Five Years Cancer Free and doing much better

dwhite0002 Member Posts: 126 Member
I haven't posted in awhile. I am now 37 years old. I wanted to let you all know that it has been 5 years since my seophageal cancer. Many of you know that I have gone through many, many dilations. I have FINALLY gone for about 9 months without a dilitation!!!!

I have kept my g-tube and have gained 40 lbs. since a year ago. It helps me with weight. I have never gotten over nasea when I eat. I eat BETTER, but not enough to gain and maintain weight. I am 6'4'' and about 170 lbs.

The tube works for me. I can eat what I want and not stress over the calories.

God Speed to you all,



  • annalan
    annalan Member Posts: 138
    Hi David, so good to know
    Hi David, so good to know how well you're doing. Five years, that really gladdens the heart of many here who read the grim statistics (including me). You're so young, hope you clock up many, many more years. Good luck.
    Ann (2)
    wife of Alan t3n1m0
    Posting from England
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  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    Dave so glad to hear you have gained some weight
    Hi Dave,
    You were my go to person for J tubes and I thank you for your information to help me get thru that time. I am glad to hear you have gained those 40 pounds and are not worried about having the tube and eating and keeping good nutrition going. Wish that nausea would go away and I have heard some people come on here once in awhile and say they have had eating problems but like you are happy to be here. Best wishes for continued success in the weight area, good to hear from you. take care,
  • dwhite0002
    dwhite0002 Member Posts: 126 Member
    unknown said:

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    Correction and Thanks!
    Yes, I meant j-tube, not g-tube. Typing error! I am still teaching and working in music. Thanks for your words of encouragement! I hope to check in a little more frequently.
  • nickgunboat
    nickgunboat Member Posts: 35
    Hi David,

    I'm kind of new here but just wanted to say thanks. It's really fantastic to hear that your a five year survivor. Really inspiring, thank you and congratulations!


    dx 03/09
    6 wks chemo and rads
    En Bloc Esophagectomy 07.09
    Dr Tom DeMeester/ USC
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Congratulations on five
    Congratulations on five years!!!! I'm at four years and still have problems with my esophagus closing, but this time Ihave went a few months. I have a problem but it's not getting any worse. I have to be very careful while eating, but I don't want a dialation again until it is an absolute neccesity.
    Hope to hear more good things in the future,