with my GI. He finally sent me for a "Hida Scan" and during this my gallbladder never showed at all. I was then refered to a GB surgeon. I met with the surgeon and he gave me…
My mother Primary Peritoneal Cancer(PPC)-Recurrence
Hello All- I hope the best for all of you. My mother is 74 years old, was diagnosed with PPC in June 2016. She was put on combination Chemo of PACLATAXEL/CARBOPLATIN, she took 4 cycles, then followed by a surgery to remove the ovaries completely, CA-125 was vlow and we were very hopeful..then followed by 3 cycles of the…
Mom was diagnosed with Peritoneal Cancer
Hi, my mom was diagnosed with peritoneal cancer in November and had her first chemo treatment December 14th. She did really well, but started going downhill Saturday (which we were told would happen). Now, she has pain in her stomach. Is this considered the "bone pain" that comes with Neulasta or is this the chemo killing…
Mom Dying of Appendix Cancer
Wondering if anyone has any experience to share about someone dying of appendix cancer? My mom was dx in December 2014 when her "appendectomy" revealed a ruptured tumor growing from her appendix; it was later determined to be mucinous adenocarcinoma. I think it is important to note: the local hospital pulled the tumor…
"ing930"~Primary Peritoneal Cancer info 4U~Heated Intraperitoneal Chemo may be option (HIPEC)
[This is "ing930's entry of February 4, 2018. https://csn.cancer.org/comment/1616042#comment-1616042 - ing930 - Primary peritoneal Feb 04, 2018 - 12:44 pm - Just diagnosed primary peritoneal stage4 B. I need to tall to survivors!] _________________________________________________ Hello “ing930” – First let me say that you…
Omentum surgery/removal questions
Hi all, I had hoped to get thru the holidays before tackling this topic, but my abdomin doesn't look "right" and the CT in August showed cancer in the omentum fat. I want to explore surgerry. Have not had any surgerry since diagnosis in May via laproscopic. Surgeon said could not do surgery, would have to do chemo.…
New diagnosis, questions about diet
My dad was recentely diagnosed with Carcinomatosis Peritonei (HCC), Stage 4 with origins from the appendix. Prior to this, he was an active, and healthy 66 year old man. In September, he started experiencing pain in his stomach and three different physicians thought he was suffering from constipation and colonoscopy came…
PPD Stage IIIC....Starting Chemo in 2 weeks...can't stop crying
New to this, diagnosed this week. What next?
Hello, Last week went in for my yearly physical, feeling great. Had a yearly physical in November with a colon exam all clean. Doctor this time says you are showing very slightly anemic ( very slightly). Doctor does a external exam of the abdomen and says we need a CT. Monday have my first ever CT scan and they say the…
About Vidatox Cancer Medication
Dear, Anyone know about Vidatox Cancer Medication? For Detail: http://vidatoxcancermedication.com/ Please give your opinion. Regards, Akhlak
treatment and prognosis
New to this diagnosis, I'm unsure why it's treated the same as ovarian cancer when they present differently. Has anyone found the treatment plan lacking?
Gemcidibene side effects
i was wondering if anyone has back & side pain from gemzar. My oncologist has ordered it with carboplatin & looking for hints on how to deal with the pain. The combo is working so I’d like to continue with it.
Doxil side effects
I have had my second round of Doxil and am now about midway through the 4 week cycle. This week I have had the burning hands and feet happen, also blotchy but not itchy rash on my lower legs and fore arms and a prickly itchy heat type rash on my chest, back and thighs! Talk about everything all at once! Also some…