Update on Bob's recurrence

The PET scan is done and did not show anything other than the local recurrence in the esophagus. We were told this is a very rare occurence. Bob will have a very long and complicated surgery next Wednesday to remove the tumor at the anastomosis. There may be a series of surgeries as the reconnection may involve removing a section of colon if there isn't enough stomach to pull up to reattach. It is all unknown until the time of surgery, so they just have to go one step at a time. We are happy he will be able to have the 2nd surgery, but were told it is much harder this time around and will require much more time in the hospital. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and support. It means so much to us. If anyone has experienced a second surgery I would love to hear from you. I almost feel like a newbie again! Linda


  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    Good luck!!!
    Hi Linda,
    Did not even know second surgeries were possible!!!! Hoping that they can get all of it and that Bob does well in the hospital. Hard to think anything harder than the original surgery!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you all, make sure you put the date on the board so we know when to start the special prayers for Bob's recovery. take care,
  • rose20
    rose20 Member Posts: 258
    Donna70 said:

    Good luck!!!
    Hi Linda,
    Did not even know second surgeries were possible!!!! Hoping that they can get all of it and that Bob does well in the hospital. Hard to think anything harder than the original surgery!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you all, make sure you put the date on the board so we know when to start the special prayers for Bob's recovery. take care,

    This second surgery sounds
    This second surgery sounds terrible but I'm sure you both prayed on it and thought it through.
    I agree with Donna keep us informed on the date. My family will be praying for you both.
  • annalan
    annalan Member Posts: 138
    This is really good and bad
    This is really good and bad news. Good that the recurrence is local but unfortunate that the operation is not straight forward, but hopefully Bob will do just fine and I wish him a speedy recovery. It's like having a second chance for a relatively normal life.

    Ann (2)
    wife of Alan T3N1M0
  • GerryS
    GerryS Member Posts: 227 Member
    thanks for the update.......
    This is good news that another surgery can remove that tumor. Surgeries are tough but also necessary to get that cancer out of the body. We will keep your family in our daily prayers. Who is doing the surgery, is it at Mayo? Please keep us informed. We will be in Rochester on Feb 24 for my check up.

  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Great to hear they have a plan

    While a second surgery is certainly daunting it is great to hear that they have a plan. I have heard of using a section of the colon to bridge the gap between the stomach and the esophagus. I am so glad that Bob has a second opportunity at surgery.

    Lots of prayers coming your way

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • jss2011
    jss2011 Member Posts: 132
    2nd times a charm?
    I have to say doing this once is more than enough, however getting this tumor out is the main thing. The pamphlet I have said they do this here so I have read a bit about it, I really like that the colon is used, yes more worry of leaking but long term it does sound good. We asked about it and my hubby is just getting the pull up, could even be this week. Prayers for no complications and smooth recovery.

  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Agree with all the best wishes
    Praying for you. I was so disappointed to read about the reoccurrence; however, sounds like hope continues. Let's hope he gets good reports all the way. BMGky
  • Bobs1wife
    Bobs1wife Member Posts: 150
    Thank you everyone for your prayers and support!
    It is going to be a very big deal, but reading all the support in your posts helps me feel better. As for William's question regarding surgeons, yes, we feel we are in good hands. As for as experience, I can't find much reference for a "resection of a resection!" Again, the condition seems to be very rare, but I will continue to post and hopefully be able to let someone in the same position down the road know that we have been there.

    I forgot to post how this resection is being done. It is a McKeown procedure. Similar to the Ivor Lewis. We will be praying for enough stomach to pull up, as that would be the best case scenario for a faster recovery. Good comment about maybe this far out from the first surgery the stomach as been stretched out a bit. William is also right about the uncertainties of the first time around carrying over to the second time around. Possibly even a bit more anxiety, if that is even possible.

    We are praying for a full recovery, although we know it will take more time this time. We are each blessed to have a strong personal relationship with our Lord. In the beginning Bob knew where he placed his life, and it is no different now. He is in God's hands, and we will be praying to Him for a good surgery and outcome. Without our faith we would have nothing. (Our personal opinion expressed here.)

    And on a personal note, in the almost 2 years since diagnosis, March 31, 2010, we have had 2 beautiful new grandchildren born! Total is 5 now, and what joy, and the beauty of new life they bring. The older ones are 10 and 8 and can bring me to tears, with telling grandpa, "sit down and let me snuggle you", and "let me hold your hand". Support, love and compassion at such a young age!

  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    My faith is what I have
    My faith is what I have leaned on. It is what keeps me going when I feel the bottom is falling out.
    My grands have been so great through all my journey. They are such a joy.
    So glad Bob is able to have surgery again.
    Praying all will go well,
  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    Hoping for the BEST!!!
    Never heard of this second surgery either, but thank God they can DO this type of surgery!
    My prayers are with you and we will wait with you to hear what magic they can preform in these days.

    May God bless you and hold your hand during this new surgery.

  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Hooray for medical advances!
    I'm so pleased to hear that there is a plan for Bob's 2nd surgery, Linda. That's wonderful news!

    Hopes & prayers go with you both as journey toward a another surgery. You've got every positive thought and prayer sent your direction.

    Love & Hugs,

  • DanaMB3
    DanaMB3 Member Posts: 98
    Bobs1wife said:

    Thank you everyone for your prayers and support!
    It is going to be a very big deal, but reading all the support in your posts helps me feel better. As for William's question regarding surgeons, yes, we feel we are in good hands. As for as experience, I can't find much reference for a "resection of a resection!" Again, the condition seems to be very rare, but I will continue to post and hopefully be able to let someone in the same position down the road know that we have been there.

    I forgot to post how this resection is being done. It is a McKeown procedure. Similar to the Ivor Lewis. We will be praying for enough stomach to pull up, as that would be the best case scenario for a faster recovery. Good comment about maybe this far out from the first surgery the stomach as been stretched out a bit. William is also right about the uncertainties of the first time around carrying over to the second time around. Possibly even a bit more anxiety, if that is even possible.

    We are praying for a full recovery, although we know it will take more time this time. We are each blessed to have a strong personal relationship with our Lord. In the beginning Bob knew where he placed his life, and it is no different now. He is in God's hands, and we will be praying to Him for a good surgery and outcome. Without our faith we would have nothing. (Our personal opinion expressed here.)

    And on a personal note, in the almost 2 years since diagnosis, March 31, 2010, we have had 2 beautiful new grandchildren born! Total is 5 now, and what joy, and the beauty of new life they bring. The older ones are 10 and 8 and can bring me to tears, with telling grandpa, "sit down and let me snuggle you", and "let me hold your hand". Support, love and compassion at such a young age!


    You will both be very much
    You will both be very much in my thoughts and prayers as he goes through the 2nd surgery.
    May his recovery be on the easier side of the statistics and may this be his second chance at a cure. Is Dr. Wiegle the surgeon to perform this one as well?
  • Bobs1wife
    Bobs1wife Member Posts: 150
    DanaMB3 said:

    You will both be very much
    You will both be very much in my thoughts and prayers as he goes through the 2nd surgery.
    May his recovery be on the easier side of the statistics and may this be his second chance at a cure. Is Dr. Wiegle the surgeon to perform this one as well?

    2nd Surgery
    Yes, Dr. Wigle is the surgeon. It will be a very big surgery and an open procedure this time so longer recovery and also more chance for complications. He jokingly asked if he would be home 4 days after surgery this time! The answer to that one wasn't even a maybe!

    I think about you and your dad often and hope things are going well. Linda
  • Bobs1wife
    Bobs1wife Member Posts: 150
    DanaMB3 said:

    You will both be very much
    You will both be very much in my thoughts and prayers as he goes through the 2nd surgery.
    May his recovery be on the easier side of the statistics and may this be his second chance at a cure. Is Dr. Wiegle the surgeon to perform this one as well?

    2nd Surgery
    Yes, Dr. Wigle is the surgeon. It will be a very big surgery and an open procedure this time so longer recovery and also more chance for complications. He jokingly asked if he would be home 4 days after surgery this time! The answer to that one wasn't even a maybe!

    I think about you and your dad often and hope things are going well. Linda
  • DanaMB3
    DanaMB3 Member Posts: 98
    Bobs1wife said:

    2nd Surgery
    Yes, Dr. Wigle is the surgeon. It will be a very big surgery and an open procedure this time so longer recovery and also more chance for complications. He jokingly asked if he would be home 4 days after surgery this time! The answer to that one wasn't even a maybe!

    I think about you and your dad often and hope things are going well. Linda

    My dad is doing very well,
    My dad is doing very well, thank you for thinking of him. He has been so fortunate to have had a great recovery and no side effects in terms of problems eating, etc. He just had his most recent scan last week and it was good. We know (as of course you know) that things can change at any time but for now we are enjoying the opportunity to breath and focus on other things right now. (Unfortunately my father-in-law was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer, so while I wish I could say I have a break from thinking about cancer, that is not the case). But for my dad, we will enjoy this "cancer free" time and make the most of it.

    I will be on the look out for your updates and praying for your husband's health, Dr. Wigle's skilled hands, and strength for you as you go down this road again.

    And congratulations on the new grandchildren! Such a joy!
  • ritawaite13
    ritawaite13 Member Posts: 236
    Bobs1wife said:

    Thank you everyone for your prayers and support!
    It is going to be a very big deal, but reading all the support in your posts helps me feel better. As for William's question regarding surgeons, yes, we feel we are in good hands. As for as experience, I can't find much reference for a "resection of a resection!" Again, the condition seems to be very rare, but I will continue to post and hopefully be able to let someone in the same position down the road know that we have been there.

    I forgot to post how this resection is being done. It is a McKeown procedure. Similar to the Ivor Lewis. We will be praying for enough stomach to pull up, as that would be the best case scenario for a faster recovery. Good comment about maybe this far out from the first surgery the stomach as been stretched out a bit. William is also right about the uncertainties of the first time around carrying over to the second time around. Possibly even a bit more anxiety, if that is even possible.

    We are praying for a full recovery, although we know it will take more time this time. We are each blessed to have a strong personal relationship with our Lord. In the beginning Bob knew where he placed his life, and it is no different now. He is in God's hands, and we will be praying to Him for a good surgery and outcome. Without our faith we would have nothing. (Our personal opinion expressed here.)

    And on a personal note, in the almost 2 years since diagnosis, March 31, 2010, we have had 2 beautiful new grandchildren born! Total is 5 now, and what joy, and the beauty of new life they bring. The older ones are 10 and 8 and can bring me to tears, with telling grandpa, "sit down and let me snuggle you", and "let me hold your hand". Support, love and compassion at such a young age!


    Hi Linda
    Wow! This really sounds like quite the ordeal but at least no one is throwing in the towel so that's encouraging. How blessed you are to have those sweet grandchildren to keep encouraging both of you. They are such a nice distraction at a time like this. I'm glad you both have a strong faith to help you through this difficult time.
    Hugs to you both,
  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    TerryV said:

    Hooray for medical advances!
    I'm so pleased to hear that there is a plan for Bob's 2nd surgery, Linda. That's wonderful news!

    Hopes & prayers go with you both as journey toward a another surgery. You've got every positive thought and prayer sent your direction.

    Love & Hugs,


    Linda, I'm praying for great
    Linda, I'm praying for great results and an uneventful recovery.
  • Raleighdon
    Raleighdon Member Posts: 11
    Bobs1wife said:

    Thank you everyone for your prayers and support!
    It is going to be a very big deal, but reading all the support in your posts helps me feel better. As for William's question regarding surgeons, yes, we feel we are in good hands. As for as experience, I can't find much reference for a "resection of a resection!" Again, the condition seems to be very rare, but I will continue to post and hopefully be able to let someone in the same position down the road know that we have been there.

    I forgot to post how this resection is being done. It is a McKeown procedure. Similar to the Ivor Lewis. We will be praying for enough stomach to pull up, as that would be the best case scenario for a faster recovery. Good comment about maybe this far out from the first surgery the stomach as been stretched out a bit. William is also right about the uncertainties of the first time around carrying over to the second time around. Possibly even a bit more anxiety, if that is even possible.

    We are praying for a full recovery, although we know it will take more time this time. We are each blessed to have a strong personal relationship with our Lord. In the beginning Bob knew where he placed his life, and it is no different now. He is in God's hands, and we will be praying to Him for a good surgery and outcome. Without our faith we would have nothing. (Our personal opinion expressed here.)

    And on a personal note, in the almost 2 years since diagnosis, March 31, 2010, we have had 2 beautiful new grandchildren born! Total is 5 now, and what joy, and the beauty of new life they bring. The older ones are 10 and 8 and can bring me to tears, with telling grandpa, "sit down and let me snuggle you", and "let me hold your hand". Support, love and compassion at such a young age!


    2nd surgery
    This truly is one of those good news-bad news scenarios and while the 2nd surgery is long and complex and there is a greater risk of complications, it sounds like the team is putting together a solid plan. I experienced severe complications during my esophagectomy (Oct. 26, 2011) and ended up having 4 more surgeries to try to resolve those issues, finally emerging from the hospital on December 16th. These problems are always possible when surgeons are opening people up, but fortunately, these occur in a small number of the surgeries done, so keep your faith in the team and in your God, and you will be fine. I'll keep your family in my thoughts, hoping for a full and speedy recovery.
  • Bobs1wife
    Bobs1wife Member Posts: 150

    2nd surgery
    This truly is one of those good news-bad news scenarios and while the 2nd surgery is long and complex and there is a greater risk of complications, it sounds like the team is putting together a solid plan. I experienced severe complications during my esophagectomy (Oct. 26, 2011) and ended up having 4 more surgeries to try to resolve those issues, finally emerging from the hospital on December 16th. These problems are always possible when surgeons are opening people up, but fortunately, these occur in a small number of the surgeries done, so keep your faith in the team and in your God, and you will be fine. I'll keep your family in my thoughts, hoping for a full and speedy recovery.

    I'm sorry you went through so much, but it is so nice of you to share your experience. There is the possibility of multiple surgeries for Bob. With the 1st surgery we didn't know what to expect. This is the same feeling, even the 2nd time around. It's so good you are doing well now. Thank you for the encouraging words. Linda